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Everything posted by skeptic36

  1. It's not only a job for RAA, there are plenty of GA pilots that seem to think the aim is to fit in as much as they can in as short of a transmission as possible and being understandable is not important at all....
  2. They have found the problem, below is written by Glade Montgomery: This is somewhat of a postscript. It was not a quick process, and (since my Revo is now diagonally clear across the country from its manufacturer) it definitely required a bit of cooperative effort on my part. Regardless, we finally found a solution on the 912iS warm-start problem that developed about mid-way through my big cross-country trip (you may read above for details). First, it turns out Rotax was purely innocent. The problem was outside their product. More specifically, it was in a spade connector on a relay within the outside wiring. The fuel-injection engine has two fuel pumps (redundancy in virtually everything). Until the engine is actually running, a different and separate circuit is required to keep those fuel pumps powered. And, it's not like in a carburated engine where a fuel pump might merely assist. For fuel injection, at least one fuel-pump running is essential. Anyhow, this separate circuit is engaged via a little relay. The symptom I had was that, when attempting to start warm, within fractions of a second of the cranking action beginning, both fuel pumps would shut off (there are separate lights for each fuel pump, which makes the shut-off rather obvious). With both fuel pumps off, further cranking was futile. It turns out it's this relay that's involved in keeping the fuel pumps powered pending engine start, and one of the wires connecting to this relay, via spade connector, was not tight. The female-end of the spade connector was just a little slack. The fix, once this was discovered, was as simple as pulling off the female end, squishing it a little tighter with pliers (so the parts that ultimately clamp on the spade are nearer together), then re-inserting the spade (don't think anything sexual here, please). I tested afterward, and all was perfect. I am happy. Evolution Aircraft contracts with Powrachute in Michigan for direct manufacture of the Revo. This company does superb work. With a tremendously complex aircraft, this is the one (and only), directly definable and operational defect I have encountered. It appears. when someone at Powrachute attached the seven spade connectors to this particular relay, that person failed to notice this particular female end was not really and truly tight when pushed upon its adjoining spade (again, no sex please). BTW, this was the first time Powrachute ever built a Revo with a 912iS, which encompasses monumentally more external wiring as compared to the standard 912s. Though the consequence was frustrating, I have to tell you I am really impressed that this is the "worst" problem I've encountered, from the very, very fine work done on my Revo. I salute Powrachute for their excellent work, for the pride they obviously take in their work, and I further and even more strongly salute Larry Mednick, his dad Phil, and the whole crew at Evolution Aircraft for the intense dedication they have to this sport. I could hardly be happier. They afforded me a great adventure, along with further and continuing sublime enjoyment in my incredible aircraft.
  3. Well Dex, it's clear you will have to leave first in future to save all this drama for pilots trying to leave before you ;-)
  4. Yeah, shoulda stuck with Iggle Piggle!
  5. IN THE NIGHT GARDEN: IGGLE PIGGLE'S BLANKET WALKS ABOUT BY ITSELF Thursday 18th April at 6.30 pm (30 minutes) Channel: ABC 2 Igglepiggle is enjoying dancing in the garden. He leaves his blanket in a safe place but when he returns, it is gone. Should be good
  6. http://www.ebay.com.au/itm/Auster-J5B-Autocar-/300891616182?pt=AU_Aircraft&hash=item460e89b3b6&_uhb=1#ht_500wt_922 That might hold you till it arrives
  7. Phil, I agree that it's not the end of the world if you come out of the turn on final and find you are not lined up exactly, but I believe the instructor should be teaching you to put the trike or any other aircraft where you want it to be, part of putting the correct control inputs to achieve the result you want. If he/she accepts mediocrity it is never going to get better once you achieve your certificate. Regards Bill
  8. Great video mate, it isn't often I sit through these without skipping bits. How do you get the shed posts to bend out to make room like that? Regards Bill
  9. I've never met the woman, but I reckon Corrine Baker must be right up there ;-)
  10. Maybe because they are continually hammered about there engine failing is probably going to be fatal and faced with that (questionable ) fact it would be difficult not to panic.
  11. And yet there seems to be many pilots around that have had multiple engine failures over there career (in my view due to a lack of understanding how to manage the mighty 2 stroke) and are still here to talk about it.
  12. I can understand G.A concern for maintenance when I watch them regularly head north east over my property at around 1500ft with what must be about 2% chance of a safe landing site for at least 100 km. I have never identified raaus or Hgfa aircraft heading that way. I don't for 1 minute condone slack maintenance, but I believe most of us are trained to maintain glide distance to potential landing site which could be a reason for our confidence in comparison to our G.A colleagues. Regards Bill
  13. For the open cockpit flyers I have the ozrunways app for my iPad ( haven't tried it in flight yet) and I said to teenage son gee too bad the apple messaging is only good for apple users (most of my family are android users) because it would be really good for sending a text while flying, what with the big keyboard and all. He just looked at me the way they do and says ,"just get Viber". It wasn't quite that simple because they haven't quite finished setting it up for iPad yet so we had to use my mobile number to accept the security code, but now it seems to work fine, and it's free. Not that I'm a cheapskate or anything....... Hope this useful to some. Regards Bill
  14. Hi Keenaviator, Several hours with your hands up like that, don't they get numb? Regards Bill
  15. Yeah that'd be nice. When's it going to happen?
  16. Had a fly of the Revo with Larry in the back seat, now there is a man that knows his stuff ! We drove over to Yarrawonga on Monday night, spent the night then went out to the airfield early. The 100hp Revo with 12.5m sport wing is certainly a completely different animal to my Quantum Q2 with the 582 strapped on the back. Very impressive. Just have to say what an impressive character Larry is. Although he was there to extoll the virtues of his Revo, there was also a Tanarg with Bionix13 and an Airborne Arrow in the hanger and the man was happy to point out all that is good about the those 2 aircraft to me, something that I found refreshing, as one of my pet peeves in the industry is factories and instructor/salespeople not so much bagging other peoples stuff but making claims about there products, such as cruise speeds and glide ratios that are not able to be reproduced in reality (something that was going on in the background at the same time re one of the other machines). We then followed on down to Melbourne in the evening to the Southern Microlight club meeting where Larry gave a talk on Spiral dive recovery and using you body and positioning yourself to best control the aircraft at all times. Again I say the man knows his stuff.
  17. F.D I use Thunderbird, and although I have never done it, you can go into tools, message filters, and then set it too delete all messages from a source. Regards Bill
  18. Kiekhaefer O-45-35 flat-twin piston engine http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Beecraft_Wee_Bee
  19. When you find it again, go to the top right of the page and click on watch thread, then you can choose to receive email notifications when there has been activity. Regards Bill
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