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Ballpoint 246niner

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Everything posted by Ballpoint 246niner

  1. Goodonya "61 for doing so, there's a good deal of experience on this forum, and definately no shortage of opinions so use what you can and then take that to the nav table when you're ready- you won't regret learning the skills and getting the keys to get out over the fence!
  2. Point of departure means the original take-off point, origin of the flight. It doesn't have to make reference to potential loopholes- there is none, except for those wishing there were. As mentioned - do the xc endorsement and then you'll truly appreciate all the dangers and responsibilities out there- weather being foremost as 80 odd percent of us live within 100nm of the great weather divider.....!!
  3. Love the new Tag Tomo- very you in the new beast! Monto- I'm there with wings. WAC, and bells on!!!
  4. Kevin probably shares the frustration of many instructors, we teach time and time again the no turn back under 500' for the plethora of examples over time as he illustrates, but in the heat of the emergency pilots continue to try it, or extend glides or so on... When we see things happen that WE KNOW are not taught, yes we feel we have failed, but not for the want of discipline, practice or enforcement, but because the reality never stuck. Experience is a very hard instructor- much harder than Kev, or any other worthwhile trainer, and as another good friend says- "pilots don't find new ways to kill themselves". All pilots need to constantly remain vigilent to the reality it might happen- best reinforced by the pre takoff safety brief- so it's in the forefront of your mind.( as per Wayne's comment).
  5. Hi John, I can't tell you how many students whose whole training thoughts seem to focus on landings! Apart from the obvious that you have to do them, they are often over rated in their execution. AS others have posted, back to some specific upper air work is a good way to refocus, remember a good landing is really just a stall with a vertical reference point( the ground). So being comfortable at this end of the airspeed- feel equation is important. The other area that often helps are counting down to flare height and strip runs with your instructor for getting the reference height right. Anyhow, just some things to ponder that I'm sure your instructor is across with you. Have fun!
  6. Thank Rank for the update, high wing umbrella endorsement weekend me thinks
  7. Great to see club "cab Sav" and Reg and Gundy form the "Savannah Soaring(sawing) club. Thanks for everyone's hospitality and Reg's burgers on sat night. Well done to Mark Grey for his first big solo Nav in his new Sav too. Let's own it next year too!
  8. Hey Rank, hope you boys hand a good trip back, gotta work this weekend and pre emptively wx looks shite. Still keen if a l8r date works for the majority Cheers
  9. No asking, no waiting , no hiring, no guessing- Well done mate- look after her and she'll look after you...
  10. no offense intended mate,truck drivers, are some of the better ones- they have to be. I always assume someone will pull out on me then happy if they don,t. Treat every intersection as an accident until you pass and it's not I reckon. What is it with pilots and motorbikes? It's way too common but great.
  11. Yes Indeed Mark, I see it regularly trapsing the taxi-ways eager to lurch into the air- very hi Viz, and so say same of my "Jaffa" orange Fanta Can. On the subject of "being seen", and in reference to Old K'S comment; the motorcycle safety council of Australia, in support from numerous other countries in the early 90's, pressurred by car motoring lobby groups were successful in having international laws accepted demanding motorcycles be fitted with a compulsory headlight permanently turned on. This was argued aggressively against by respected motorcycle experts and manufacturers to no avail and led to this being the standard fitment here and in many countries at enormous cost to manufacturers. A caveat to repeal the law was written if the effective accident rate between vehicles did not reduce by key reference amounts over a five year period, of which the Volvo brigade and numerous others just mocked as the were sure this was going to help them see and avoid those damn motorbikes...... guess what? It failed. Law was repealed, but the motorcycle industry was not going to turn back again. If you don't look- no matter if it's lit up like a disco ball you won't see. LOOKOUT is the only effective strategy, planes trains, bikes or automobiles( but they can't legislate that can they!) God bless the Volvo drivers, some also fly!
  12. Watts bridge All in Fly In tomorrow from 9am- 4pm. Be there for all the fun and food with excellent weather get out of the circuit and come to the home of sport flying in the beautiful Brisbane Valley. Info at http://www.wattsbridge.com.au/welcome.php
  13. Your gliding will serve you well Mike. Congrats:wave:
  14. Good onya Puk, start planning those trips, chech out thread Pubs I'd like to fly to one day. Has a great google map and Orchid is on it I recall
  15. Yep the weather at the moment is worth bottling. Best run we've had for I can't remember. It will always be remembered that much brighter tho with your achievement. I think solo is the flight you look forward too, but passing your test is the one you always respect most in years to come....
  16. Well done Soloman! Why be ordinary when you can be extraordinary
  17. Mate that's great news. Well done. I saw you go and return but didn't want to call on radio this time. Welcome to the party. Party responsibly!
  18. Great turn out hey Bob, we flew up from Inglewood- sort of a "fly in crawl" as it goes
  19. Doing both! Sat at inglewood overnight and fly to childer Sunday early
  20. Hey Rank did you know a Mark Savage who worked for Dalgety at that time- we flew Hang gliders together ?
  21. Mine works well most times and I use it to spot check my students "fix" occasionally when in different aircraft. Occasionally on the latest version it freezes the screen, locking with the plan profile insert, or whilst inputting diversion waypoints, it locks up, and won't release the keypad input screen or sunscreens like HSI, ( yes I have the lock off!). It,s just enough of an issue for me not to thoroughly trust it and perhaps this is a good thing. I,m old school who loves the new stuff, but it is not perfect or fail safe yet.... Keep working guys, this is the future, but as Gates did with windows, it still has problems, trust the old ways.
  22. Contact Reg at Aerokits, he does this all the time for Tom Abel the importer
  23. Does Savvy Merv suggest a Savannah in the shed???? Welcome back
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