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Ballpoint 246niner

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Everything posted by Ballpoint 246niner

  1. I spent years doing outback dirt riding trips. Tex's gear is almost identical to mine, light,small and good quality.great post Tex
  2. Check out the "Pubs I want to fly to one day" thread I started last year Louis. There's been some great input to it and John Gilpin has collated it all together in an awesome Google map.Yes as the theme suggests there are pubs close by( good thing!) but many have great camping areas as well. Catch you by a river bank sometime...
  3. Good one Tomo- worked there in the 80's at Inkerman Hill- between Ayr and Home Hill, tell you a funny story one day about up there.....
  4. Our condolences to the pilots family. A tragedy with an explanation yet to unfold. We were just up doing EFIC,s with a student - way too close to home. May everyone please stay safe this Easter break.
  5. Word is a local manufacturer is also trying to extend their noses to fit it in but china won't build it for them...
  6. I'll be there Maj.. Sorry I didn't deliver on hangarage Mark, but glad you are not homeless!
  7. If this doesn't conflict with Nor Aus( Monto) then I'm in. I think Monto is the following weekend( Queens Birthday)?
  8. Awesome stuff Frank- the deluge is certainly debilitating to many.... we certainly do live in a country of extremes. Just goot have extreme fun as well when we can! Great photo's!!!
  9. Downloaded it on iTunes straightaway- that and Powerstruggle from the Sth Africa clip as well. Great music. Remember the Wrights were "lunatics" in their day as well...... We owe flight to the many lunatics that dared to dream....
  10. It's too quiet to hear anything other than Tomo and I yabbering on!
  11. Good news Mark, my lead didnt get back to me and the alternate wants a low wing if anything...... Still looking.
  12. All in a days fun at GoFly. More adventures to come soon.Watch the aiming point here My pleasure Tomo
  13. Low tow, - high tow release -tug left- glider right, hopefully into lift... we used to teach an exercise called " boxing the tug" where a student/check would have to fly all four stations and quadrants accurately before we would solo them. all done at the appropriate height of course. Tug pilots earn their stripes, hell knows they don't earn much else... I'm seriously getting an itch to get back into it...
  14. Congrats on your first solo Mark and I am expecting an answer Friday re some possible hangarage. Keep training- you'll soon have that license to learn on your own!
  15. I'm working on something for you... stay tuned...
  16. There actually recovery vehicles for failed Jab engines...
  17. I'll be there- already rostered off for Sat PM and overnight at the Bange Motel
  18. I'll be listening out for the call..... good one mate!!
  19. Good one Mark- Yep Ralph and the boys are incredibily talented committed aviotors- we're lucky to have such guardian's at YCAB. I heard you and Bill out this morning, I was in the trike with a student. Hope your flying is going well....
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