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Tomo and the Cub


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Arrived home this afternoon, so have now uploaded a couple of videos that I made up from the other week flying the Cub.


First one is with Peter Stanton getting checked out in the aircraft, and also being shown some bush strips. We didn't land at the time but it shows you some nice little strips. (privately owned so you can't just go in there without notice of who you are). And then my first landing in this aircraft back at Gympie, wheeler in this case.



Hope you enjoy.



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I liked the second one but the music on the first one made me sleepy.

Thanks! And yeah, sorry, I made the video's up away from home and didn't choose the most exciting of sound tracks did I! 025_blush.gif.9304aaf8465a2b6ab5171f41c5565775.gif



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Guest davidh10

Finally got around to watching (when I'm not tethered via phone). Enjoyed the clips, Tomo.


You certainly get around and fly lots of different aircraft :-)



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Dont forget to look me up next time your down, maybe take the drifter into them there hill country strips

Will certainly do that Rob, thankyou once again for letting me fly your Drifter, was great fun, and it's a lovely aircraft I must say. I owe you a jerry of fuel next time I see you. 012_thumb_up.gif.cb3bc51429685855e5e23c55d661406e.gif



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Gee Tomo.......we all know that you need a few" footy seasons" to fill out your slender frame.......But I didn't realise that you had such skinny "Short" arms and very "Deep" Pockets 073_bye.gif.391d1ddfcbfb3d5f69a5d3854c2b0a02.gif008_roflmao.gif.692a1fa1bc264885482c2a384583e343.gif I put about 4 x jeery cans worth of fuel in each wing for a top up after a "Joy" flight as a 101_thank_you.gif.0bf9113ab8c9fe9c7ebb42709fda3359.gif


On a serious note though, from what I've just been reading on about Fuel Starvation, I always thought if a pilot was generous enough to take me for a flight, the least I could do was to top up the tanks, I hate to think on their flight home that they ran out fuel because of me.....Plus it's Tax Deductable na_na.gif.fad5d8f0b336d92dbd4b3819d01d62e5.gif


Now were's that Avgas bill 033_scratching_head.gif.b541836ec2811b6655a8e435f4c1b53a.gif 008_roflmao.gif.692a1fa1bc264885482c2a384583e343.gif Alley



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I must say my boy you are an absolute inspiration to all of us who fly (well to me anyway), a young man of your age with such a passion for aviation and out there getting all these endorsments on many different types of aircraft and loving it i see.


I have had the same passion as I gather you have had from a very young age but the difference is you got out there and did it where i got married at about your age and let it slide until hmmmm well a little longer.


I started flying at age 23 but didn't get end up getting my ppl finished (23hrs) as we had a lovely recession in 87 and with 2 kids and a morgatage i just had to let it go until 2004 (by then 4 kids).


I first started out in trikes in 2004 and amassed 725hrs in that time till now, Xmas 2010 I got my RAA licence in a J160 and an endorsement in a Tecnam Sierra and now have about 50hrs including my 23 from GA.


My next goal is to sell the XT and get either a Sierra or a BRM Bristell NG5 as I am preffering the fixed wing flying more now than the trike due to fixed wing isn't as much hard work on the old..er body (49 this April).


All I have ever wanted to do since the age of 2 is fly light aircraft (never had an interest in jets or airlines).


Honestly Tom Scott, you put a smile on my face everytime you post something new about you and your flying.


Keep it up young fella and fly safe as i know you do.




Alf Jessup



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Thanks guys, and Alf! It's only people like you that help keep my enthusiasm going, makes it so much more fun when you can share it with others!


I love the challenge of flying, not just flying, but trying to fly well, I'm so glad I had a great instructor to start me off, and other great people that have helped me on my way. Still got so much to learn though, if only it didn't cost so much!!!



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Your welcome young Tom Scott,


You don't need any enthusiasm from us your brimming with it and seem to have a as i would say an old head on young shoulders.


Take that as a compliment it doesn't mean you look old cause you baby faced your just advanced for others in your age group.


Level headed just like your wings should be when your landing:thank you:





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Thanks guys, and Alf! It's only people like you that help keep my enthusiasm going, makes it so much more fun when you can share it with others!I love the challenge of flying, not just flying, but trying to fly well, I'm so glad I had a great instructor to start me off, and other great people that have helped me on my way. Still got so much to learn though, if only it didn't cost so much!!!

Well Tomo,


Like i said your level headed and have a direction you want to head in, unless of course you want to be like the average 20 yo male and piddle all your hard earned up against the pub or club urinal.


See what I mean:-)


I didn't have a drink on my 18th, 21st or when i got married because i didn't like the taste of it, I actually don't mind the occasional sherbert now.


I'd rather put $100 in my fuel tank, trike or car rather than watch it disappear down a stainless wall.


Ohh by the way your not a boozer are you lol ah_oh.gif.cb6948bbe4a506008010cb63d6bb3c47.gif





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That is true Alf, no I don't drink, and intend not too.


Incredible waste of money for one, and I like to be able to be accountable for my actions, so if you're under the weather so to speak, it's pretty hard not to do something stupid!


You can have just as much fun at a party without being sozzled!


Haha Nev, no didn't take to that one, but it's pretty popular though up there I can tell you!



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I brew my own beer have for about 12 years.It is cheap that way. BTW I am on a health kick.I have only had 2 beers in the last two and a half weeks.Gave up the smokes, two weeks ago. (Im a idiot i gave up once before for 8 years, stupid me took it up again about 10 years ago).This time I have given up for good.Im 42 in a couple of months so I though I better change my ways.I stopped cold turkey.Same as last time.Smoking is a drug addiction.Addiction to nicotine, I dont believe in patches or gum as I would still be putting nicotine in my body, which defeats to whole purpose IMO.It only takes 3 weeks for all the residual nicotine to leave the body.Sorry for being off thread, but I hope this helps people who choose to stop smoking.Cheers



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  • 2 weeks later...

yep Dazza - keep that non smoking going :)


I like the way John Laws answers ...................... how did you quit smoking ?


' Simple ........... just stop putting them in your mouth and sucking on the ends of them'


A simple philosophy and reminder ........ if you get the urge to smoke them cigarettes :(





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yep Dazza - keep that non smoking going :)I like the way John Laws answers ...................... how did you quit smoking ?


' Simple ........... just stop putting them in your mouth and sucking on the ends of them'


A simple philosophy and reminder ........ if you get the urge to smoke them cigarettes :(



Its been Four and a half weeks now. I dont feel like one at all.Its all good .001_smile.gif.2cb759f06c4678ed4757932a99c02fa0.gif



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The way you give up smoking is straight cold turkey and say to yourself "I am a non-smoker", and don't think about it. It is a very powerfull addiction, and the desire will still hit you, but it is less and less as time goes on. Give yourself a reason to look after yourself. You want to keep your medical, want to see your grandkids grow up, etc Regard good health as more important than anything else (which it is)


I never wanted to change places with Kerry Packer (Australia's richest man).


Smoking has the be the single most stupid thing you can do to yourself, that is voluntary. The tobacco you get in this country is full of saltpeter anyhow to make it burn faster, and the tax paid to the government (large as it is) does not go close to paying for the damage done and health costs.


Remember how foul the first cigarette tasted? That was your body telling you not to do it. (before the addiction took over). Nev



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Guest SAJabiruflyer

Dazza congrats on stopping smoking. After watching my father die of Lung Cancer, I struggle to watch people I know continue smoking, knowing what he went through, and the horrible manner of his death.


So well done - and may your family never have to go through the pain of watching their loved one waste away in front of them.



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