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Everything posted by PaulN

  1. Hi gang, Paul Phelan, editorial writer for Australian Flying has posted the following elsewhere on this forum. Here's your chance to contribute to a popular and credible publication, and maybe get some more publicity for this forum site we all love to visit ;). Paul Paul Phelan wrote ... Hi folks, being new to this forum I may or may not be filing this in the wrong place. I'm an aviation writer who's also done a lot of commercial GA and regional airline flying. At the moment I'm preparing a feature for Australian Flying on what home building an aeroplane is all about, and would welcome hearing from anyone who is currently involved in such a project, whom I can quote as an example. It will cover: Kit planes: the various options to build your own aircraft;build options – from plans and raw materials to bolt-together kits; How much do they cost?How easy/complicated does it need to be?How long does it take? What tooling and expertise you need? Regulatory issues; And everything else you need to know to get started and eventually get airborne. An e-mail to [email protected] with your phone number would bring a prompt phone response. I already have lots of notes but it would help to refer to some current projects that people are actually working on. However I need to file the copy this week.
  2. Wilpena Pound Resort strip. Cords S31:31 E 138:37 Paul
  3. G'day Mike, Great idea and wonderful area to flight-see. Gwen and I spent a few days at Wilpena Pound Resort on our trip to the Centre in the CT back in Aug 05. At that time it was just after unusually good rains leaving everything green and with the contrasting reds of the surrounding ranges was just magnificent. We did a 4WD tour out of the Resort which took us around some of the ridges up behind Rawnsley Park Stn leaving us with many great memories and photos. One of my most memorable moments was our arrival there. As arranged, while in flight we made a mobile call to the chief pilot to advise our arrival time only to find that the co-ordinates and strip details we gleaned from the AOPA National Airfield Directory were all wrong ... wrong location, wrong runway profiles, wrong strip length, wrong elevation and wrong comms frequency ... at least the name was right. To add to the confusion an airstrip as described in the directory but not as described by the Wilpena pilot appeared right in front of us, Rawnsley Park. To add even more to the confusion we had three other aircraft in the same airspace calling to each other and (thankfully) looking out for us. To aid our search and to keep well clear of the other traffic we climbed to 6500. What a magnificent view of the Pound we had from there but a wee bit busy to get any pics. Now we could see what might be the strip ... what, that tiny strip of gravel? Confirmed by sighting one of the Wilpena planes approaching to land we made our call and dropped in to join circuit. Down we went from 6500 to 2700 ... what, you've got to be kidding? The active runway is 09 which made the downwind leg uphill, that's right, uphill. Running right under the downwind led was a ridge line of very rugged hills increasing in height as we flew straight toward the base of St Mary's Peak so that at the point where we turned base we had about only about 300' between us and the hill tops. That's not all, now we had to lose height in preparation for the approach which meant dropping down toward another ridge line over which we had to turn to final. The final leg follows the ridge line so that all the way down we held a steady 100' or so above ground calling for plenty of concentration, on the edge all the time for wind shear. Now, add to this a 15-20 knot cross wind surging over the hills you might just begin to picture our "theme park" ride in, pitching and tossing every which way. But as you can see we made it down OK, on the second attempt. What a strange place to locate a runway, the road would have been easier to land on. I'm so proud of Gwen. Knowing how anxious she gets in bumpy air she handled this very well indeed, even thanked me for a good landing. Makes it worthwhile. Early morning departure from Wilpena also was interesting. We had to wait out a passing early morning thunder storm and then chase off the roos and emus as we taxied. They advise all departures from 09 to be r/hand to avoid taking chunks out of the surrounding hills and spoiling the landscape, something I wasn't aware of when doing our go around a few days before. Just as well the CT has no problem climbing out of tight spots. Great memories, great trip ... go for it. Paul
  4. Brent, I'll keep an eye out and let you know if I see any regular visitor with similar sounding alphas. Paul
  5. Hi there Geoff, Sorry for delay, been away enjoying the CT up to Gold Coast and back. If your asking about my last airfield pic, Pelourus32 guessed it, YADY (Adaminaby). I have a few more to post soon, when I get time to download the camera. Talk some more then, Paul PS It was good to catch up at Natfly.
