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Ugly Kid. . . .

Phil Perry

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I was shopping in K-Mart the other day and there was this weird looking child running around the store like a lunatic. I said to the big bloke standing next to me,. . " That is one bloddy Ugly looking Kid" . . .


He looked at me and snarled " That's my SON over there . . . ! " I smiled and said,. . ." I'm sorry, I didn't know you were his Dad,. . . . ."


He said,.












"I'm not his DAD,. . . .










I'm his BLOODY MOTHER". . . . . .



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I used to work with a guy in his 50's with long straggly grey hair and a fairly decent size gut. While we had a crane waiting to unload some F111 wing boxes, this guy rode in the cab of the truck to direct the driver to where we were waiting with the crane driver.


As the truck comes round the corner of the hanger, the crane driver looks at the truck, turns and comments, "Geez, that truck drivers wife is bloody ugly".



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Awkward..... ;)

Used to have a smoking hot young lass come to my workshop for her service work over time. One day she rocks up and an older looking women who gets out of the car and who had similar facial features which prompted me to ask if it was her Mum - it was her 2 year younger sister .....



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Used to have a smoking hot young lass come to my workshop for her service work over time. One day she rocks up and an older looking women who gets out of the car and who had similar facial features which prompted me to ask if it was her Mum - it was her 2 year younger sister .....

Very, very awkward 030_dizzy.gif.fecc2d0d52af5722561e47dee1add28d.gif



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Hey guys,. . . . I've got the antidote to this,. . . . when one of our pilots brings his Wife to the airfield, I always say to him, " I see you've brought your lovely Daughter with you today . . ."


Works every time, and the ladies love it !





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  • 2 weeks later...

That's fine...till my OH who is considerably younger than I decides to run with it, calling me "dad" at every opportunity...only to behave in a rather un-daughterly way when she's sure the old ducks are watching...takes great delight in my awkwardness and the stunned oldies. Bitch! Lol



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