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Guest Billy Biggles

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Welcome Billy, but we need to know your position on pertinent forum items in order to understand how to respond to you in the near future;


1/ Lovely, wonderful Trump or evil, warmongering, enslaving Killary.


2/ Your Jabiru engine position.


Please feel no pressure when replying with your favorable Trump responses, and know that Camit discussions are considered separate from Jabiru discussions.



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Billy, please ignore such responses as by BEX, we all know it doesn't matter who you voted for so long as it was the right one, and he should know the Jabiru engine position is at the front of the aircraft. Much more important, is how you managed to train the Wedge-tailed eagles to down the drones in the WA goldfields. You must surely have been involved - you live only a few hundred kilometers from there!


Also, welcome aboard. Please leave your sanity at home.





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Billy, please ignore such responses as by BEX,





  1. 1.
    an imitation of the style of a particular writer, artist, or genre with deliberate exaggeration for comic effect.






  • verb





  1. 1.
    produce a humorously exaggerated imitation of events.





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Oh dear, I'm really getting outclassed here. Anyway, welcome again Billy. Noticed the 'local' airstrip for you is Dale River YDVE - it doesn't get its own page in ERSA, so I presume its not the busiest airport in WA. Is there a local club, or bunch of private flyers (GA or RA, doesn't matter) you can meet up with - its a really good way to get enthused and find out what branch of aviation you can afford and enjoy.





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Guest Billy Biggles
Oh dear, I'm really getting outclassed here. Anyway, welcome again Billy. Noticed the 'local' airstrip for you is Dale River YDVE - it doesn't get its own page in ERSA, so I presume its not the busiest airport in WA. Is there a local club, or bunch of private flyers (GA or RA, doesn't matter) you can meet up with - its a really good way to get enthused and find out what branch of aviation you can afford and enjoy.David

Hi,lDavid,thanks for the nod the closest ,strip to me is Flint which run,s parallel with Broockton, Hwy used for a touch and go for pilots from Beverly field [a mainly gliding airdrome] as it state,s on the sign so yes my comment about the feathers as you thought was exactly correct don,t have a machine yet but thinking on a Thruster or similar a/c [trailable] maybe ,so tnks once again sorry im not up with the tech chat but i shall practice my P,s & Q,s TTFN and be safe Billy/B



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Hello Billy, had a look on Google Maps, all I can find on the Brookton Hwy is what I presume is the Dale River strip, just east of the forest. Unfortunately its all too far for me to check out personally, as I realised when someone in Kalgoorlie was selling a trailerable aircraft that would probably have been ideal for me. I had firm instructions from the management - get your licence first! She's quite right, of course, although getting training in your own aircraft is a lot cheaper ....


There is a nice (I think!) Thruster for sale in QLD at the moment - but its a long way from Jelacobine! That sort of aircraft is almost affordable, lots of fun and can probably land across, as well as along, most regional airport runways - crosswind? what crosswind!


Don't ever worry about 'not being up with the tech chat' - it will come (hopefully even for me), just check out this forum, people like Bex and facthunter Nev are well worth reading, in fact most people on this forum have lots of practical knowledge to pass on. The thing is, read the info, check it elsewhere, see what others on the forum have said later, check it again elsewhere, (textbooks, pilot operational handbooks, CASA and Airservices websites) and you too will become an expert! (But never, EVER, think you know it all!).


It will only be when I know it all I will figure out how I managed to put a "caution" on your last post - can somebody tell me how to take it off?





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Guest Billy Biggles
Hi Billy and welcome. David I have found with technology, just mash all the keys and if what happens is what you want to then try and replicate it, works every time.:oh yeah:ie:smash pc:

brilliant Clint/B:score 010:, i am learning fast being an old geezer,i,m still on my P,s but you chaps are getting closer,all the time,[just found the tool bar]--TT-FN Billy



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Hi Billy,


Good to see you on board (so to speak) :cheezy grin:I've just relocated from flying at York down to Bunbury but live very close to Jandakot. Out of interest we looked at a property in Jelcobine a few months back. Good luck with the flying.





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ˈwɛlkəm/greeting, salutation, hail, welcoming; More


reception, warm reception, favourable reception, acceptance, hospitality, red carpet;


  1. 1.
    greet (someone arriving) in a polite or friendly way.
    "hotels should welcome guests in their own language"
    synonyms: greet, say hello to, salute, bid someone welcome, play host/hostess to, show hospitality to, receive, meet, embrace, receive with open arms, roll out the red carpet for, fete;
    usher in
    "hotels should welcome guests in their own language"
    antonyms: shun, spurn

      be glad to entertain (someone) or receive (something).
      "we welcome any comments"
    • react with pleasure or approval to (an event or development).
      "the bank's decision to cut its rates was widely welcomed"
      synonyms: express pleasure/satisfaction at, be pleased by, be glad about, take pleasure in, approve of, appreciate, accept, embrace;
      informalgive the thumbs up to
      "we welcomed the bank's decision to cut its rates"
      antonyms: reject, disapprove of









adjective: welcome


  1. 1.
    (of a guest or new arrival) gladly received.
    "I'm pleased to see you, lad—you're welcome"
    synonyms: gladly received, wanted, appreciated, popular, desirable, acceptable, accepted
    "I'm pleased to see you, lad—you're welcome"
    antonyms: unwelcome
  2. 2.
    very pleasing because much needed or desired.
    "after your walk, the tea room serves a welcome cuppa"
    synonyms: pleasing, agreeable, encouraging, gratifying, heartening, promising, refreshing, favourable, propitious, cheering, much needed, pleasant, to one's liking, to one's taste
    "that is very welcome news"
    antonyms: unpleasant, disappointing
    It is great to see you in the forum, Billy Biggles. I trust you will have many pleasant and educational encounters here!



(please be careful with the through bolts)



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