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Everything posted by Geoff_H

  1. You must have lots of money to be able to afford the landing fees. I just flew around for some time then flew around the Olga's then on to Warburton. I have seen enough. The radio guy asked for landing details, told him none just flying around. There is a no fly area.
  2. Did you know that there are two Mooney Porsche's in Melbourne?
  3. I would like to chat with you about cozy and cri cri aircraft and the aircraft that I am building. Call 0419691452 to cjac. I hope that I am allowed to give my phone, but it would take a long time to write it down on this site
  4. Just called CASA Medical. They told me that the Basic Class 2 is still on track for July 1 and that they are doing testing in the near future.
  5. I am due this month for my GA medical. When does the new GP approved system start. Last I saw was middle of the year. Should I wait or do the old medical. Don't intend to fly in the next few months.
  6. I am also interested. My project can be registered in either category. I would like to know from an ownership point of view as to running costs and bureaucratic aspects. What about building costs of the same Aircraft.
  7. I have a set of Matco axles hubs, brakes and master cylinders that are now redundant. Never used. If anyone is interested
  8. I think that places to fly are more a reason not to fly.. Well let me explain. There appears to be a shift of people to the big cities. That's where the big paying jobs seem to be. But flying in the cities of Melbourne and Sydney is more expensive than the country and so a long drive is often needed to the country. Look at the airport demolition we have had in Sydney. From my northern suburbs of Sydney it is at lest an hour's drive to a suitable airport. Even Bankstown, and Warnervale are expensive. So after forking out a fortune for accommodation in the big cities the younger people just don't have the time and money for flying. My daughter would love to fly, but taking care of her daughter doesn't leave the time to travel.
  9. Wish I could just get my wife to get into a light aircraft on the ground, let alone in the air. To give her her due, she travelled around the early days of owning the Mooney, though the copilot's hand strap got severely deformed. Then no way, sold the Mooney. Now building a single seat.
  10. I was only ever asked for ASIC identification at Perth International and Brisbane International Airports and a Mt Isa (the place where Hitler learnt his trade)
  11. Don't build one for cost savings unless you are prepared to wait a few years before flying. If you are building just to go flying I suggest that you buy someone else's finished project. Build when you want the thrill of seeing the finished project.
  12. I didn't see the bits about the luggage filled with helium. I think that you could achieve some of the performance specs but not that landing speed with that top speed. I think a laminar flow canard made using carbon fiber and nylon printed items could be possible. 200kts with 50mph landing I believe is possible. A design I may look at someday when I finish my current project.
  13. To get high speed with low landing velocity I have many times played with the idea of extending wings. A smaller wing that fits inside the cruising wing. Using honey comb wing section on the cruise wing and the wing extension running on rollers with cable controlling it's location. But I have never gotten past the design of a sparless wing. It all seems a little too heavy. If anyone has any great ideas for such a wing please let me know.
  14. Q2 is also a canard, to get the speeds this would also have to be a canard with laminar flow wings
  15. If a complex wing with slots and le slats one could possibly get the velocity range. Use laminar wings and you would be close. I still believe that it is possible. Very expensive with carbon fiber and nylon printed parts instead of steel parts and it would be a very light aircraft. Owing to the higher wing loading it would be more stable in turbulent weather. Are slats and flaps allowed to obtain a low landing speed, or must the wing loading be without, I don't know?
  16. I was really sceptical at first knowing that undercarriage is a huge drag on an aircraft. Then I remembered the Q2. It has its undercarriage in it's wingtips, much less drag. Just looked up the Q2 specs, not that far behind this aircraft. Given that the whole aircraft could be made from carbon fibre, I think that the weight could be lowered so much that a lightweight engine such as Rotax, may give close to the weight as is with this aircraft. I have not done an engineering study on this, I just using my mental arithmetic on general items. I do not believe the VNE though, the spars, even in carbon, would have to be strong and heavy. Why have such a high VNE, probably would not get there even in a dive.
  17. I appreciate your position. I reckon that we need these and guys like yourself to develop them. A bit too far north, wife wants closer to grandkids. Good luck
  18. What region of this great land is this opportunity in? Anywhere near the ocean?
  19. Hey Bex, are you trying to be hard to get,,? Lol
  20. Thanks bex, you fixed up my balls up. What an engine for the price. A gearbox could be difficult to build. Needs very high class gears, difficult to get in Australia these days
  21. I was really trying to show the 6+ liter supercharged Engine that you can buy brand-new . One of the articles at the bottom of the page. Sorry for it being so obtuse
  22. 2021 F1 Cars Will Rev Higher and Abandon Electric Turbochargers Open the box at the bottom re the hellcat Engine
  23. 2021 F1 Cars Will Rev Higher and Abandon Electric Turbochargers
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