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Kyle Communications

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Posts posted by Kyle Communications

  1. I am no expert on flying by any means I have about 80 hrs in fullsize gliders and 40 hrs in a C172 many years ago. When I flew Bills old sav...Ultralights and FlightyGirls now own it I was amazed at how powerfull the rudder was...really the most powerfull on any aircraft I have flown...not much experience remember...then I had a flight in a Technam P92 and the difference was astounding. I had to give the rudder so much right rudder any time I powered the engine up especially out of stalls it was full rudder also on landing you also had to give it heaps. I would image that huge rear section on the sav gives the rudder that extra umpf as the rudder is certainly not big on a sav





  2. Hi Bendorn


    Steve Donalds Aeropup is for sale and it is immaculate. He is a LAME for one of the major airlines and is a master craftsman it would be the best Aeropup in Australia. His nick on here is Ducksrus. It is advertised in the latest RAA mag and is 19-5206. he has $59000 on it and would be a outstanding buy. it has a Jab engine in it 85HP it is located at Caboolture. It is a beautiful aircraft. If you cant find it PM me and I will send you his phone number





  3. Hi Jake


    I was reading a article a few years ago you may remember there was a big push to change the airband mode and some of the ops as AM mode has been so out of date for so long as comms go now and I was sure the FAI were mentioned as part of the submission group for the process. I tried to find where I read it but cant at the moment. The ICAO would certainly have a major input to the decisions. Trying to get anything changed worldwide in the aviation area is like converting a muslim to a catholic ....almost impossible





  4. Hi Jake


    The FAI have a huge influence in all aircraft operations be it regulations or processes they are part of the overall governing body for aircraft and also aerospace. They are consulted and are members of the boards that us underlings dont get to be a part of. All of these NGO's have a hand in global decisions on these matters that affect each other. In the text below the last 2 lines are the most relevent the FAI are one of the organisations that make these decisions on a worldwide basis


    The current statutes describe in detail its specific objectives:


    to make evident the essentially international spirit of aeronautics as a powerful instrument for bringing all people closer in mutual understanding and friendship regardless of political, racial or religious considerations, thereby helping to create international good will and thus build a better and more peaceful world;


    to bring together the air sports men and women of the world in international competition;


    to educate young people through sport in a spirit of mutual understanding and friendship;


    to coordinate its Members' separate efforts to further aeronautics and astronautics throughout the world;


    to protect and safeguard the interests of its Members in the use of air space;


    to provide a forum for the exchange of information and discussion of mutual problems with other elements of civil aeronautics.



  5. The FAI and ITU determine what modes and frequencys are used worldwide and also in what areas. The aircraft industry takes 100 years to change just look at continental and lycoming..their engines are still 1940's technology when there are much lighter more fuel efficent and more reliable engines available but it takes so much paperwork crap to change 1 bolt that it becomes a exercise bigger than Ben Hur to do anything....the radio side of things is the same.New digital modes with FEC (forward error correction) are in use everyday all over the world and have proven to be much better than analogue systems in most cases. IDAS which is the new digital mode used by Kenwood and Icom prove you can get 15% further in communication distance with the FEC built into the system. Also it allows identification and other many different option in the data stream. Within the IDAS signal a substream with text at 1200 baud can be used that sits simultaneously with the voice carrier. now all of this is done on a 6.25khz bandwidth. To change the system world wide is a massive job mainly all international aviation drives this stuck in the mud feature. To change anything is just too big a job with all the buroccracy (sorry cant spell)





  6. Hi John


    Came across a guy who used to work with you at Philtronic...Peter Davies he said to say hello and wants to catch up with you I can send his email to you if you want. There is also a issue with the exhaust burning through the cowl on the new savs. Laurie Strickland has come up with a great fix for it attached are the pics I took of it. I have seen another new factory built one that has the same issue and this seems to be a great fix and also would get more cool air flow into the cowl.









  7. Got a few hours today to work on the Sav. Doing the flaperons at the moment. So far this would have been the worst drawings and instructions for putting them together. I had to read it 4 or 5 times and really look hard at the diagrams to decipher where certain bits go and their orientation. I thought I had it right but had to drill out some rivets and rectify my wrong assembly. really peeved off at myself about it as I thought I had it sorted before I started but I was wrong I hate having to redo something.. So lesson learned once again that sometimes you really need to read the manual several times over and over to make sure you understand totally what bits go where. To date the manual has been pretty good and no real stuffups but the flaperon section you really need to read thoroughly. Next weekend hopefully will finish the flaperons off as I should be able to get a couple of half days to work on them











  8. Hi Bluearsefly


    I am 120kg and 188cm tall so no small poppy myself. I dont have too much issue getting in and out of any sav...its just the way you have to get in thats all. Not being able to bend your knee could be a issue I suppose but so far I havent had any issues getting in and out its just the tecnicque to do it,As far as I know the door size hasnt really changed between most of the models. The VG XL and the "S" models have the same door





  9. Hi Maj


    My kit is the new one with the full lexan bubble type doors so it will be great for the view mine wont have the wheel pants though . A mate has a older sav but it has been upgraded with the full lexan normal doors and when he took his wife for the first flight in it he says she freaked out a little bit with "too much view"..actually in the video of my airstrip christening its the all white sav the last one to land and the third to take off it is a VG model not the XL.





