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Loss of Enigne training / Short Filed Takeoff and Flapless approach

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Good fun training had on Sunday.


Wasn't impress he pulled power on me during the takeoff climb kept thinking surely he's not going to make me land in the paddock ahead :)


No wind make those approaches go on forever.


Learned so much with all these factors that go into judging if you're going to make it or not back to the airfield or the paddock you had picked out.




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"Wasn't impress he pulled power on me during the takeoff climb" - Toughen Up Princess (SMILE) - wait till it happens for real and your all by yourself.



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In my flight test for the RAAus PC, the CFI pulled the power for an EF sim, and after I picked a small dirt strip in a paddock as my landing area he made me actually land it power off, well zero thrust anyway. So much fun! Gotta love the bush.



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When you can cope with a 3 second 'delay' (to simulate the shock factor), before you are allowed to commence your vital actions - then you are getting closer to the real thing. Not so difficult if you are in cruise at >2000' agl - but very stressful in an EFATO situation.


As other posters have said - EF rarely happens in a convenient spot, or a convenient time: it's likely to be when your hands are full with operational matters. Prioritisation is the thing, and you'll learn this from your instructor.


happy days,



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One day you might thank the instructors who pulled the power on you at difficult times. It's hard to get too much of it. Watch out for the SWER wires. Have a good plan (or two). No good picking a place that turns out to be unsuitable with no plan "B". Any motor can fail usually at high power but sometimes at idle if it's not adjusted correctly. Better to run into the far fence at walking speed that hit the near one at flying speed. Nev



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I had the same during my training CFI reached over kill the engine and said don't fxxxxk this up ,first one was on down wind ,he did it about 20 times best training ever different conditions with no power really makes you think on how you approach you landing lot goes through your head .



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