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Naked Women Survive


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now I have your attention I need to ask a simple question


I have seen a couple of lists of survival equipment and a year or so ago there was a thread about a list of things that were carried, but, what I want to know is


If I got a vest like a fishermans/cameramans vest with all the pockets etc. and renamed it a flying vest


What would you recommend as the basic equipment to carry on any xc flight?


This has to include basic survival gear (I am talking minimal light weight) and everyday usage


Enlighten me!







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Well,,,,,, where's the naked women!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I knew there had to be someone as depraved :beg:as me on this forum


I was just wondering who?????006_laugh.gif.0f7b82c13a0ec29502c5fb56c616f069.gif006_laugh.gif.d4257c62d3c07cda468378b239946970.gif006_laugh.gif.0f7b82c13a0ec29502c5fb56c616f069.gif



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Survival kit


G'day Bryon,


A very good question and I remember the thread. If my memory serves me correctly I mentioned Bob Cooper's Survival Kit which is a light weight kit to have on you whilst walking/backpacking in the scrub. The details are here desert survival kit, jungle survival kit


I reckon this would be a good kit to have in your flying vest and on the other side (to balance things up you see) you could have your PLB.


Oh!! Nearly forgot... some nights are cold in the outback requiring 3 dogs to stay warm. I'm sure you could find suitable substitutes for the dogs going by the name of your thread. ;)







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Vest No! you have to get out, have neck bag under shirt - don't have full list with me but IIRC in priority listing:


Arterial Bleeding - Compression bandage, clotting pack


Beacon - 406 with gps also CD mirror


Burns - Silverzide, dressings (I know first aid theory says water but if this what you have the water is in the burning wreck)


Fire - Bic, lifeboat matches, fire starters, wire saw knife


Shelter - Reflective blanket


Drugs - personal, painkillers, caffeine (if you drink coffee like most pilots)


Water - Clear plastic bags, tape for transpiration bags


Glasses - folding reading, distance, stockings for sun


Also big bandaids, disinfectant keyring torches, compass etc


More in grab bag


Note all all this stuff needs to be high quality eg wire saw is not camping store bargain but NSN 110-99-565-2549 (weighs 8 gm) Also try it all out before you need it.


Comes to about 650gm



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And of course you will need a pocket for your "Vynal Virgin" then you will have the complete kit along with your'e naked women!!!!!!!!


Hope you have breath left after you crash!! Maybe best to blow her up early and sit on her, help to absorb the the landing!!!!!!



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Those survival kits always seem to be highly overpriced to me. Surviving an RAAus plane crash should mean a beacon would probably have help at hand within a couple of hours, or at worst overnight. My list includes water, stout clothing and shoes and a space blanket for starters. Snack food high in energy would be good but not essential. First aid kit needs bandages and something for burns. Broken bones can be splinted with a rolled up magazine or even a few WAC charts. I don't see much neeed for a compass as you are more likely to be found by staying at the plane and fish hooks and all the other gizmos are next to useless. A means of starting a fire is essential and some sort of mirror to signal with may help.



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Guest Maj Millard

Too true Yenn, I have always carried enough stuff to survive out for two nights. A lot of my stuff goes inside a metal paniken mug, you'd be surprised just how much you can get in there when you try. As yenn says fire starters are a must, for survival and signilng. Little personal item that I like to include are teabags, Vaselene (dry lips and injury infection prevention) and a mirror type signiling device, but a CD will do also and has a hole in the middle for aiming. I also like a small am/fm radio, small torches and a fresh multiple pack of batteries for same. And in this country do not forget the insect repellant or small mossy net.


It is so easy to get complacent these days and just say "I've got the beacon, I don't need anything else!"


As the sun sets, the air gets cold, and the beacon has just burned up with the aircraft, you may regret that decision !!, especially if nobody knows where you are......................................................Maj...024_cool.gif.7a88a3168ebd868f5549631161e2b369.gif



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OK, What would you recommend as the basic equipment to carry on any xc flight?

Enlighten me!





Hi Bryon,


Going by the title of your post,I`d say a "naked woman" cause she`d survive and help get you out of there. 031_loopy.gif.e6c12871a67563904dadc7a0d20945bf.gif







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I thought at least the naked woman was there to cook , nurse the injuries & collect the fire wood among other creature comforts LOL



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