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Books for Christmas

Guest ozzie

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Anyone recieve any good books for christmas that would be worth mentioning as a good read?


Off aviation topics, i recieved a copy of the 'Missing Years' a collection of old photos of the Newcastle area taken from a collection of glass and film negatives that were uncovered during an auction. Ranging from the late 1800's to the 1960s.


I enjoy looking closely at these old photos, interesting as to how we lived back then. A few photos of RNAC biplanes flying in formation when the club operated from Broadmeadow nearer to the city. I think that one of the Tiger Moths still flies from Luskintyre.


Another was a copy of the late Steve Jobs biography. Not being much of an Apple fan i never paid much attention to him or his companies. Surprised to find it a good read. I have never been a big fan of people with 'attitude' but one can see why he was like he was when they read the book. Could he have contributed as much as he did without his hard line approach? Doubt it. I even saw a bit of myself in him. Good read.





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"All Quiet on the Western Front" was given to me for Christmas by my daughter. I've just finished reading it. It is written from the point of view of a young German soldier and, although a work of fiction, sets out the mind numbing senseless carnage and hopelessness that must have been every soldier's lot in World War I - no matter which side you were on. A good read but harrowing as well.





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Flew DH-82's ALH, RNL and Gypsy moth ULM from Broadmeadow. Are any of those registrations featured? Rather small aerodrome that one.. Nev

Rather nice air to air shot of Tiger Moth UZT, Can't quite make out the other three aircraft rego. I'll have to find a magnafying glass. Look like apz? or similar.


Quite a lot of aerial shots of Newcastle spread over the years. And a shot of the crowd at Newcastle District Park Aerodrome in '39. Wartime photos include A Hunter St showroom sporting a captued Me109 for the public to see. Wirraways and beafighters and a B29 overflying the town. And women factory workers making spinners for Lightenings. Interesting times.



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Great thread Ozzie. Yep, three books as Xmas presents, which given my prediliction for reading is no surprise.


Due to the Never Ending Harvest not a lot of reading has been done. Two of the tomes are aviation related, but remain unread.


The only book that I have opened so far is the one given to me by my son, "Paramedico- Around the World by Ambulance" by Benjamin Gilmour has been captivating. As an NSW Paramedic he uses his holiday time to practice his skills in other countries. Recounting being in Thailand at the time of the Tsunami, ambulance services in Pakistan, or being a paramedic on Venetian waterways provide incredible perspectives. Can't recommend it enough. Read this book and you will never make an adverse comment about pre hospital care in Australia, ever!!


Paramedics, always the last blokes we ever want to see, but on occasions the blokes we are happiest to see!!



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G'day Ozzie,


For an easy going autobiography with an aviation theme, try reading Tiny Office; Great Views. A simple bio on an Australian commercial pilot. Highlights the difficulties, adventures and frustrations of being a pilot in Australia. Written by Ross Isaacson. Not worth buying, but you can always borrow it from a library :-)



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