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The Never Ending Story


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......if Ghastly Laces is watching, and then entice him to give some educational philosophy using that quaint form of English where apostrophes are never used while there's a supply of commas left in the computer and.....



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.......... it became clear that this was the stratagem of the edumacation departamento of the Queen's land (and all of the computers made by clive's cumpanies in the land of queens have the shift and punctuation keys removed).




"we'll revolutionamacate orstray-yun lingo" was one of Campbell's main election policies "bull with the boner and frilly lace panties will lead the charge, then even saint madge of the blessed green ginger pubes will back them up with his .................



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.........21 mm ring spanners and 5 lb hammers, which they always bring out when repairing Moron Cobras, which as we know are basically built from six tea chests stuck together with duct tape, and various assortment of collectibles from hi rise flats where......


' = c-o-m-m-a ' = a-p-o-s- t-r-o-p-h-e


Note for today: They are different



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...... Knobu hangs around in dark fire stairs waiting for .............


' = c-a-t-a-s-t-r-o-p-h-e ' = c-a-c-o-p-h-o-n-y


Note for today: They are different



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........"he waiting long time" said Honda san, more likely to w-e-t-h-i-m-s-e-l-f, except that..................."

......... he have 2 big bottles of Suntory (BrineRef) tied to his body with Occy-Straps (AvRef) same like Rightwing fryers do with a couple of Jelly-cans (LotaxLef) in the ruggage compartment filled with ULP or PULP (another LotaxLef)" proferred Honda san "And the Knob's exhaust needs some work done too (more LotaxLefs)".




"I know what to do" said Knobu "I'll dlink one bottle (another BlineRef) then be able to ..................



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UPDATE REPORT ...............................


And here, dear reader, we have the fantastic mix that will forever be Australian recreational aviation.




We have a leading member from the land of Queens (Saint Madge of the chipped shoulder), in free intercourse (NTTIAWWT) with other members with Victorian attitudes (and dress).




This is akin to Lions and Tigers playing happily together .............. and then having a bit of a fiddle with each other's bits.




And in the middle of all this are the likes of AndySh@inthecorner and Ratty, who provide the glue that keeps it all together.




This will never be understood by the likes of Frilly Lace Nickers, although long standing NES practitioners will feel the love in the room .................... however FLN was also worried about our Japanese friends being insulted.




Ratso can report to you all that he has spoken at length on this issue with Nobu who is OK with the manner in which he and his countrymen have been treated, and said words to the effect of "How can we possibry comprain after we were taken plisoners in 1944 and stuck in Cowla for yonks, which was pletty clappy. We are just happy being out of Cowla and being part of this fantastic NES. After all, we were in Temola rast week and had a gleat time alound the fire buckets while warming our hands on Mave and Nanna."




Now back to the story where TurdBoy has called Ahroxoff a witch ...............................



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....and, as always in his search for hard evidence visited Fair Park at Anakie, where he found another witch.


The park has been cleverly concealed as a tribute to the Brothers Grimm, whose blood curdling tales of murder and dismemberment were favourites of us all, but Turbo quickly saw through the charade - this park is really a celebration of Ahlot's life


There were seven gas barbecues where amateur firebugs could practice making gigantic flames without the need of fire trucks, allowing Ahlot to cruise the forums.


There was the story involving the dwarves, and another involving a take of seven goats which he probably tried hard to suppress, but they're out there, animated, in living colour folks.


There was the story of Snow White - a likely bloody tale because we all know Ahlot is no prince, and not even handsome.


There was the wolf story, and a playground for adults judging by the age of the people playing.


NES readers can get the picture when Turbo descibes the car park as being full, and all perverts (except him, he was on a research mission)


Finally he met the witch, who advised him he was a bit late, and she'd shut down the hot dog stand for the day, but..................



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This is the 2nd time that the NES has reported that AhLox has got himself involved in witchcraft, on which we now have two independent witnesses's reports and a previous cartoon representation of his exploits.




