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Third tech manager in 18 months gone........

Guest Maj Millard

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Just an idea. Would it be possible that if a suitabily qualified / experienced person wasn't in a position to relocate to Canberra could some of the more involved / difficult renewals be secure bagged to that persons location and actioned remotely. Such a decentralised system should be able to happen. This may allow spreading the workload and improve turnaround times. creating a win win situation.Cheers


John, Good point and currently being considered by the General Manager.


Jim Tatlock.



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Referring to the existing RAA Official Website, the Technical Manager for RAA is Wayne Mathews. If in the event that he has gone through the revolving door, then it is the responsibility of RAA Management to immediately ammend this website information.It appears that from the outside looking in, the RAA Executive & administration staff past & present are still shuffling the chairs around on the sinking "Titanic" to eventual self destruction.

John, If you are a member of the RAAus you can access the members portal and will see an update. The home page will be updated soon.




Jim Tatlock.



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I have no idea why the RAA hasn't already modernized the registration system? Its about a week's worth of programming to create a documentation system from scratch.

Systems have been imlemented that are working better (not perfect) and agreeable to CASA. Obviously the future direction is to move to a complete electronic/computerised system. This is an operational matter and therefore the General Managers responsibility. Once the office is on top of the current registration issues and staffing issues I'm sure it will be progressed.




Jim Tatlock.


Treasurer RAAus.



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An email has been sent to Mark Clayton today requesting the following details:1. Who is the current Technical Manager for RAA?


2. Is Wayne Matthews still a current employee of RAA & if not why not?


As soon as a response is received from Mark Clayton, the information will be posted on this site.

John, In a recent conversation I had with the GM he indicated there is hundreds of emails not yet read. You must understand the current workload many of the office staff are under. Do not be surprised if you do not get a reply for a considerable time. As previously mentioned many times it is often best to contact your local board representative as a first point of call.


In answer to your questions:


1. Darren Barnfield is the temporary or acting Techmanger for the RAA.


2. No and because that was the decision of the board in consultation with the General Manager.




Jim Tatlock.



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(a) Kaz, you aren't doing any of us any favours


(b) Knowing what I know now, and particularly in the light of the Tatlock statement 2 above, agreeing that he should be left alone, I'd recommend that all members make sure they find out what went on, and not from the board members.



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Systems have been imlemented that are working better (not perfect) and agreeable to CASA. Obviously the future direction is to move to a complete electronic/computerised system. This is an operational matter and therefore the General Managers responsibility. Once the office is on top of the current registration issues and staffing issues I'm sure it will be progressed.Regards,


Jim Tatlock.


Treasurer RAAus.

This is so typical of the RAA's "problem", you are making a mountain out of a molehill. the vast majority of the code is available freely and only requires integrating into the existing authentication system. The system just needs the ability for end users to upload images and RAA and CASA staff to leave comments about the images. Its not rocket science Jim.



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(a) Kaz, you aren't doing any of us any favours(b) Knowing what I know now, and particularly in the light of the Tatlock statement 2 above, agreeing that he should be left alone, I'd recommend that all members make sure they find out what went on, and not from the board members.

Turbo, What is that?


If you know stuff then do share. You indicate you 'know stuff' but don't say it. As has been made very clear in this thread the board cannot and will not go into specific reasons for not continuing the Tech Managers employment. There was a probationary period and Waynes employment was not continued for multiple reasons that will not be discussed for legal reasons.


Are you a paid up member of the RAAus at this moment? Or just fuelling an issue that you currently have no formal link to?


On what basis would you say do not find out what went on from the board members? Do we lie? Have I lied? Do we not treat our legal requirements seriously?




Jim Tatlock


RAAus Victorian Representative



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This is so typical of the RAA's "problem", you are making a mountain out of a molehill. the vast majority of the code is available freely and only requires integrating into the existing authentication system. The system just needs the ability for end users to upload images and RAA and CASA staff to leave comments about the images. Its not rocket science Jim.

