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Ballpoint 246niner

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Everything posted by Ballpoint 246niner

  1. "Time to spare- go by air"- applies to the teaching environment as well I'm afraid. Flying is fast, but you can't rush it.
  2. RG- " Red Green"- Don't confuse the two tomo- They say there are those pilots who have landed wheels up and those that are going too....:big_grin:
  3. Nothing and I mean nothing is left there now- except heaps of surveillance, a patrol service and lot's of big mutha f@#$%n locks on everthing. Once bitten..... The D's rang last week to say they were "questioning a person of interest"- haven't heard the outcome but we'd love them to hand them over to us at the aero club so we can have a hangar party and get to know each other better- real better:bash:
  4. G'Day Paul, how's your red beauty?- getting more love down south. Loved my time in her and $ for $ a much more realistic RA aircraft than the $200k eye candy that we can only dream about. If there's one thing time in aviation teaches you- it's to be a realist!
  5. Yep, a couple of loads, with the McMahon's, Feen and a few others- my main DZ was Toogoolawah.
  6. Scoff is a long time skydiving acquaintence from years gone by- a good guy who's lived a few"lives"- his son Stewart is a lovely young man- I wish them the best and safe skies for their worthy adventure. He was just "reamed out" by the Ipswich council from his long term DZ at Willowbank. He epitomises the cat with nine lives after that horrible accident there a few years ago.
  7. All good advice Red- and sounding a lot like what we've been talking about. Ccts are the finishing school for all the basic flying phases. Your path has been walked by many others, lot's on this site no doubt. If it was easy everyone would be doing it- and we don't really want that- look at the roads!
  8. :laugh:Go naked if you like!- believe it or not, in the early trike days no one wore helmets or had fancy radio stuff, or skydats or anything except a spluttering oily 447. Ahhh how times have changed, a good pair of sunnies was all we had- cool!
  9. Thanks everyone, and River I think that camera will just do the job- many thanks. Ironically I have contactedthe police on four occasions over the last week to provide some addition info and follow up and not a single call- no wonder the crims take their chances. Spin, you're on the money(pun)- we all worked damn hard to indulge our passion and I scraped for over 30 yrs to be able to afford my plane, and the other things we all work for. The place is like fort Knox now, but I know we can only ever stop the lazy ones. Just an update, it appears that the 3 hangars in the same row were all broken into, except the one right next to the road.
  10. Arhh- harden up and fly trikes- we fly with the canopy and doors open all the time:laugh:
  11. My J120 is still for sale and seeing I lost my job I'm very motivated to convert to cash- run it for $48/hr yourself, why not syndicate with a few friends and you'll never get cheaper flying?
  12. I left for similar reasons albiet in 1993. I was working in sales in Corp & Govt at the time and wasn't happy about who was being promoted and who wasn't nor the organisations ability to deliver what it was spruiking. I was looking after the IT companies and was offered a job with one of them. Simpler life, more results and significantly more pay. No brainer really. I suspect we probably met at some time, I was often in Sydney and Melbourne on various projects - glad to see we both converged .
  13. Hey Chris I did the T for 17yrs too- Rad tech come Acct exec- walked away a mess in '99 and vowed never to work for big corporates again- especially incompetent ones.
  14. Great Idea Oz- doubt the pricks could read that much though!
  15. Thanks heaps guys- great to have a caring community around to protect us( most of the time!) from these elements. Just spent an hour with forensics dusting the plane and they got 2 good prints, so we'll see what happens. I did the tally again at 3am:sleep: as I couldn't sleep and the real replacement figure is over $4k. I'll never leave these items in my a/c again:no no no:- stupid thing was they left a Lightspeed zulu that was hanging right in front of them- Dumb opportunists or startled cons- haven't worked that one out yet:pull hair: Thanks again everyone. Neil
  16. Thanks Kaz- I'm just devastated as I got made redundant from my job this week too- I hope it's not in 3's!
  17. Dear fellow pilots, I arrived at my hangar at Caboolture this morning to find it had been broken into. The hangar was secure at 2.00pm on Wednesday and it is believed the break-in occurred sometime Wednesday night- early Thursday morning. A number of locked cabinets were forcibly entered and my locked Jabiru was also forcibly entered and items stolen. The incident is currently being investigated by Qld Police. Items taken mostly were tools and miscellaneous items but specifically the following unique items were also stolen. · Garmin GPS 296 system, specific for aviation use, stolen from aircraft -may have box with it (box stolen from locker) Will have flight data from Caboolture if checked when turned on and has rego 24-7279 in menu- No serial number recorded. · GME MT410G 406Mhz Emergency Locator beacon HEX ID no: 3EF67D6B3F81FE0- Serial No: 64214, Yellow in colour in Black spandex case with strap · Specific aircraft tools for Jabiru aircraft in a small green army disposal type bag.(std issue Jabiru) including a small “BMW Powercup “ socket set · Black Tool roll with numerous tools with red beading on roll- new · Lightspeed brand Headset case with numerous adaptor cords. · Bag of aircraft specific fasteners, springs and filters · 25nm Torque wrench in case The theft has elements of random selection but the culprits were also smart enough to go after usable aircraft specific higher value items. I just hope they activate the ELB!!I urge you to review your own hangar security and please if you could be on the lookout for the above items, or any information that may assist the police in their investigations then please contact either myself direct or Caboolture police, Snr Constable Clair Parsons on 54950444 or crime stoppers on 1800 333 000. There were over $2000 worth of goods stolen so I would be pleased to offer a reward for the successful return of them. The ELB is effectively useless as it is ausbeacon registered and when it's used it will be triggered stolen! . The GPS also is limited without a bracket and aerial so if you are in the supply business you may have an unusual request for just a bracket or aerial or the like- please let me know Many thanks in advance for you vigilance and please pass this on to anyone who may be able to assist.
  18. Protect the into wind wing(wing down) and save yourself the twinkle toes/hands juggle on flare. You won't know if you judged it all right until it starts to be too late - too many a/c are getting bent on landing as it is, low wings are a two way thing- each to their own. Wing down counters the gust components as well.If you start running out of rudder to keep her straight then you've found the cross wind limit of the aircraft. Trikes, I cheat and land a little cross runway if it's really strong- then go home!
  19. Great to have you on site Wesky- prior hrs or not. 5 hrs conversion minimum; and you and a good instructor will know within the hour how much you've retained and go from there. You represent the growing trend of returning/ converting pilot's coming to RA Aus- they'll soon have to call it "Returning to Aviation Aus". Good primacy will be your friend- bad primacy wil need to be undone, everyone is different. We have Teccies and a CT - you'll love both. Welcome back
  20. Steven, could you please give me your email address so I can send the photo's you want. Thanks Neil
  21. Gundy, your work on this Sav is excellent- look fwd to meeting you soon. Neil
  22. Damn!!- I watched Days of Thunder and Cole Trickle learnt to drive NASCAR this way watching CNN- better can the shuttle launch and disconnect Nat Geo seeeing it's not going to work.:big_grin:
  23. The distributor and agents are all over this and I believe a production remedy is being applied. Bill & Reg have been very forthright and open in representing this to the factory for resolution and me as a potential owner and I can only offer praise for the leverage they have applied to get a speedy resolution adopted in production. I understand current fact. blt owners will be fully covered as and if required. In my job we have a saying" it's not whether something goes wrong with machinery- but how the problem is handled and resolved" Good manufacturer's, distributors and retailers learn this- that's why who you buy from is just as important what you buy.
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