However this time your NES Investigative Reporter offers the below photo of AhLow during his TIF on his Czechoslovakian manufactured broom (Note that no rivets had come loose at this stage).




The NES apologises for the graininess of the photo, but it was taken with a long lens from a hide near the end of the E/W strip.




As someone who knows AHroxoff from numerous coffee sessions and social intermingling (NTTIAWWT) the Rodent can attest that this is definitely Loxy and note how hard he is gripping the stick, and see the concentration on his cute little face, which is typical of new customers on a TIF, not to mention the fact that he is climbing out a little too steeply.



Now back to Turbo's post # 8985 (who will win the meat-tray for post # 9000 I wonder?) ........................................



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..........well judging by the exhibit where what looked like Aholt on a bad day was forging a huge sword, he will...............

......... be seen to be showing a "panty line" underneath his cassock in the photo, with what looks to possibly be a set of 1952 vintage Bonds Y-fronts, with the ...............



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...... effect that all NES contributors ran away and hid at the appearance of the words "panty line".




For all, at sometime, had been asked by their significant other, "Does my bum look big in this?".




To which the universal reply has always been "Compared to what?" ................... and then it hit the fan again, with ..............



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........Madge embarrassing everyone by baring his tail [avref], then dragging it over the carpet in the foyer of Warren Truss's office, and...............

........... Nobu turned to Wazza before saying "It's the worms mate. We had them in Cowla about 4 ft long and they are now a particular problem in f'n Q."


Saint Madge of the Cestoidea, who hoped to soon be St Madge of the Combantrin, turned and said "..............



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Guest Maj Millard

Go get him MM...he'll he's only there to serve us....and we bought that now slightly marked carpet in the foyer anyway...brown on brown don't look too bad...and he.



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Go get him MM...he'll he's only there to serve us....and we bought that now slightly marked carpet in the foyer anyway...brown on brown don't look too bad...and he.

............ lifted his tail (another AvRef) and dragged it again to turn the mark into a cross, which might indicate where the treasure is buried, or perhaps it is just the 1st part of a game of noughts and crosses.




Wazza and Nobu rose to the challenge, dropped their dacks, lifted both of their empennages (french AvRef) in unison (aerobatic AvRef) and prepared to .............



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........and then the Magic Monkey woke up from his dream, and saw the stained carpet; Wazza and Nobu had left the room.


"You DIRTY little THING!" he yelled at Madge who looked up at him like a dog about to be kicked.


"HE did it too" Madge lamely replied but the Magic Monkey was beyond being consoled "You F'n'Q's are all thge same" he yelled "I have to take you everywhere twice, the second time to apologise!"


And Turbo knows this is true because he was present when the Queensland Tourist Authority launched the T'n'Q programme to separate those who washed and kept on going to school after the age of ten, so they could employ them in resorts, and dress them up in uniforms similar to clothing worn by people of European descent.


Just then Wazz walked back into the room, dressed in a caftan; "I've always been in favour of the coal industry" he said "and the Prime Minister has told me I'm authorised to build a sixty million dollar rail line from the Bowen Basin to Dreamworld."


"But we're not miners" protested the Magic Monkey, "we're here representing recreational aviation, currently being abused by the evil CASA"


"Who?" asked Wazza who wasn't exactly across his portfolio.


"CASA, the aviation safety body of yours" said the Magic Monkey


"Oh that, replied the Minister, the Senate is fixing that, probably won't be around next year so don't worry"


"But where does it leave us?" cried the Magic Monkey


"Your the ones that beat up roads and beaches and fly through caravan parks with bits falling off........."


Madge couldn't contain himself any longer, and.......



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Guest Maj Millard

What the .....!!?...not a bloody crack could he find, look a hard as he could using his super- torch and 10 power eye loop....hell all the way to Temora and back and not one crack !.....damn I 've spent my whole life looking for fine cracks and now..........



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