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hi folks,


Just landed yesterday,i am new to computers and finding my way around these sites. Learning quickly,love the savannah also the jabiru j230 trying all sorts of plots and plans to get my hands on one or the other. My friends just humor me saying i am past it but desire and health are strong.


My flying experience involved stalls, spin recovery, circuits and landings, and all the other stuff in a piper cub nosewheel,when plane flying took a back seat. Building contracting and later drill rigs became a passion . So there you have it ,youth has flown , so what.





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Welcome airscrew, you may find that you are in the majority of people who had to give the flying away for some reson or another, the important thing is that you have returned. Don't let that age thing be a barrier. I taught a 73 year old to fly, it was on his bucket list. Have never flown a Savanagh so can't comment. I own a J230 and I am extremely happy with it. Do your research, fly as many as you can and buy the best you can afford...keen.gif.9802fd8e381488e125cd8e26767cabb8.gif



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You are a long time dead (so I've been told) so make it happen. Welcome airscrew. Nev

Off topic but the above is not true. I read a lot of 'Past lives' stuff and apparently it can be very short indeed. People have come back and grown up with family members their same age.


Back to you Airscrew. Welcome mate, enjoy the experience and the banter.



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Off topic but the above is not true. I read a lot of 'Past lives' stuff and apparently it can be very short indeed. People have come back and grown up with family members their same age.Back to you Airscrew. Welcome mate, enjoy the experience and the banter.

I know this is going to sound realy out there, but i stumbled on to this site about reincarnation, i was actually looking a pilots name from WW2.Anyway, i have a open mind.Cut a long story short.There was a child Born, in the US,2005, when he started to Talk, he was talking about aeroplanes.The parents couldnt work out where he had this knowledge from.He knew about the Vought Corsair.He knew how to Preflight a A/C, well where to look.THis started happening when he was 2 years Old. He started having night mares.Waking up saying his A/c was on fire.His mom said, why is it on fire.He said the Jappanese has hit is Plane.He cant get out.His parents couldnt work out how he knew so much about planes.Anyway, his parents thought he must have seen it on TV.His father researched, the stories he told and recorded it.He researched the information on the net.Apparently, this US navy pilot died in a F4U Corsair, in the pacific.Excactly as the child, remembered.I dont know what to make of this.Its out there.But who knows?I just wanted to add, when he was 2 years old, his parent bought him a model of a Corsair, he says"mum thats a corsair" he cant read at two.Anyway his mum says "look it has a bomb underneath it", he says "mum thats not a Bomb, its a drop tank".How would a two year old, know that?

PS- before people want me to go the the Nut house.LOL. I dont know what to believe. I read this and have taken it on face value, which could be wrong.I guess people have to believe in something.



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Thanks for your story Dazza. I don't find it any more 'out there' than that of a 12y.o. Indian girl who insisted that she had lived in a nearby village. Her parents got so frustrated that they took her there to see what she would say. Walking down the main road, she see's an old man."Oh, there's my husband" she said. The parents are dumbfounded. "Stop talking nonsense" they cried. She approached him and introduced herself. Yes his wife had died in childbirth some years earlier but he was also somewhat dubious. To prove it, she informed him that she had hidden some of his money and gold for security and she would take him to it. Outside the village, she dug a shallow hole and retrieved a bag of coins and personal gold objects that he recognized as his and had presumed lost or stolen.


There is a lot of 'stuff' out there that makes one think. All you have to do is keep an open mind and don't be swayed by convention or religion.:gerg:



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No worries Doug.The parents took the little Boy, to a Airfield.He at this stage was about 4 or 5.By this stage, they had seen a number of "experts".In a secured enviroment.There was a cessna 172. He started to preflight the 172.Started at the prop, checking the leading edge.Checking the nose wheel etc etc.He was asked at the time to explain what he was looking for.He preceded to say, I am doing a preflight.Im checking the prop for nicks, im checking the nose wheel etc etc.I cant explain it, and im not even going to try.Apart from having a open mind.Cheers



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