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Thanks for the encouragement

Guest aussie carl

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Guest aussie carl

After my indecisiveness to rejoin RAA. Forum members helped me to" get it together" so to speak.


today I done 53min Solo 3. the instructor didn't even get in this time. Made heaps of mistakes but sorted them.


took off 10 for right circuits 03.


BAK and some more training to go.






For those who are thinking about giving up. DON'T GIVE UP ! it gets easier.



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It is a challenge but that is why it is so rewarding. If it was easy, being human, we wouldn't value it any where near as much. It has helped me personally, being a very goal orientated person, in realising that in aviation there is no end state! There is no point at which you can say I know enough, there is always more out there. For me this is a good thing, I know i have a long gradual road of learning new things in front of me and I find this a wonderful thing. I have for years been trying to teach myself that it is the journey we must learn to enjoy not the getting somewhere. For me, having my children helped me 'mentally' start slowing down and smelling the roses and I have brought this to my aviation dream. I am trying to enjoy every aspect of the journey of learning to aviate as best I can at all times. Yes its frustrating at times but all the more enjoyable when the break through happens and we look back at how far we have come. I believe flying has made me a better person in all aspects of my life through application of thought and discipline, but most importantly just enjoying the moment.


A bit philosophical, but its early, the house is quiet allowing me to think.


Back to what I originally meant to say: WELL DONE CARL, I'M GLAD YOU"RE BACK WITH US! 002_wave.gif.62d5c7a07e46b2ae47f4cd2e61a0c301.gif





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Hi Carl,


Well done, mate! Good to have you back on board.


And I agree with Kyliefil - you NEVER stop learning! That's what makes it fun and rewarding.


Happy Landings!





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Guest aussie carl

ayavner, part of the reason for this thread was to share experiences, after talking to some of my mates re training, before I started this thread they have told me all the issues they have had, the exam failures, things that went wrong, the SAME fealing of unable to do it or be able to do it. "fly"


Prior to me fealing like giving up they only told me about the good stuff about flying.


Today solo 4 was very interisting. Engine troubles on climb out after a touch and go. Had my headset camera roling and heart rate fairly pumping. It was a good experince in a controled environment.



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ayavner, part of the reason for this thread was to share experiences, after talking to some of my mates re training, before I started this thread they have told me all the issues they have had, the exam failures, things that went wrong, the SAME fealing of unable to do it or be able to do it. "fly"Prior to me fealing like giving up they only told me about the good stuff about flying.

Today solo 4 was very interisting. Engine troubles on climb out after a touch and go. Had my headset camera roling and heart rate fairly pumping. It was a good experince in a controled environment.

Onya, A-C!



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