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Potential new aircraft engine?


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For those worried about the durability due to heat and friction on the seals in this motor, have a look at what this Aussie company has done with apex seals. www.performancetestedseals.com It will offer an understanding on how far technology has come with regard to sealing a constantly varying angle combustion chamber surface. The conditions that these seals are exposed to is near on identical to the conditions that will occur in this new engines design. After saying all that I have faith in the design but. And its a big but. If you want to go into business, don't pick a tiny market. Unless you want to fail or keep scamming grant money (a certain radial diesel from Germany comes to mind) If it is used to power a generator, fire pump or something mining related first, then it has a better chance of working.



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Very interesting. One of the most remarkable engine designs I've seen. Hope they can make it work. 42 HP from a 6" dia by 6" long package is quite a claim!

I wonder if they will be able to s-t-r-e-t-c-h this motor to around the 90-115 horsepower range to power recreational aircraft?



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