Im not saying it is hard. I'm not an IT expert. I am saying it is not my role to be implementing it. In the past the board have interfered with the office on a daily basis and it has got us into the mess we now find ourselves in. Lets follow due process and improve. We are currently making great headway (though reading some threads you would think we are not).


There are technical issues. Our server is outdated and running out of space. Wiring needs to be redone. These are all issues that are being addressed. It is not an overnight fix. I would also suggest if you cannot get it correct on paper then a computer might not be the answer. There is a lot occuring in the background at present.


The membership have demanded good governance. That is what the Executive and Board are endeavouring to provide.


Fly if you go to the RAAus website there is a members register that you can fill out and return offering your services. Please mention this thread in the reply and I'll make sure the office is aware that you are a resource we can access for assistance.




Jim Tatlock


RAAus Vic Representative.



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John, If you are a member of the RAAus you can access the members portal and will see an update. The home page will be updated soon.Regards,


Jim Tatlock.

If any of you that fly have been to Birdsville there use to be a sign on the Pub Wall which read "Free beer tomorrow".

Therefore if a new student or Pilot who is not yet a current member of RAA & looked up the RAA website to contact the Technical Manager for information about some technical matter, & he was to contact the Technical Manager named on the RAA website he would read the name of Wayne Mathews as he would not be able to access the members forum.


Therefore if RAA Executive or Management are so prompt in terminating the Technical Manager to place a notice on the members forum surely common sense dictates that they would be able to attend to removal of Technical Managers name on the website at the same time & NOT AT SOME LATER FUTURE DATE.


Kindergarten children who are already computer literate would be able to attend to this task without difficulty, as compared to us humble members who are paying dearly with our fees & charges to RAA & getting bugger all for our money except registration stuff ups etc.



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If any of you that fly have been to Birdsville there use to be a sign on the Pub Wall which read "Free beer tomorrow".Therefore if a new student or Pilot who is not yet a current member of RAA & looked up the RAA website to contact the Technical Manager for information about some technical matter, & he was to contact the Technical Manager named on the RAA website he would read the name of Wayne Mathews as he would not be able to access the members forum.


Therefore if RAA Executive or Management are so prompt in terminating the Technical Manager to place a notice on the members forum surely common sense dictates that they would be able to attend to removal of Technical Managers name on the website at the same time & NOT AT SOME LATER FUTURE DATE.


Kindergarten children who are already computer literate would be able to attend to this task without difficulty, as compared to us humble members who are paying dearly with our fees & charges to RAA & getting bugger all for our money except registration stuff ups etc.

I have sent an email to the GM reminding him to update the contact page.020_yes.gif.58d361886eb042a872e78a875908e414.gif



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I really don't want to get involved in it, projects like this that involve committees never ever work out. From experience, the project ends up being "dumbed down" to satisfy the most illiterate committee member.



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I have no idea why the RAA hasn't already modernized the registration system? Its about a week's worth of programming to create a documentation system from scratch.

That the RAA needs o develop an effective, on-line, system for handling registration (and concomitantly, other airworthiness issues that arise from time to time) is glaringly obvious.


However, it is most certainly not 'about a week's worth of programming', unless you are simply talking about a direct replacement of shuffling paper with working at a screen - and that would create no greater efficiency.


Registration is a 'business process'. It requires far more than just electronic recording of data replacing paper recording of data - it requires that the rules under which the process actually happens is an integral part of the system design, so that the system automatically checks for certain conditions and either allows the process to continue or flags the exception status for human attention.


As a very (over-simplified) example: Aircraft XXXX registration is due for renewal by 1 September. Renewal is contingent of the following: the payment of the registration fee, the current RAA membership of the owner, a photo of the placard and compliance with an A/D issued since last Registration.


To be effective, the Registration system needs to automatically cross-check the finance system to ensure the Registration fee has been received, the Member's system to ensure the Owner is a current Member, there is a record of a photo of the placard having been received and held on the database (and that the date of last submission of a photograph of the placard is within whatever time-limit is imposed e.g. the last 12 months), and that a record of compliance with the A/D has been provided. Now, that last one might require that the A/D has been performed by an accredited L2, which then requires cross-checking with the List of Approved Maintenance Personnel system that the signatory for that compliance statement is a valid person (anybody remember that RAA issued a pilot's certificate to a person who claimed training from a school that didn't even exist?).