  6. Enjoyed sharing your trip Rob, in fact I enjoyed most of it first hand last Friday and again this morning. My son Steve and I travelled from Cooma to Moruya on Thurs evening arriving just before last light to avoid the likely delays at Cooma due to morning fog on Friday. Many thanks to Graham (CFI) and Moruya Aero Club for on-the-spot overnight accommodation. Then departed Moruya at 0630 Friday to put down at Wallsend (as seen in your pic) for 30 mins to clean the screen, pee and stretch at 0830. Off again past Nobbys, along Stockton Beach and on to Port Macquarie for fuel and lunch before heading away again to arrive at Gold Coast airport at 1445. Also many thanks to Garry Sweetman of Sport Air Services for hnagar space at YBCG. Then all over again in reverse with my wife Gwen on Monday to Port and home today via Warnervale for fuel. Near perfect conditions both ways. Don't you just love this recreational flying thing ;) ;) ;)? Cheers, Paul
  7. OK, clear to go. We're off for YNRM at 0715. See you all there. Have a safe journey and remember, the destination is only the reason for going, the trip should be fun. Paul PS And I am not pulling off the sealed runway for anyone ... unless he's bigger and meaner :).
  8. Brent, What is your rego? PM me if you don't want it broadcast. Maybe there is another a/c using YCOM with something that sounds similar. Paul
  9. Darn smoke haze, the Monaro is socked in today and now their talking "mainly cloudy" for Thursday as well. Aaaaghh!!! GO AWAY . Paul
  10. CHILDS TOY???? . That's not what you said when flying her. Everyone knows CT stands for COSMIC TRAVELLER. See you there Mike. Paul
  11. Just took a look. You know, I think Ian's CTsw is unregistered as there is no 244848 listed. Come on Ian, do the right thing and own up ;). Paul
  12. Yeah I know, that's why I scrounge the dockets from their bins . Paul
  13. Right on sailor ;). How'd you pick it so soon? It's usually dry and brown here so I thought being so green would throw you guys off the scent. Maybe it was talk of our fly day and pics of Eucumbene ... too easy. Paul
  14. Rob, I expect it will improve soon as we plan to track back to Cooma from Narromine down the Hunter Valley to NBB then coastal past Sydney before cutting inland at W'gong past ACT to Michelago ... at least we really hope it does . No matter, if it takes it's time so will we. Paul
  15. I had the pleasure of sharing the same airspace with Slartibartfast today, and wasn't it just perfect! Thought I'd share a couple of pics taken of Lake Eucumbene (part of the Snowy Hyrdo Scheme). At capacity this store of water is said to hold around nine times the volume of Sydney Harbour but right now I wonder if it holds as much as the Harbour x 1. Doesn't it look really sad, although for the fisherman there must be a higher ratio of fish to water, so there might be something good about it. Cheers, Paul
  16. Hi Andy, I can't help you with any details of these strips but can confirm that neither is listed in the AOPA directory. There is one at Nambucca however. Although about 25nm S (3040S 15259E) this may help. The AOPA lists the operator as John and Maureen Monckton on 0265688105. Paul
  17. When I first saw this advertised in the RA-Aus mag I sent an email asking from an indicative price. Funny thing, they didn't reply. Guess I need to show up with bank manager in hand before they'll talk. Anyway, not interested ... too far north and too hot and humid for this little duck, besides, I couldn't afford the staff :;)4:. Paul
  18. Being the scrooge that I am, Woolies Caltex PULP (through Mr Funnel), except when on tour then Avgas 100LL. Paul
  19. Time to get this thread going again. I hope you guys/gals heading for Natfly have your cameras at the ready to post a few more en route airstrips here. Give the camera to you pax, be safe. Here's another to get you guessing again. No clues this time. Paul
  20. Lookin good. I've just checked the long range weather forecast and it's showing Wed 4th with a huge slow moving high centring over Adelaide and reaching from west coast to east coast, so it looks like we might be in for a good Easter weekend. Fingers crossed. Paul
