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North Queensland, Cairns area flooding!


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Though nothing like the floods in North Eastern Victoria, the flooding in the lower parts of the Cairns districts has been quite severe and here at home, we`ve been cut of from Deeral and the Bruce highway since last Sunday night... I had to move the Drifter up to the house because all of the main strip was flooding!...It is still under water and probably will be, until some time Friday or Saturday, if it stops raining in the Mulgrave/Russell river catchment area.


At this stage, the height of the Mulgrave river has droped by 4.5 metres since it peaked last night at 16 mts!...If it doesn`t rise again, we should be able to get out to the highway by Saturday morning, however, the forcast is for more rain.


I was able to get into the air this morning and take some photos, as the strip that comes up to the house is high and dry... I wanted to go up yesterday when the water was much higher but there were storms about and plenty of wind so I thought I`d err on the side of caution and not go.


These are some of the photos that I took this morning. I had to take them while flying the aircraft in moderate and above turbulence, with the controll stick between the knees! I hope you all find them acceptable!


Two of my strips under water.




How far out to sea would the flood water have gone last night when it was 4.5 mts higher?2063846184_20120321_20(Small)(2).JPG.3190280c1a894732934a6824b2a9415c.JPG


Looking North to Cairns.




To the North East.







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Guest davidh10

That certainly looks wet, Frank. It's good that you still had one strip to get in and out from.


Here, it has passed on down stream. There's only Bahmah still under threat. Everywhere else the water is receeding. Took my son for a flight up to Urana on Saturday. They have a huge lake that was dry until the end of the drought and looking towards Tocumwal it looks like an inland sea. Sorry, no piccies. My son was getting a bit cold by then and we'd been in the air over two hours, so just headed for home.



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Hope you had a PFD and raft on board 022_wink.gif.2137519eeebfc3acb3315da062b6b1c1.gif

Tex on a serious note! I know all too well what happens when there`s no more noise and the fan stops going around.


I`ve got enough high and dry land that when I get airborn I circle up over the strip until I`ve got enough height to be able to put down without having to need the PDF and raft!


The current 503 has done 240 hrs and is running so sweetly that I`m almost pepared to trust it, but I think I will continue to almost trust it.


These sneaky little buggers waite for you to trust them and then go and test your flying skills, more importantly, your landing skills! Mine have been tested enough.





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Guest Maj Millard

Good shots there Frank. Pud your coming up this way ?.....that's something to look foward to. The rain all week at Shute Harbor has been relentless. But today it broke, and we had beautifull sunshine all afternoon. Doesn't the mood change after several solid days of heavy rain !...Spent the week-end in a very muddy hangar trying to get the Lightwing up to speed for the long trip to Temora starting Monday week. Will be there again this weekend putting final touches to it.


had serious doubts the last few days that it would happen, but the break today give one renewed hope and energy...................here's hoping...be kind oh great weather gods !! ...................................Maj...bad_mood.gif.04f799b8c2da677a1c244b54433f2aa7.gif



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Yes Maj. Will be making the trek across the desert (driving of course) on "Australia's Longest Short Cut" - it's called The Outback Way, and technically spans from Laverton in the Goldfields of WA to Winton in outback QLD. We (up to 5 vehicles) will be travelling from Perth to Cairns in August and I intend to pay a visit to our forum friend farri at Deeral. Will also be travelling through Townsville so look out Maj!! Also going to Longreach and I know there are a few forumites from there as well - could be a long trip:smile: visiting all you bums... I mean chums!!





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Doesn't the mood change after several solid days of heavy rain ! Maj...bad_mood.gif.04f799b8c2da677a1c244b54433f2aa7.gif

Ross, you wouldn`t believe the heartache, financial loss and sometimes absolute despair that I felt when I was farming, because of too much rain and flooding.


At times it all got too much for me and when it did, I would think about all the farmers out west, who would endure drought for years on end and when the rain did come, they got flooded out! I would think, how dare you feel sorry for you`re self, pick myself up and carry on.


I stoped farming four years ago and now the flooding doesn`t hurt anymore, the rain keeps everything looking green, I go flying between the downpours if I wish or can, there`s nothing like the sound of rain on a tin roof and though I need to mow the grass more often, I truely love the rain these days! rain.gif.5409f0367857047bb0ed70f1ff7b4d3b.gif


Frank. 080_plane.gif.36548049f8f1bc4c332462aa4f981ffb.gif



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"I`ve got enough high and dry land that when I get airborn I circle up over the strip until I`ve got enough height to be able to put down without having to need the PDF and raft!"


