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Treasurers Report (AGM 2013)


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RAAus Members


The financial report I will be presenting at the AGM is now up on the members portal for download. I attempted to place it here but the forums server blocks it due to size. Feel free to download it and share. If you have any questions ask here or email me.


Regards and Safe Flying,


Jim Tatlock


RAAus Victoria Rep and Current Treasurer.



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We try to be mindful of those on slow connections thus the limit is 246kb...anything larger that you want to put up just let me know and I can do it for you...just don't want an open slather of large uploads on the site, especially images as many don't use the Thumbnail system in a post



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Guest Maj Millard

Jim, That's great and I look foward to perusing the current figures.


One area I am particularly interested in, is have we shown a drop in overall income since the rego fiasco started ?...I would like to see say, the last 6 months income figures put against those of a six month period three years ago.


I know the rego thing has, and is costing us members, and has to have an effect on total income at some stage...............Maj...024_cool.gif.7a88a3168ebd868f5549631161e2b369.gif



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Jim, That's great and I look foward to perusing the current figures.One area I am particularly interested in, is have we shown a drop in overall income since the rego fiasco started ?...I would like to see say, the last 6 months income figures put against those of a six month period three years ago.


I know the rego thing has, and is costing us members, and has to have an effect on total income at some stage...............Maj...024_cool.gif.7a88a3168ebd868f5549631161e2b369.gif

Think in the short term, the cost will be loss of members and loss of registration, however when the economy improves these planes will end up in new homes.

Hence the membership will be new members and old members renewing. I am only looking ahead to what could be, looks like in the short term things will not be good.


The CASA issues where will that end up.?


Hopefully there is enough fat in the organization to survive.




Keith Page.



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Maj and Keith, You are both on the money so to speak. The non-renewal collate with the GFC and the registration issues. Our non-renewal figures are much higher that most anticipated (this data has been hiding in our database and not easily accessable). Now we now what they are my next project will be to work on retention and return of members.


I have asked Ian to upload the file here if he got my email. Jim


PS. We have funds to survive a few years. The next year will run at a loss however I hope that we have stategies to reduce the second half of 13-14.



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One area I am particularly interested in, is have we shown a drop in overall income since the rego fiasco started ?

Well if they didn't have these silly annual registration requirements the operating costs would be considerably lower in the first place. It's circular - need the money from annual rego to pay for the staff to process registration papers every year... as CASA have pointed out RaAus needs some competition.



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Guest Maj Millard

It appears from viewing the graph on registrations on the RAA site that a significant number of aircraft have had their renewal refused, for various reasons.


I doubt if we'll see those back except maybe in the for Sale classified listings. Good chance you won't see those owners back either as members, so there's a double whammy loss, members fees and aircraft regos.


We may have a bit of fat at the moment to back us up, but will the fat be there in future years the way things are currently going. The last thing we need right now for the members doing the right thing, is another fee increase..........Maj....024_cool.gif.7a88a3168ebd868f5549631161e2b369.gif



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I can't get my head around the problem with 2 year membership/registration as an option. Less work input (for both member & organisation) and if the early money is invested then there is in fact more in the end. I realise it needs to be recorded differently for the yearly figures to be an accurate reflection of any specific year - But this is not rocket science.



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Guest Andys@coffs

People have suggested that offering 2 year registrations or 2 year memberships will reduce workload and in effect act as an efficiency gain for the organisation. I cant at all disagree with that because they are simply facts....... however I think there are other larger efficiency gains that can be made around our processing and IT systems that the teams looking after Tech and Ops related charges will need to reflect in time


While I believe there are larger gains that can be had this one is relatively unique in that if we change, as per the guidance in the auditors report this year just gone, to an accrual based accounting methodology for membership and aircraft revenues then it matters little to the accounting system wether you buy 12 months in advance or 60 months in advance because each elapsed month only one month of revenue is realised, the remainder of the months you have paid for are prepayments and treated differently to the monthly realised revenue. Other than the change from cash accounting to accrual based accounting the reason this one to me is relatively unique is that it takes virtually nothing to realise. Other larger efficiency gains come at probably significant implementation costs with associated process policy and auditing changes.


In an organisation as large as ours, to be not running accrual based revenue recognition would I suspect be the exception rather than the rule.





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Most of the efficiency gains that the RAA can realise are in deploying an online customer management system, making simple processes like credit card updates and payments and address changes self managed is going to save the RAA from having several administrative positions. I don't know what the staff are going to do once they deploy this as they are employed primarily as paper shufflers, its not like you can retrain them as programmers. Abbott was talking about sacking another 12,000 PS, so its not a good time to be looking for work in Canberra. 034_puzzled.gif.ea6a44583f14fcd2dd8b8f63a724e3de.gif



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Historically our clerks work a few years then return to further study. If we went to a electronic system it would not mean sackings as opposed to not replacing staff upon leaving.


On a more positive note. Let's expand and require the same number of staff to run a larger organisation!! That's where I want to be heading.


Jim Tatlock


Victorian RAAus rep and current treasurer.



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The day you deploy the online system you have surplus and idle staff. Its going to be worse for the RAA when you have a Liberal PPL encouraging women on big salaries to stay working just to get a pay cheque from the government.



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