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Proposed Air Park Controversy

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That bloke is a serial complainer has done so in the local paper for years.


There is also one opposite Maryborough airport always complaine about engine noise, the best one he done was complain to the aircraft maintanance shop about the load noise eminating from there. It was a F111 that done a dummy touch and go, I was there.





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Guest sunfish

Sadly these serial complainers eventually get worse. This publisher guy now thinks that the Australian Government is out to get him by spraying poisons where they drift onto him. It sounds to me like he has epoxy sensitivity after building a boat.




He thinks customs and the Aviation industry are in league and out to get him for his obstruction of their plots. Sad really.


Too easy, that's aviation. The instances of stalking by the aviation mob has been to obvious to ignore. General Aviation or GA, but I find that many in the industry are personal enthusiast as well so there is a substantial bleed over into Recreational Aviation and we have witnessed so-called professional passenger pilots act incredibly irresponsible. The link between Customs and aviation is especially strong through the Coast Watch program. It's the culture and they have been coddled and protected and financed by government to the point I believe many of them feel above the law. A case that is being resurrected lately is one that happened over a year ago. A pilot was giving joy rides to passengers and he augured in during a dangerous stunt, killing himself and the passenger. The trouble was he didn't have a license to carry a passenger and had a history of blackouts due to an injury. Above the law? Arrogance? Couple years ago a local Hervey Bay Builder of surveillance aircraft with accounts in the Middle East, think Syria, ran one of his planes over town early on a week end morning playing music very loud to test his PA system. He judged it a success by the number of people concerned that reported it to the police! He knew the police would do nothing and he was right. We've been first hand witnesses to the police - aviation connection. More on that below. When it became known we were campaigning to restore aircraft control in our area we were routinely harassed by low flying circling aircraft and one of the worst was a personal jet. I say personal as it was obviously not a passenger jet. Corporate jet. We found out who's it was the next day. That was the then premier of Queensland, Anna Bligh's jet. Couldn't be bothered with the 3 hour drive up from Brisbane for a little speech. Three tight circles right around us at altitude below 500 feet in a residential area well off the glide path. Believe there was a statement being made there.



His comment on Hervey Bay Airport is here:





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The problem was that Pauline was honest & told it how she felt on different topics. A big no no in politics. Successful politicians are very good of talking a lot and actually saying nothing.They are also good at breaking pre- election promises .

Dazza: The other place PH went wrong is that she was seen as competition for votes by both major parties. She voiced the frustration and disgust that we all feel towards the professional politicians...and they didn't like that sentiment expressed in public. So they villified her and used every dirty political trick in the book, all the financial resources and media connections they had to silence her and her party.

Don't get me wrong, I didn't particularly identify with much of her policy platform, but I share her disgust with the direction the two major parties have been taking us for the past 30-odd years.



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Sadly these serial complainers eventually get worse. This publisher guy now thinks that the Australian Government is out to get him by spraying poisons where they drift onto him. It sounds to me like he has epoxy sensitivity after building a boat.http://www.thecoastalpassage.com/


He thinks customs and the Aviation industry are in league and out to get him for his obstruction of their plots. Sad really.




His comment on Hervey Bay Airport is here:



Sunfish: Good post. That is just the kind of thing that will help the airpark people. 'Activists' can be very hard to shake off, but if (when) they manage to discredit themselves in public forums like this one apparently has, they actively undermine their own credibility.



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I remember Slarti wailing "Who pushed the ignore button!"


A couple of things here.


The Proponent in this case may have spent millions buying the land, may have employed Planning Consultants, and may be on track with a planning strategy to counter the more extreme comments, which usually carry almost no weight in any case. He hasn't asked for people to chime in and add to the confusion.


In cases like this, where an objector is basing his case on something which is wrong or irrelevant, The Proponent's Planners will not interfere with him, but let him have his say in the process. The Planning Consultant will then get up and quietly shoot down the objection on legal grounds.


So, for example, is someone is objecting to an airfield on the grounds that light aircraft will dump their fuel over local houses after an engine failure, and that's the basis of his objection, the Proponent will remain silent - he couldn't get a better objection than that because he knows that at the crucial phase, the Tribunal Hearing, he just has to produce an expert which says the practice does not happen with the aircraft proposed for the development.


If, on the other hand a string of "helpers" roars in and talks people into sitting down with the objector and straightening him out, then the odds are he'll drop that objection, and may well find another one which does carry Planning weight.


In this case, in this forum, this objector has already been given the heads up publicly. I haven't mentioned any other objections to avoid making the situation worse, but believe me, going and having a cup of coffee with him, unless at the request of the Proponent, with the advice of his Planning Consultants is NOT a good idea.



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A pilot was giving joy rides to passengers and he augured in during a dangerous stunt, killing himself and the passenger

Interesting choice of language. Correct me if I am wrong, but I have never heard that phrase spoken in Australian aviation circles. I have, howver, seen it written many times in books written by American test pilots and military pilots from the 50s through to the 70s. So perhaps the guy has gleaned some of his "knowledge" from old autobiographies. The rest of it reads like your typical conspiracy theorist.



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And I quote....


"Wherever possible, airports should be moved to better selected areas and


as soon as possible. There are numerous situations where airports have


expanded their use to the detriment of the community, again, for the


benefit of the few. The longer you wait the worse it gets."




"Airports are not an imperative. Their cost in money, resource, pollution


and human suffering is high. Australia probably has too many now for


those costs. "


soooooo.... they cost too much to maintain, but he wants to move it... wonder how much THAT will cost? And rarely (ever in Australia that i know of) has an aerodrome been expanded for the benefit of the few. (us little guys) More likely it has been expanded so that an RPT carrier could service it, which benefits the whole community.


what a knob



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