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Hi Tony


I have been recently injured and have a long recovery in front of me. I build and fly rc planes. My aim is to build a real plane and then fly it.


On a shoe string budget.


This is the first steps in my plan to not only fullfil my life time dream of flying,but also keep my very active mind( most times a bad thing ) pre occupied on a project, rather than the effects of the injury.


I beleive that with the support of the right people , 1 peice and step at a time. I should be able to compleate what some think to be impossible.


After life has most of its enchantments stripped away, flight remains the thing that brings the same amount of enjoyment to me as a Bubble O Bill did as a kid.



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You know Spades, a few years ago, I had a medical condition requiring me to spend 10 months off work. So I fired up the flight sim on my computer and flew around Australia, real time in a small aircraft. It was one of the big inspirations for me to learn to fly for real.


My other big inspiration was my father being a pilot in the 1960's and 1970's, and seeing his enthusiasm was contagious.


I like your plan, I hope you learn to fly before building your plane, knowing how to fly would definitely be beneficial to building a plane.


All the best mate, and a speedy recovery. Hope to see you in the skies some day



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g'day Spades, and welcome to the asylum...


if you do decide to Tony's advice and get into flight simming, let me know and I'll help wherever I can


in the past I've written numerous articles on flight simming for Oz GA magazines - I was going to offer to help you set up a system but then I saw where you live - oops...Boonah to Perth is a long flight for a Drifter...


don't forget we have a RC section here on this forum as well, you might want to drop them a line and say g'day







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Every thing you do is part of the new you. I designed, built and flew models for 7 years before flying the real thing. I've had aeromodellers hop in a plane and fly it pretty much unaided. they all fly by the same basic laws. Some models cost as much as a simple real plane. Beware.... it's an addiction. Nev



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