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dazza 38

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Everything posted by dazza 38

  1. Yup and I think Bob is a lot smarter than people give him credit for.
  2. At least they will turn Australia around from being continually turned into a nanny country.
  3. Labor and Liberal can't organise their own parties either,
  4. Labor and Liberal are as bad as each other. Keep the bastards honest and bote Liberal Democrat Party.
  5. Welcome Emil, the savage bobber looks like fun.
  6. I will never understand why some pilots do massive circuits, unless they feel that they need extra time in the circuit to set up the aircraft on downwind. Keep it tight peeps and then you will get more touch and goes in within an hour.
  7. It is one of those rules that everybody breaks but nobody ever admits to it.
  8. My point is that it has already been posted on here.
  9. Yup she certainly does after Gulfstream had an hissy fit.
  10. I had a great afternoon meeting Mr and Mrs Biggles at Mason Field. Thank you for the coffee, hospitality and showing me around. Much appreciated.
  11. No make a VFR lane smack bang over the centre of the airport with a block altitude. In America their is a lot of class G zones around huge airports. Surely some sort of procedure could be implemented,
  12. Yeah thanks I know that, I was in the Air force as an Aircraft technician for 9.5 years.
  13. If their was a VFR route similar to victor one passing places like Willy town and Coffs Harbour, surely it wouldnt effect them much. There would have to be a workable solution I reckon.
  14. I agree, make it like the Gold Coast, head sth at 1000 and nth at 500 over the coastal beach and around the head lands. It would make a great flight.
  15. I agree, make it like the Gold Coast, head sth at 1000 and nth at 500 over the coastal beach and around the head lands. It would make a great flight.
  16. The RAAF bombed and killed the leading IS leader a little time ago.
  17. The RAAF bombed and killed the leading IS leader a little time ago.
  18. I can only give a very basic version Tim, but Oscar and others could give a better description. The Skyfox was based on the Kitfox but was modified a fair bit be certified in the 101-55 category. It was strengthened in places from memory. I should know more as the factory was only a couple of hangars down from Skyfox Flight training where I used to fly many years ago. It was 17 years ago and my memory is unfortunately lacking. Rob Kerr would know a lot about them as he built them I think from memory.
  19. I can only give a very basic version Tim, but Oscar and others could give a better description. The Skyfox was based on the Kitfox but was modified a fair bit be certified in the 101-55 category. It was strengthened in places from memory. I should know more as the factory was only a couple of hangars down from Skyfox Flight training where I used to fly many years ago. It was 17 years ago and my memory is unfortunately lacking. Rob Kerr would know a lot about them as he built them I think from memory.
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