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FREE Australian Airport Database for Dynon SkyView


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Because I am a good-natured bloke (and get bored easily) I decided to work out a way to import all published Australian airports into my SkyView system - a process that was relatively painless using the DAH, Adobe and Excel. However, as the RecFlying forum architechture doesn't allow uploading of *.CSV files, you'll need to actually download them from my post at the Dynon Forums, over here...


Now, given there are many hundreds of Certified and Uncertified/ALA's in Australia, I cannot guarantee these are accurate inasmuch as I haven't screwed up something in the PDF-XLS conversion, but those in my immediate vicinity correlate perfectly with the OzRunways VTC overlay. That is my way of saying you use these files and the data therein at your own risk. If you get lost, that's your own fault, these are intended for situational awareness only.


Furthermore, I haven't been anal enough to go through and categorise each and every airport to their respective icon in SkyView. If it's a Certified airport, per the DAH, it gets a "Filled" icon, if it is a Uncertified aerodrome or an ALA, it gets a "Hollow" icon. Additionally, these will show up as User Waypoints in SkyView, so you need to have the "display user waypoints" option selected at a suitable map range to enable you to see them.


I will endeavour to keep these two files updated with each revision of the DAH unless AsA has a dummy spit, or I get tired of doing so. Anyway these are based on the November 2017 revision, with the next being due in May 2018. Eventually I might do the NavAids as well, but for now, here's the two airport files.


Happy Flying! 001_smile.gif.2cb759f06c4678ed4757932a99c02fa0.gif



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Thank's lads, with Excel it doesn't take too long to do at all, so I've included the NavAids as another CSV download. It only has VOR/ILS info in it, no ILS/DME/LOC info but if you need to find an ILS in a hurry, odds are you've got bigger problems than this can help with!



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  • 3 months later...

The new DAH goes live tomorrow, so as ASA haven't tried to pineapple me yet, I've updated the files to reflect the data in the MAy 24 reivison of the DAH and uploaded the new files over at the Dynon Forum for those that want to update their systems.



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Dynon Forum[/url] for those that want to update their systems.

Great! Thanks KRviator. I'll have a go at uploading this dataset sometime over the next couple weeks and let you know if there are any issues.  Much appreciated! 011_clap.gif.c796ec930025ef6b94efb6b089d30b16.gif



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  • 1 year later...

I got asked in the Garmin thread about these files as Dynon changed their forum software and broke my links -so as I had a bit of time this morning, I updated the files for the May 2020 DAH revision. Here's the Dynon ALA & Certified files. Of note, there is now a section in the DAH for "Not in ERSA, but with verified info" - these listings are not contained in this dataset, I need to replace the alternator in the RV and that's today's' priority, so I'll look at getting around to including those ones this evening.


To use the files: open the files in a text editor, then re-save them as *.CSV files, copy them to a USB stick, and insert it into your display. You can then press buttons 7+8 and select "Load Files". That should copy them to your display as User Waypoints. A Certified airport has an "Airport Filled" icon, an ALA has an "Airport Unfilled" icon. I have not tested these files with my own system to confirm they work yet. If you use them and you get lost, it's your own fault. You shouldn't be relying on a dataset some random anonymous bloke created anyway.



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Just a bit of an update - in another of my less-than-stellar moments, I got the E/W & N/S intergers reversed. so.....:pc revenge:


DO NOT USE THE ABOVE DATASETS. You'll wind up halfway to Seattle.


These versions (V2) correct the NS/EW error, and cover the following:

For Certified Aerodromes, every aerodrome listed in Section 17 of the May 2020 DAH

For ALA's, every ALA listed in Section 20 of the DAH as well as those not listed in ERSA FAC, but with verified contact details of an ARO or responsible person. That works out to 615 ALA's nationwide.


Here's the corrected versions - but as above, I still haven't tested them with my SkyView. I'll upload them to the Resources section of the website shortly.


As above, for Dynon owners, rename the file to *.CSV, button, copy it to a USB stick, Button 7+8 on your Skyview then "Load Files".

For Garmin Owners, rename to *.FPL, copy to a SD card and do whatever you need to do to import them.


If you strike trouble, leave a message here and we'll work to getting them sorted.





Edited by KRviator
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