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Posts posted by scre80

  1. My instructor/CFI did much the same with me, we went out on a normal lesson, Emergencies outside the circuit, and wing drop recoveries. When we got back, he was filling out the debrief paperwork, and he started filling out a page titled something like: "Flight Test for the issue of Recreational Pilot Certificate". He reached over shook my hand, and said, "Congratulations Captain, you are now a pilot" I was expecting one or two more lessons to be honest. That was last week, my head is still spinning from it!

    I like it when they do that, so you do not stress.



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  2. I mowed the lawn today, and after doing so I sat down and had a cold beer.The day was really quite beautiful, and the drink facilitated some deep thinking.


    My Wife walked by and asked me what I was doing, and I said 'nothing'. The reason I said 'nothing' instead of saying 'just thinking' is because she then would have asked . . . 'about what?'


    At that point I would have had to explain that men are deep thinkers about various topics, which would lead to other questions.


    Finally I pondered an age old question:


    Is giving birth more painful than getting kicked in the nuts?


    Women always maintain that giving birth is way more painful than a guy getting kicked in the nuts, but how could they "know"?


    Well, after another beer, and some more heavy deductive thinking, I have come up with an answer to that question.


    Getting kicked in the nuts is MORE painful than having a baby, and even though I obviously couldn't really "know", here is the reason for my conclusion.


    A year or so after giving birth, a woman will often say, "It might be nice to have another child."


    On the other hand, you never hear a bloke say, "You know, I think I would like another kick in the nuts."


    I rest my case. Time for another beer, and then maybe a nap in that hammock.



    And this is how us men easily get in trouble and put into the dog house!!



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  3. Cheers mate.I tend to do a factory reset after doing updates but with limited internet at the moment I don't want to do it all again, only doing it today with Telstra's free data day.

    I have never had to do factory resets after an update. THe telstra free day while good, unfortunately I had nothing to update!! I have 200GB on home adsl anyway.



  4. Has anyone updated to IOS 9.2.1 ? Keeps prompting me to update but I am worried its gonna screw avplan and ozrunways and I only just installed 40 gig of data on a day of free telstra data and don't want to lose it.iPad Mini 4

    Updated mine and have had no issues with oz runways. I have an iPad mini 4 64gb 4g version



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  5. I found having to keep the nose higher very different on landing. Didn't help we had a fluctuating wind from straight down the runway to a full side cross wind of 10 knots for the first time!! Made it interesting!!



  6. Hi All,


    Today I had my first flight to be certified in the J230. I had only ever flown the J170. Quite a difference between the 2, especially in landing.


    Was quite surprised how high I also had to get the nose in the takeoff, and goes with out saying from the bigger engine, got to circuit height in no time at all!!


    Anyone else got anything to share about the difference between flying the 2 aircrafts?



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  7. From my limited knowledge base, yes.Take a 320 to 350 kg plane, add 2 "healthy" Australian men, fuel and baggage for a decent trip and you are well over 600kgs. 752 may not be needed but I think at least 650 would be helpful, 700 ideal.

    Totally agree.

    As many have commented, where to you draw the line between RA Aus and GA. Hard one but I agree 650 to 700kg. It means in a j230 which can be taken away with full fuel.


    So do we bring up controlled airspace endorsement then!! I think this is a good one, mainly for confident on how to speak to controllers when and if the need arises. It would also help for making some trips north to south quicker in Adelaide, as I am sure it will in other states.



  8. So would it be fair to say, that if Flying Clubs could help fill this void at any event no matter the location, that is a good fit? I think it is.


    Don't get me wrong, I am not saying that states need to be over represented or we have to have a state based system. We need to have the right people in the jobs, if that means they are in NZ, I say fantastic. We need to ensure for everyone one no matter where they are, they feel represented by the right people in the right positions. Hopefully that sums it up well? As for how they communicate, I work remote to my team 95% of the time, and I rely on video conferencing every day, instant chat messages and good old phone calls. There technology is there and it works as long as you can use it effectuvly


    Also for e-readers, PDF files are quite bad. They work better with files specifically designed for e-readers like epub files. If there is a large percentage of the members that want this, lets raise it. Again it will come done to cost vs demand, and unfortunately if there is not enough demand, then it can not justify the cost.



  9. But WHAT voice needs to be heard from SA and WA that is different from the other states when the definitional coverage of aircraft and operational restrictions on aircraft and pilots is national?As was pointed out above when there is $$$ being collected and redistributed (like the Federal Govt) then there is a visible and fundamental difference between State A and B ... when there is no $$ being collected and redistributed then whats the issue?


    Yes the RAAus has to cover the geography of the entire country and on things like coverage of training and governance oversight of authorized personnel and operations (instructors, maintainers etc) the fact that the CASA will hold RAAus accountable for ALL people under its banner drives the need to provide oversight and coverage to all areas so there is not really a 'need' for State A to have its 'need' for support and oversight represented on the board.