Now, that's just for a way over-simplified version of real life. In order that such a system be effective, it needs to do these mundane tasks not just correctly, but auditably - or else, the Tech Manager is still in the position of having to review and verify every condition, which would take as long as the old paper-based shuffling routine.


A proper business process management system with on-line, secure reporting by owners would be a godsend to RAA - but it MUST be properly designed,specified and then coded. Be assured, the design and specification of the system is in fact a fairly complex issue. You simply cannot just hand over a set of data field names to a programmer and tell them to 'make it happen'.



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(a) Kaz, you aren't doing any of us any favours(b) Knowing what I know now, and particularly in the light of the Tatlock statement 2 above, agreeing that he should be left alone, I'd recommend that all members make sure they find out what went on, and not from the board members.

Turbo I am so sick of the "I know something" and we kids are supposed to "do our homework" thing. You say ask someone who is not a board member, well you are not a board member so do tell,you can always message privately.



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Guest Maj Millard
The RAA website has already announced a temporary replacement Tech man. I believe he was the assistant to Wayne. They have also stated that the position should be put out to the employment agency for additional applicants, as is now the recommended procedure.This by the way is the same system that found us Wayne in the first place, so the current score stands at 0 for 1.......

The bottom line as I see it at this crucial time for our organisation, is the absolute need for TEAMWORK !....by all involved, from GM down to all board members. This is no time for power plays or non- productive politics.


There is a massive need right now for hard work and the correct decisions, to ensure that the organisation gets on the right side of our problems, and stops loosing disenchanted members, as it is now doing.


We may be sitting on a sizeable amount of cash reserve ATM, but if the current situation is allowed to continue that may not be the case in a couple of years..............Maj....

Hi there Jim, Nobody can blame you directly for the current fiasco, however please refer to the last paragraph in my above post?..The current member apathy has to be put on the list for action and addressed....soon.


Every time the board and exec allows situations to occur where we loose another good person , members and potential members dive for cover.


We are now, and will loose members in the nearfuture, due our current ongoing problems , particulary the registrations problems. Look at the number of new aircraft classifieds in the last two mags. Loss of current members, potential new members, and aircraft annual registration fees = serious loss of income for the RAAus now, and in the future, and you as current treasurer should be seriously concerned .


Prior to loosing Wayne we were in a relative period of stability, which is what is needed desperately right now to build confidence within the membership. Combined Teamwork must be exercised now within the exec and board when a situation like this arises again. Sorry, but from the imput I received on the Wayne affair it didn't look like teamwork was well exercised in this case........................Maj....024_cool.gif.7a88a3168ebd868f5549631161e2b369.gif



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Jim can I explain how insecure the members portal is? To run an attack on the login you just need to write a script that can use the common surnames: Smith, Jones or Tatlock and then work numerically through member ID's from 1 to 25000 with each Member ID you need to loop through the year, for example from 1940 to 2000. 25,000 x 60 = 150000 combinations per surname.


If I do 4 combinations per second its about 100 hours per surname. The hardest part of the attack is finding the right surname.


Who ever designed this system doesn't understand what they are doing.



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Guest Maj Millard
020_yes.gif.58d361886eb042a872e78a875908e414.gifI have sent an email to the GM reminding him to update the contact page.020_yes.gif.58d361886eb042a872e78a875908e414.gif

In respect to the above Jim, could you clarify who exactly is tasked to update the RAAus website ??.....Is this the responsibility of the GM alone or one other person within the office....or is it an option for several who may have the ability to do it ?........Maj....024_cool.gif.7a88a3168ebd868f5549631161e2b369.gif



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In respect to the above Jim, could you clarify who exactly is tasked to update the RAAus website ??.....Is this the responsibility of the GM alone or one other person within the office....or is it the option for several to enable todo it ?........Maj....024_cool.gif.7a88a3168ebd868f5549631161e2b369.gif

Maj, Maxine is who the email went to with CC to Mark. Obviously Mark will not action that item.







