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read and watch this it is VERY interesting

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I'm waiting for the nut cases to start the conspiracy theories over the awful school shooting just over a week ago. Government mind control gone wrong? Cyborg escapes research facility? There are people who for some strange reason must start these stories to satisfy some pathetic need in their aimless lives. (I might add this posting is no way intended to insult anybody posting to this forum)

Conspiracy, refuting, contradicting and alternative stories invariably emerge when there are commercial considerations. I can't see where that could apply in the tragic case of a confused Aspergers sufferer.


Your reference to 'nutcases pathetic need in their aimless lives' is not only telling and insensitive it shows a complete misunderstanding of the situation.


Perhaps some of those who you describe that way and who do seek an independent review and do suggest that the official version may be a coverup do now have aimless lives, if they lost their loved ones to an event like this.


Wouldn't you want to check the official story? Do you believe all that Governments say? If you would, and you sometimes don't, wouldn't that make you a 'nutcase' by your own definition?



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Stop creating scenarios that get you all worked up...

I don't and I'm not, I've just never got on well with folks that don't consider their fellow man's feelings before denigrating them. If we were all a lot kinder and more considerate of each others' viewpoints the forums would be better places and the discussions more beneficial.


One of the things I generally like about subject-oriented blogs is that the common interest, in this case flying-for-fun, usually helps to keep the discussion friendly and relevant. As a new member it's very evident that group friendliness here is noticeably lacking from some.


Factions are typical in Australia but its a shame that the common aviation interest that we all have doesn't seem to transcend that here.



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Interesting how the Democrat marketing strategy has worked so well on so many people.

10 years ago to suggest the invasion of Iraq due to WMD was a scam would get you shouted out of a room and declared a "Terrorist Sympathiser"... Heck I called it within weeks of 9/11... it was obvious to anyone with a grain of common sense...


Today it is common knowledge to anyone who takes the time to look...


10 years ago the Australian Wheat Board Scam was the same....


Today it is common knowledge...


I guess this sort of BS it OK?


It will all come out in the wash in time...



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10 years ago to suggest the invasion of Iraq due to WMD was a scam would get you shouted out of a room and declared a "Terrorist Sympathiser"... Heck I called it within weeks of 9/11... it was obvious to anyone with a grain of common sense...Today it is common knowledge to anyone who takes the time to look...


10 years ago the Australian Wheat Board Scam was the same....


Today it is common knowledge...


I guess this sort of BS it OK?


It will all come out in the wash in time...

Yes 68, you're onto it, the perpetrators always have (for centuries if you're a history scholar) worked on the basis of time heals all, or at least provides the margin required to cover the tracks of individuals.


In the case of 9/11 there's just a faint hope that the modern day speed of information transfer could, just possibly, be enough to get the truth out before the perpetrators are gone, or dead and gone. One can only hope.



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The reason they get away with it is this...


If this is true (and if you look into it you WILL reach this conclusion) it makes EVERYTHING you thought was meaningful in your life a lie... It means when you go in to kiss your Kids (or Grandkids) goodnight you can never look them in the eye and tell them "It is all going to be OK" because you will know it is a lie...


This is a very heavy burden to carry... I WISH I DIDN'T KNOW MYSELF.


It doesn't suit the world view we have spent our whole lives building up... our whole belief system. It is easier to believe the lie than to face the painful truth.



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  • 2 weeks later...
Wow! It seems that George W was far more intelligent than I could have imagined. His administration was able to bring together a massively complex scheme combining the talents of the best demolition people (using some new silent explosive) a large bunch of hate-filled religious nuts, firefighters and other officials. They were all co-ordinated into a complex series of actions (it normally takes Hollywood many takes over weeks to get it right). Even Operation Overlord had glitches. GWB makes Eisenhower look like an amateur organiser.

Well it was the extreme right fundamentalist christians than voted for him. Ever heard of a certain little baptist church that likes making a fuss about funrals of children... One of his loudest supporters.


I don't believe in the 'stories' but I do believe GWB jnr was an idiot.



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