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greeting from malaysia

Guest michaelpilot

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Guest michaelpilot

Hello everyone!


I am Michael Anthony from Malaysia. I am a 27 years old man living the dream of being a pilot.


I am just too excited to be among you guys.


Kindest Regards,


Michael Anthony



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Guest michaelpilot
Welcome Michael! Just curious as to how the recreational flying scene is in Malaysia? It's a 4 or 5 years since I've been there now sadly. Hopefully better than in Singapore, much more space to fly in for a start right?

surely! there are more space to fly than in Singapore,



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098_welcome.gif.81ff07d492568199326e4f64f78d7bc6.gif Michael. It's been a long time since I was 'up country' from Singapore. Where are you based/fly from and what do you fly? We'll Google your airfield to do a bit of sight-seeing.


Oops, just realized, you're not flying yet. So where will you be flying from............some day.



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FWIW they are usually very easy to spot by the way they are written. Generally have a very "friendly/kindest" tagline to them, more than you would expect of a normal post introduction.


I spotted one a couple of days ago, and spotted another suspicious one yesterday that I have reported.


If you see anything remotely suspicious about a post (even a first post) report it to admin so they can get on top of it. The spammers usually do a few test posts before commencing a DDoS (Distributed Denial of Service) type of attack on the site by swamping it with posts to the point of server failure. Read the first post again to get an idea of the odd initial friendliness. The thing in our favour is the bots/spammers rarely change things like the tagline.


Yes, I have been a mod on other forums....



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Howdy all


I got one of these spams on our Aviation Online when I was trying to sell my Weightshift Trike.This fella that wanted to buy ,it posed as a Dr from


England.He asked me if I could hold it for him, as a deposit was on its way and he would be coming down to organize shipment.He sounded very


well spoken and intelligent,this is how they operate.I smelt a rat when the deposit did not go into my account.Then a check arrived for the full


amount what i was asking for,now the pong was getting really bad.I did not cash the cheque,it would have got me into trouble,as I have heard about these


Nigerian scams before.Just be wary fellas if your selling, sell only in OZ i did get a buyer eventually from NSW and the doc from what ever rock he


ever crawled out of, crawled back in and did not even ask for his so called cheque back.



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Guest Bigfella
Stone the crows, you learn something every day....The only Spam I've ever heard of was the one I used to have on my lunch sandwiches when I first went to work nearly sixty years ago.033_scratching_head.gif.b541836ec2811b6655a8e435f4c1b53a.gif.Alan.

Hey Guersney, go easy on the spam (the edible type) still a camping staple for us, love it on a couple of bits of long life bread!(salada)






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