  10. Not sure if any of you guys have seen the ICP video for the sav S version but its had over 9000 hits..quite a few of those would be mine I would think :)...although mine is not the S version just the std VG XL


    This is the basic colour I will be painting mine but with a bit more white on the larger red surfaces...the rear side fuse section and also maybe in the large red area on the rear section on the top of the wings





  11. I have just made that decision for the Savannah I am building. I am a Icom premier dealer and I selected the Xcom for my Sav. The reason first of all was size. The IC-A210 is too large and the weight also more as mine of course is limited to 544kg (at this stage) I went for the smaller radio and after asking lots of questions to users of both the Microair and Xcom and reading all the specs and features I bought the Xcom. I also got them to supply the harness made up to suit a Savannah install. I have had the Xcom running in my workshop all day every day for the past 3 weeks and I have to say I am very impressed with it. I also got the harness fitted for a second input/output to suit a GME uhf radio I am using the super tiny GME 3100 which is the size of a small packet of cigarettes I pulled one from stock and wired it up and have tested the harness for full operation of the intercom and transmitting options in the Xcom with the UHF as well and it works beautifully. I am very happy with my decision and would recommend the Xcom to anyone. I have also done performance tests on the radio because obviously this is what I do for business and the radio meets all the advertised specs





  12. I am not sure what the gradient is on my strips but they are noticeably uphill. When the 4 aircraft came in to christen the strip they landed uphill and took off uphill. 2 of savs and 2 of 701...maybe its different for these "stol" aircraft. The attached link goes to the video and you will see none of them had any difficulty taking off uphill with a pretty severe crosswind. The wind was coming from about 70 degrees from the right off the nose at around 20 knots that day. it was the saturday of the Monto flyin so most will remember how bad the wind was that day if you went to the flyin. It was almost crosswind at my strips you can see by the dust trails..the strips had only been dozed about 3 weeks before so it was still mostly dirt.... but they are looking pretty good now :)









  13. If you go to Johns website http://www.stolspeed.com he has a wealth of information and articles there and some fantastic testing he has done with prop comparisons and the one I found extremely interesting is filling in that honky gap between the wings on the 701 and how much better it flys. But I must say I am glad I settled on a Savannah...no matter how it ended up in kit supply etc....the original design albeit copied or stolen or whatever has been kept basically to the original parameters and the proof of the pudding is in the eating (flying) ... :)



  14. Hi 80K


    Yes I see how many visits this has had after I post and its between 200 and 400 visits after each post so its quite remarkable really. I am really enjoying doing the build and also always ready to listen to others advice especially with all the experience in building not only Savannahs but other aircraft. Steve Donald is a local and is building a sav as well and his knowledge is just fabulous and has so many great tips and ideas. I am no expert in full size...I have 40 years in building flying RC models and also for the past 14 years or so turbine powered model RC aircraft and some are quite large. I have a 1/7 scale F15 here which I am now slowly but surely building 2 of 22kg thrust turbines for I usually import the engines as I am the aussie dealer for brand of them but they are very expensive so I have decided to try to build my own now and now that I deal in CNC machines as well its a lot easier to do :)


    Well I hope you make your decision to buy or build soon as life is way too short not to enjoy it. Denice and I cant wait until our sav is finished we intend to use it a lot...not just safe fast transport up to our property but we want to do some travelling about with it. Not so much camping but flying then getting a hotel or a property to sleep and eat at. A few locals last year did a 5000 nmile trip and organised to stay at different places and they loved it so we will do similar.





  15. 5313/AA Smalto all'Acqua Semiopaco Nero


    E' un prodotto idrodiluibile, che soddisfa l'esigenza di resistenze, velocità di essicazione a temperatura ambiente, rispettando, grazie al contenuto di cosolvente, l'ambiente di lavoro.


    Il prodotto deve essere stoccato a temperatura non inferiore a + 5°C poichè teme il gelo.


    Possibilità di accelerare l'essiccazione.




    Found it on the companys website but I havent done the translation


    Italian to English translation


    Black semi-opaque enamels 5313/AA


    It 's a water soluble product that meets the need of endurance, speed of drying at room temperature, respectively, due to the content of cosolvent, the work environment.


    The product should be stored at temperatures below + 5 ° C as affected by frost.


    Ability to accelerate drying.


    This is what it translated to





  16. Hi All


    The paint job looks great looks like you have done a lot of prep before painting.. I got time yesterday to finish off the strengthening of the outer tailplane skins. Those right angle skin tensioners really made a huge difference I think they should be standard. By the way I didnt come up with the idea it was Laurie Strickland I was chatting to him the weekend before and it was one of the things he said he would change if he built another and I have to say I am glad I did it. I have mounted the servo now and all the tip holders are in as well so have put it aside now until I need the unit. Pulled out all the bits for the flaperons and started filing all the sharp edges and de burring the skins thats a massive job as all the edges seem to be proud and sharp. Pretty much have all that done for the right aileron complete and will paint the black goop on this weekend and start to assemble it and then onto the left Aileron. Will be around for a few weekends now so hopefully will get these done and get ready to transfer all the fuselage bits over here to my place and hopefully really motor along once its here





  17. Hi Ian


    I wondered how you went up there you havent posted for quite a while either. I will probably only rivnut the stab and elevator side for the servo and trim rods to make it easier as I dont see any need for the other sides to ever come off. I decided not to use those strips they supply and rivet them on and then try to line up the holes also most dont get a real nice fit doing it that way. The alu sheet under the skins makes the plastic tips conform to the shape and are just the right height to make them conform to be flush with the skin...what paint are you using?


    Steve Donald has primed his Sav fuselage and is using wattyl enamel paint and primer for alu. He painted his aeropup with the same paint and it is still faultless and great finish after 6 years of use also enamel covers very well so wont add a huge amount of weight. A lot of 2 pack paints can be quite heavy also the primers





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