    As for sports pilots online ... please comment on how it is an improvement to redesign the layout of ALL the pages for perfect print layout at the expense of online/mobile device reading? The 'improving' online version now can ONLY be read as a two page layout - all the .pdf are two page - and on a mobile reading device like a kindle (specifically designed to read online material) they are now having to be zoomed and wandering around trying to read it - its a terrible move AS IMPLIMENTED.

    So are you saying that the people in SA / WA / NT & TAS are not import and do not need a voice? also, how easily will a rep from RA Aus attend any events in these states if there is no rep local? funding travel from the eastern states is expensive, especially to WA.

    As for the sports pilot, I have no issues. A simple double tap on the article you want to read and the device will zoom in to that specific item, works in PDF's and Issuu. If you have suggestions to improve on this, other than just keep it as a printed format, would love to hear it. Remember what I said, to get in touch with the younger generation, they all use tablets or phones. Making the sports pilot online was a need to keep with the current times.



  10. Lots of interesting discussion here.


    I would still like to see some state based representation on the board. If WA / SA have no one local to represent the state, being more remote than the eastern states, how will we have our voice heard?


    I am all for change and modernising systems. the sports magazine going online, great move. new site, great move again. Accepting change, some people are great at this while others not so much. The younger generations coming through want more change, flexibility and instant information / communication at the touch of a button. If we area organisation that does not change with the times, becomes more flexible / dynamic and promotes ourselves in social media forms, we are in for a very rough time.



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  11. I'd have thought the easiest way to promote it to youngsters would be to get a presence in school / university as a flying club. Maybe offering free experience lessons to those at school and aiding in aircraft availability with the university groups?There are rugby, soccer, football, ice hockey etc clubs in these environments so why not recreational aviation?

    Totally Agree. Must be 5 to 8 high schools within 10km from the Airfield I fly out of. Great opportunity.



  12. The 170 is a 160 with a 230 wing. Hence the 160 is limited to 540kg and the 170 to 600kg. I found the 170 a bit too floaty when landing for my liking.

    I have only ever flown the J170 so not sure about the floating compared to others. But yes it can float a little if you are coming in too fast.



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  13. The brother in law visits once a year from Oz. He usually looks like he is going snowboarding during the summer!I believe the difference between the 160 and 170 is the wingspan? Thanks for the reply 101_thank_you.gif.0bf9113ab8c9fe9c7ebb42709fda3359.gif

    From the Jabiru websire

    Jabiru J170-D


    The J170 was developed with the flying schools in hotter climates in mind. It is the J160 with the longer wings of the J230 and a bigger elevator. The longer wings allow it to climb faster in hot conditions. The longer wings also provide more float on landing which is helpful when learning to land. The dual controls and adjustable rudder pedals are continued in this model. The 100 knot TAS cruise speed is still easily achievable at 2850 rpm.



    Pretty sure the hotter conditions is the UK is not going to be an issue!!



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  14. Don't be so sure. Sometimes we have a summer heatwave in the UK where it hits 15 degree Celsius for a week.It's so depressing 051_crying.gif.fe5d15edcc60afab3cc76b2638e7acf3.gif

    I was there in summer once, it 25 Deg and it was a heat wave, almost had to take the jumper off!!

    I fly the J170, very similar to the J160. Handles very well and I have never had any issues.



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  15. He used to be on here. a memberDoug Mason. RIP Dougy.

    He is the man that gave me my invader and help me out with the jackaroo


    He was also going to be a main character in movie .


    We had plans of turning my lightwing into a float plane for movie


    I really am very sad. And shocked


    This morning right before passing he sent me message - he was in his hangar just about to drag his new Baby ( slipstream) out for a taxi run. He mentioned how perfect the weather was. And also mentioned having trouble dragging out the big beast.. But was in very positive spirits about doing a taxi run..

    Very sorry and sad to hear this flyerme. Condolences to you and Doug's family.



  16. Hmmm. Just took a look at a nice Blue RAA 19 reg RV9. At goolwa SA ...All where drooling over it and msking noise until I mentioned the numbers on the side. owner disappeared and all was very quite? Then apparently I upset someone by asking out loud " how did this thing go getting RAA Rego". Oops outcayes the sa page but also the bigger. " Australian Aviation Events"


    Yeh Hitting The a high Schools would be the go with an inspirational speaker?... I'm working on getting my book into school library's and also really hope to inspire with my movie. No. I Dont make money from these( it actually costs me money ) lol. But I don't care.. I'm very passionate and just enjoy sharing our sport with all.......

    Just joined. Matt Hall would be a great speaker. Busy man though



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