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British Jet near miss with missile

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Personally I think sighting the rocket is plausible

I don't, I was descending into Kilcoy one time in a drifter and two Kestrels went past one either side of me going the opposite direction way too close for comfort and I did not see them till it was too late. These were slow moving aircraft that should be much easier to see than a missile. I do not believe it would be possible for the pilot to spot a missile coming towards him.



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I don't, I was descending into Kilcoy one time in a drifter and two Kestrels went past one either side of me going the opposite direction way too close for comfort and I did not see them till it was too late. These were slow moving aircraft that should be much easier to see than a missile. I do not believe it would be possible for the pilot to spot a missile coming towards him.

Probably agree but I think it highly plausible had the missile been going away from them. I have actually watched a tank fire a round from behind and it is possible to watch the round for a good distance .



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How does a pilot eyeball a missile and avoid it in a passenger jet? Sounds like more BS to me.

Any missile designed to shoot down an aircraft would be either RADAR guided or (more likely) IR guided. And at a 1000 feet away it would be on you in the blink of an eye. If it missed but was close enough it would detonate its bomb. I think the story is typical media BS. The pilot saw a pelican through the bottom of his vodka glass and got spooked.



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Probably agree but I think it highly plausible had the missile been going away from them. I have actually watched a tank fire a round from behind and it is possible to watch the round for a good distance .

As you know that is different when you know when and where to look also the missile was supposed to be coming towards them and in the cockpit you are normally looking forward and scanning to the sides and that would only be if airline guys even do that.



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It was probably the Egyptian military doing exercises.


The pilot said he avoided it, probably meaning he avoided the area where the exercises were taking place and the passenger misconstrued that into avoiding the missile.



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UK media sites having a complete wonkfest over this one. ( especially the online comments ) Many commenters are convinced that this was a "Rocket Propelled Grenade" fired by a Jihadist. This is interesting if the aircraft was on a similar flight trajectory overflying Sinai, as, the Russian aircraft was cruising at approx FL 310 when it, ceased to fly. . . .( French investigators said yesterday that there was a strange noise immediately prior to the end of the CVR recording, which is being spectrum analysed to see if it fits the pattern of some sort of detonation within hearing distance of the recording device. . . RE -REPORTED today by the Egyptians )


What I actually read [ about the August incident ] was something like this, ( Didn't copy paste as I thought everyone here would be way ahead - FT usually is. . .)


"the first officer was flying the leg. The captain noticed what looked like a missile of some sort to the right of heading. He commanded a deviation of course to the left. He estimated the missile was approximately 1,000 ft away from his aircraft. Another crew from the same airline who were in the same area also saw this UFO and reported it to the first aircraft." ( ? ) There was no mention of "evasive action" or urgent action of any description. Passengers apparently noticed nothing unusual during the flight ( ? )


The very short report did not give any altitudes, did not say if the ufo was at a similar level. . . nor say whether the "Missile" had a visible contrail, or any other comment about it. The reason for not going public with this report back in August, was that there was deemed (( by those in the know )) " no significant risk to the aircraft." As those RPT pilots on this forum will be aware, aircrews are mostly contractually "Discouraged" from reporting anything to the media directly.


So I would assume from this that the August aircraft was cruising at or around a similar altitude to the Russian Airbus,. . . since the area is known to be a trouble spot. . . therefore the RPG idea is a non starter, and I do not know if there exists a "Manpac" Sam launcher with ammo which is capable of flying that far up. . .I doubt it but can't be bothered looking at Wiki.


So now we must add the Sinai desert area to the map of dodgy areas to overfly ? ?


One thing is certain,. . . Sharm El Sheikh is no longer regarded by the Brits as a good idea for a beach vacation. . . . .


Not to trivialise the matter, but saw this in the media today. . . . loads of holidaymakers waiting to be flown home from Sharm, but the Egyptians are restricting flight numbers,. . .79,000 Russians also wanting to leave this week and the next. . . should be an interesting logistical nightmare then. . . . since uncle Vlad has banned all Russian aircraft from anywhere in Egypt. . .





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It is interesting to note tht Brits ( generally ) did not cancel their Sharm El Sheikh holiday bookings en masse following the recent murder of 33 tourists on a beach in Tunisia, another muslim resort,. . . and some of those interviewed on return to the UK today, have said that after all this crap blows over, they will go back there, because A) it's very good value for money . . .and interestingly B) that the locals will suffer if the Brits desert it in droves. . . . .


The Airport security IS a complete joke at Sharm though, . . .my friend Stevie said that when he went there last year, people were paying fifteen quid to bypass security altogether on boarding, and loads of people were carrying 2 litre bottles of soft drinks and water onto the flight as carry on. . . with no intervention from security personnel.


Not only this, but at no time was he, or anyone else he saw asked to walk through a scanner.


The aviation scuttlebut up here says that it is painfully easy for someone to place a "Device" of some sort in a baggage hold when loading takes place, as how do you recognise an ISIS favouring operative in a bunch of baggage handlers ?


security will always be poor in countries like Egypt, where the average wage is just pennies. Hence the bribery of security personnel,. . . fifteen quid is probably more than a day's pay there, and apparently, again according to returning tourists, they even SUGGEST this to the travelling public in order to jump the queue. . . .


All returning tourists at the moment, and it's going to take most of next week to clear the backlog, have had to leave thier hold baggage behind, which is going to be checked by BRITISH security officers, then loaded and returned on separate flights not carrying pax.


How long it will take the poor Russkie tourists to get home is a moot point, . . .they may well have to somehow travel outside Egypt, Israel maybe ? To get flights home. Nice if you can afford it I guess. What a mess. At least the security on El Al flights is known to be slightly exponentially better . . .



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Any missile designed to shoot down an aircraft would be either RADAR guided or (more likely) IR guided. And at a 1000 feet away it would be on you in the blink of an eye. If it missed but was close enough it would detonate its bomb. I think the story is typical media BS. The pilot saw a pelican through the bottom of his vodka glass and got spooked.

A source quoted in The Daily Mail said: ”The first officer was in charge at the time but the pilot was in the cockpit and saw the rocket coming towards the plane.




“He ordered that the flight turn to the left to avoid the rocket, which was about 1000ft away.’’



1,000 feet is only 300 metres. Does any forumite seriously believe that the flight could have turned "to the left to avoid the rocket"? This seems really far-fetched.



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It's the Daily Mail. 100% of their reporting is far fetched.

Journalists are supposed to be engaged in "fair, accurate and balanced reporting". I am not sure if this report fits any of those journalistic ideals.



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