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A day at the Dalby Wings and Wheels Spectacular!


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Just a few to wet the appetite, more to come as time permits.


You couldn't ask for a better day, the weather was so nice. And only half a dozen or so aircraft bogged themselves. We did lose 80% of our grounds due to the rain the day before, but everything went surprisingly well.


The only reason it did, was because of Dunlopdangler. Man you're a legend, the day was awesome! A lot of people I talked to enjoyed it immensely, not to mention myself.


Thanks everyone for a great day. :thumb_up:


Sorry about the image quality, I had to downsize them a fair bit, cause our internet is in go slow mode atm, and it would take to long to upload!











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G'day All


Good Weather.........good day.


Well done to all who were involved


here are a couple of happy snaps that I took


these are some of the Balloons that took off from the soccor field in town




and some from the event












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Great photos, Guys.


My Dad and I had a great day, even my wet shoes and socks didn't dampen our enjoyment.


Had a couple of 'firsts', one was to see the Roulettes perform for the first time and i really must say their low level formation performance was absolutely breath taking with precision like I've never seen. Second was finally meeting the famous 'Tomo', such an enthusiastic young fellow with obvious talent and commitment, was a pleasure.


On a sad note though, when i was about 5nm from Ycab on route to Dalby I heard the 'pan,pan,pan' call from a Gryro pilot (also on route to Dalby) who said he was having control problem and was returning to the field. Two pilots on the ground responded offering any assistance and adviced they will keep all runways clear. I pressed on believing the situation was being looked after, but unfortunately the pilot didn't make it back to the field and clipped a tree trying to put down in a paddock causing a hard landing and injuries. I'm told help didn't take long to arrive, a farmer on a motorbike saw the landing and was on site fairly quickly. See other thread.


Safe Landings





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For a small regional town to put on such an excellent show to the public is a credit to you Dunlop and all the local flyers and social committees that made it happen - I have a soft spot for Dalby as the people are warm and genuine and mix that with flying and you get an awesome experience. We had a great day socialising, catching up and putting real faces to another batch of active forumites.


Thanks to all.



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Some more photos above, hope you enjoy them - once again, sorry about the downsizing quality.


I had a great day, catching up with everyone, JimG, Mazda, Sharp End, Ballpoint, Pete.bess... And all the others.


Was a really great time, I think I made a few jealous getting so close to the burn outs... but it made better photos that way :big_grin:


Got some more photos to come from my brother, but you may have to wait for them, as the boss (aviation one) and I fly out at 5am tomorrow in a C Caravan to Tully to work on some aircraft up there for a couple days.



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I would like to add my congrats to everyone who did anything towards the day - just spectacular and seemed to involve a big bunch of people from Dalby.


Just goes to show how much airfields and flying contribute towards local commumities.


I managed to drop in late from a very long road trip just as the Roulettes were leaving but the crowds were still coming through the gate. Had a great time and brought the usual drink, dagwood dog, thingo, icecream, another drink, looked at all the static displays and had a really great time - missed out on meeting all the forum members but maybe next time hey!


I do have one negative thing to say and thought long and hard before bringing it up but it was nothing to do with the organisers or whatever. I thought that a flight with whoever was doing joyflights would break up the trip so headed over in that direction. A bloke with a quasi military flight suit and a full set of BS bars was talking to a mother and her kids when a neat little trike started up nearby. One of the kids asked if he flew them and his reply was "not likely, I don't fly motorised kites" and then went on to explain in flowery terms how dangerous they were and shouldn't be allowed in the sky. Needless to say, he dipped out on a joy flight from me.


I was dissappointed with his attitude as the day (or afternoon in my case) was so great and I wonder what influence he had on the future of those kids ever wanting to fly trikes or light aircraft? After all, if the person with captains bars said they are dangerous then how can a member of the public not be influenced?


All that aside, the day was great, the coffee was great and all of the people had a great time and isn't that what airshows are all about?


See you at the next one.



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Thanks Bilby ol mate, we didn't do too bad considering we only had 20% of the area due rain and half the attractions turned up because of that also..just to give you an insight into the size of the crew that put it all together..only a handful of people including Rat patrol and myself actually organising and running the day.


As far as the negative comments made by that other fellow about trikes, I will be asking him...why?


Glad you enjoyed it otherwise



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