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Girls make better chopper pilots

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"Ten out of every 100 [uS] Army helicopter pilots are women — but they account for only 3 out of every 100 accidents."


(In the comments it is pointed out that combat hours are not separated in this study). Just to be PC I must point out they are good at some other things too off course, in fact I find them quite useful. throw_tomato.gif.8a27f69a28c208ea05bc7ad066007de8.gif







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Interesting stats, I would be unsure of their significance. I work in an environment that trains military helicopter pilots. Anecdotal evidence there would suggest that while there are competent female pilots, more of them require extra attention/assistance than their male counterparts to pass the course.



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I wouldn't trust simple unqualified stats like those. Their operations might have been less hazardous. They might not "press on" as much as men do. In a military situation the expectation might be different,( to get the job done). I have trained and observed female pilots but not in large numbers. There are differences in the way they approach some things. Whatever I say will get me into trouble here, but they are probably more careful with detail and perhaps not so egotistic (General comment) They are preferred in the mining industry driving dump trucks, I'm told because they don't race each other and flog them . I think men might be prepared to think more outside the square and take more initiative, but most operators don't want this anyhow.. Modern psychology is able to find differences that can be identified and more will be known and more understanding with time. The younger male brain is much different to the older one. Even in wartime only younger pilots flew fighters. This is not just due to reaction time it was the younger blokes were less prone to analyse the risk. Nev



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I wouldn't trust simple unqualified stats like those. Their operations might have been less hazardous. They might not "press on" as much as men do. In a military situation the expectation might be different,( to get the job done). I have trained and observed female pilots but not in large numbers. There are differences in the way they approach some things. Whatever I say will get me into trouble here, but they are probably more careful with detail and perhaps not so egotistic (General comment) They are preferred in the mining industry driving dump trucks, I'm told because they don't race each other and flog them . I think men might be prepared to think more outside the square and take more initiative, but most operators don't want this anyhow.. Modern psychology is able to find differences that can be identified and more will be known and more understanding with time. The younger male brain is much different to the older one. Even in wartime only younger pilots flew fighters. This is not just due to reaction time it was the younger blokes were less prone to analyse the risk. Nev

Nev I have a niece who got a job driving one of those huge mining trucks I don't know how because she kept me busy for years repairing her car after she crashed it at least 5 times at the mine she sideswiped another mine truck leading to a enquirey the last straw was when she drove off while refuelling it with the hose still in the tank .



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Prefer doesn't mean they are all good. I wouldn't see my daughter as being a better driver than my sons either, but I heard reliably that they (girls) were "preferred" in that industry. Blokes tend to get bored and then push the boundaries. I think there are more men who like mechanical things than girls do..Nev



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Prefer doesn't mean they are all good. I wouldn't see my daughter as being a better driver than my sons either, but I heard reliably that they (girls) were "preferred" in that industry. Blokes tend to get bored and then push the boundaries. I think there are more men who like mechanical things than girls do..Nev

Maybe they were preferred because the bosses get sick of talking/looking at blokes all day:amazon: and maybe they found once there was a few females around that the fellas work a bit more 'enthusiastically'097_peep_wall.gif.dcfd1acb5887de1394272f1b8f0811df.gif

But on a serious note some ladies have an amazing mechanical ear while others could drive around all day on bare rims and not even notice. I have no idea of the percentage of either



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I know they have to constantly "prove" they can cut it, in a lot of areas, particularly flying. It is better not to be under that pressure, and it is just prejudice. A pilot's performance can be assessed pretty well by people who are experienced and fair. At higher levels with more complex operations there is a lot more than stick and rudder. Risk management, confidence and clear decisions etc under pressure. Nev



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Anyone who has flown a responsive chopper knows they need the most gentle touch. I could easily see gals better at this. As to military training young guys are indestructable and will try anything you ask them or tell them they can do. Girls I know don't think that way. They will delay, consider, analyse and ask questions before trying something they deem risky.


My views only.





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