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Guest Maj Millard

Ok thanks, one would assume then that Maxine would only action an update during normal office hours, which is when I would assume she is on duty so to speak ?...............Maj...024_cool.gif.7a88a3168ebd868f5549631161e2b369.gif



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Jim can I explain how insecure the members portal is? To run an attack on the login you just need to write a script that can use the common surnames: Smith, Jones or Tatlock and then work numerically through member ID's from 1 to 25000 with each Member ID you need to loop through the year, for example from 1940 to 2000. 25,000 x 60 = 150000 combinations per surname.If I do 4 combinations per second its about 100 hours per surname. The hardest part of the attack is finding the right surname.

Who ever designed this system doesn't understand what they are doing.

Yes, fully aware of the security. There is nothing on the site of a sensitive nature. Although this is somewhat off thread. The members portal is temporary in its current format. Our financial records are not confidential and you will notice that all information on the portal is public knowledge.




Jim Tatlock.


RAAus Vic Rep.



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Ok thanks, one would assume then that Maxine would only action an update during normal office hours, which is when I would assume she is on duty so to speak ?...............Maj...024_cool.gif.7a88a3168ebd868f5549631161e2b369.gif

Correct. Though she does work outside hours at times and may or may not alter the site over the weekend. Jim.



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Guest Andys@coffs
Jim can I explain how insecure the members portal is? To run an attack on the login you just need to write a script that can use the common surnames: Smith, Jones or Tatlock and then work numerically through member ID's from 1 to 25000 with each Member ID you need to loop through the year, for example from 1940 to 2000. 25,000 x 60 = 150000 combinations per surname.If I do 4 combinations per second its about 100 hours per surname. The hardest part of the attack is finding the right surname.

Who ever designed this system doesn't understand what they are doing.

Yeah technically that is so, but it is always effort vs return......having spent bucket loads of effort I can now.......read some internal news........


As the material changes in the portal, and we get to upgrade it to something that might even go close to getting someone interested in spending the time....(something requiring a financial transaction as an example) then the protections required will need to be lifted.


Im pretty happy with what we have now....for where we are now......which is vastly better than where we were 12 months ago......which was all talk and no appreciable action.





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I really don't want to get involved in it, projects like this that involve committees never ever work out. From experience, the project ends up being "dumbed down" to satisfy the most illiterate committee member.

And that has been the biggest problem ,,,,,very noisy forum users, with "inside information" or other dirt who are just sh1t stirring and have no intention of being part of the solution, I'm not defending the RAA they don't deserve it, but I'm also pretty over the crap that I read here.



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And that has been the biggest problem ,,,,,very noisy forum users, with "inside information" or other dirt who are just sh1t stirring and have no intention of being part of the solution, I'm not defending the RAA they don't deserve it, but I'm also pretty over the crap that I read here.

I have been in the situation of implementing bad decisions and having to clean up that mess, imagine the hoohaa with the feds when the members portal is properly hacked. I don't need CASA and the AFP all over my case.


I have given a some specific feedback about the portal security so that other less literate members can understand the issue and the problems with projects when they start bad.



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If any of you that fly have been to Birdsville there use to be a sign on the Pub Wall which read "Free beer tomorrow".Therefore if a new student or Pilot who is not yet a current member of RAA & looked up the RAA website to contact the Technical Manager for information about some technical matter, & he was to contact the Technical Manager named on the RAA website he would read the name of Wayne Mathews as he would not be able to access the members forum.


Therefore if RAA Executive or Management are so prompt in terminating the Technical Manager to place a notice on the members forum surely common sense dictates that they would be able to attend to removal of Technical Managers name on the website at the same time & NOT AT SOME LATER FUTURE DATE.


Kindergarten children who are already computer literate would be able to attend to this task without difficulty, as compared to us humble members who are paying dearly with our fees & charges to RAA & getting bugger all for our money except registration stuff ups etc.

John, Page updated with correct details.





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