  21. Roger, I think it was called the Tritan and you're right, very impressive for a big bird. I'd like to see the C17 doing stuff like that. Paul
  22. That's fine Darren, but finding you in the crowd is the challenge. Maybe we should all wear one of those flags you see on electric mobility buggies on the streets ;). Paul
  23. The plan with CT3841 is, depart Cooma 0800 Thursday, track Canberra, Cowra, Parkes to arrive YNRM around 1030 in time for the instructor seminars. Stay until after church and lunch on Sunday then back same way. While there staying with friends. Really hope to catch up with lots of forum buddies while there. Didn't see any (apart from the ever-present Ian) at Avalon. Paul
  24. Hey Ian, Thanks for your hospitality on Saturday. You and your lovely family are doing a great job although I feel for you with all that time input and weather to cope with. I take my hat off to you, your dedication to Rec Aviation is excelled only by the good looks of 4848. My son, Steve, grandson, Brodie and I travelled from Cooma (by car ) for nine hours on Friday arriving at Sunshine (that's a joke) at 2130 for our cabin. Laid awake with sinking hearts for some of the night listening to heavy rain, up at 0500 for 0600 departure to Avalon on unfamiliar roads in the dark and rain ;). Arrived at the carpark gate just before 0700 near the front of the queue (yay! :big_grin:), parked just 50m from the entry point, stood in the mud along with hundreds of others in the queue awaiting 0800 entry time for 35 mins under the cover of brollies, then charged to the front line of the viewing area adjacent 18/36 next to TWY Alpha, set up our chairs and watched the sky ... praying and hoping for better weather. Thankfully, the rain did break into showers with lots of blue patches appearing through the clouds later in the morning ... but the wind . I am so glad (not) that I chose to wear shorts and open necked shirt. I figured that coming from the Snowy Mtns I could cope with anything Melb chose to throw at me ... wrong, very wrong. I have never been so cold, even with spray jacket on, in all my memory. I believe I was pretty close to hypothermia as at times, even with all the noise and the crush of the crowd I almost nodded off while shaking uncontrollably. The front line offered great views but was full on to the SW wind and rain blasting in at around 20+ knots. I won't talk about the crush for lunch or through the main pavilions. Apart from my miseries due to poor planning, the show was great and the aerobatics out of this world. Those guys do stuff that really is impossible ... and get away with it ... definitely lots of WOW factor. Inspired, when I thaw out I'm off to the airport to see if the CT can manage some of these manoeuvres :yuk:. Well maybe I can manage a more tame version of their take-offs and landings, the rest, I'll just dream on. I've been wonding how I can trailer the CT around when on holidays. I've got the solution now. If I can just get a hold of one of those C17s I think it might just fit in the back ... with wings on. Man is that one big bird and a pay load of up to 75 tonnes, makes the CT's 234kg look a bit lame. Sadly, I didn't catch up with any forum buddies. But with a crowd like that it's no wonder. Hopefully, we might do better at Natfly. I wonder if we can pre-arrange some organised way getting together? And, let's pray for better weather. Paul
  25. Hi all, Good to be back. Having just noticed this thread I thought it helpful to add info from my own recent experience. I did my Rec Pilot Cert training from Sept 04 thru to Apr 05 at a cost of $4550.00 incl pax, RTF and XC endorsements. Then during Feb this year spent a week with Air Shepparton getting my PPL at a cost of $1900 plus $700 for meals and accommodation. Of course, using my own CT2K for part of the flying training was a saving. The only other costs on top of this was the CASA medical and ASIC. So, yes it can be done. Paul
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