Sounds like a NVFR departure ref LSAL!



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Half an hour ago, I was working in the shed, happened to look out and saw these two Jabiru! I thought someone might like to see them, especially the Jabiru fliers, so I sneaked down through the water to take some photos. Best shot I could get as I couldn`t get any closer or I would have frightened them .


They nest down the back of my neighbours farm and there are 5 of them, pity they were not all there! In the sugar cane harvesting season, they follow behind the harvester to pick up rats and bandicoots of which there are plenty, so they`re well fed.







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"Half an hour ago, I was working in the shed, happened to look out and saw these two Jabiru! I thought someone might like to see them, especially the Jabiru fliers, so I sneaked down through the water to take some photos. Best shot I could get as I couldn`t get any closer or I would have frightened them .


They nest down the back of my neighbours farm and there are 5 of them, pity they were not all there! In the sugar cane harvesting season, they follow behind the harvester to pick up rats and bandicoots of which there are plenty, so they`re well fed".


That sky looks an' interesting ' colour . Another storm on the way Frank ! - Nice well balanced photo and almost as if a flash was used to highlight the foreground against the dark sky . Might be worth putting in an Art Show down this part of the world .





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That sky looks an' interesting ' colour . Another storm on the way Frank ! - Nice well balanced photo and almost as if a flash was used to highlight the foreground against the dark sky . Might be worth putting in an Art Show down this part of the world .Bob

Hi Bob! Yes I did use a flash but that blue in the top left of the photo is in fact, Mt Bellenden Ker!...The Jabiru were standing almost oppisite the Drifter shed on the North/South strip.


The flood water got away a lot sooner than we expected and Ross road ( Our road )was open this morning... Because we are so close to the mouth of the Mulgrave/Russell rivers, once the rain stops in the catchment area, the water goes down quickly,here.


No amount of rain we receive here on the coast will flood the two rivers ( Well it hasn`t in the past ) and we can get flooded with little rain here but a lot in the catchment area.




Ps, Thanks for the compliment,Bob.



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Guest Maj Millard

Pud, We will certainly hook up with you when you come this way, might even fly to Franks and see you there as well. be prepared to occupy a seat in something while we show you what real country looks like. Will certainly be a change after weeks in the desert !.especially up Farris' way............................................Maj...012_thumb_up.gif.cb3bc51429685855e5e23c55d661406e.gif



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Beautiful photos Frank. Having grown up in Innisfail, and on a cane farm, I hear everything you're saying. My Dad told me many years ago to NOT become a cane farmer. Steve.



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All part of living in northern paradise as you know Frank !...............................Maj....012_thumb_up.gif.cb3bc51429685855e5e23c55d661406e.gif

Absolutely correct Ross! We take the bad with the good and because the good outweighs the bad, then the bad is not so bad after all!.....Old Chinese proverb. 022_wink.gif.2137519eeebfc3acb3315da062b6b1c1.gif





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Pud, We will certainly hook up with you when you come this way, might even fly to Franks and see you there as well. be prepared to occupy a seat in something while we show you what real country looks like. Will certainly be a change after weeks in the desert !.especially up Farris' way............................................Maj...012_thumb_up.gif.cb3bc51429685855e5e23c55d661406e.gif

I'm excited!! And looking forward to catching up with you ol' snoozers:smile:




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Beautiful photos Frank. Having grown up in Innisfail, and on a cane farm, I hear everything you're saying. My Dad told me many years ago to NOT become a cane farmer. Steve.

Hi Steve and thank you! I spent a few years in innisfail and if I remember correctly, it was from 1961 to 1966. In 61 I was 13 years old and if you go back that far, I may know you and you may know these Innisfail boys!


That`s me, front right. We called ourselves, The Crew.







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We have had a bucket load of rain in Mackay...


I took these recordings of some amazing birds songs on the back verandah... we get up to half a dozen sometimes of different breeds all hanging along the the undercover clothsline.


No jokes... I just missed out on one of these birds singing when an ambulance siren went by... You guessed it... the bird mimicked the siren!



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What a fantastic photo Frank I reckon that the Jabiru Factory might want a copy of that. 107_score_010.gif.2fa64cd6c3a0f3d769ce8a3c21d3ff90.gifAlan.

Thanks Allan!.. The`re welcome to it. Anyone who would like it, simply has to copy and paste to their computer.


New Anyone who is interested in bird calls, go here http://www.facebook.com/pages/Phil-Emmanuel-Official/244014645286?sk=wall&filter=12 , scroll down until you come to the youtube clip , "Jaming with a butcher bird on our verandah", it`s worth it.





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