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Yet another hellicopter crash.

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Aviation tragics like Planey have to have their aviation toys.


Tonight after flying my rc helicopter around the house, I ventured outside with it.


Flying quietly, so as not to disturb others in the retirement village, I took off from runway whatever ,and climbed smoothly in an easterly direction to an altitude of about 30ft, before it went dead-stick, and came down the other side of the fence.


Stuff that! I though ,that bloody thing cost me 20 bucks delivered from my pension money off of Ebay.


So just wearing just a pair of sock on my feet, I scaled the 7ft fence into to next property which is a building site, and came down on a sharp star picket ripping my sock and putting a gash in my foot that eventally required 8 stiches.


But where's the bloody helli I thought? They're building a swimming pool here and alongside the basic formwork is this water about a metre and a half or so deep after the rain we've had. Armed with a garden rake and a torch, I start raking the bottom of this water to retreive my prized possesion without any luck, then o sh*t, I think that was my nice Guess watch my son gave me, that went in too.


After almost half an hour of fruitless raking, i've come to the conclusion that silly old b's like me, should not have toys and try to jump fences like one's still in their teens.


Despite the injuries, I do not expect an accident investigation from either RAAus, or CASA, but hopefully i'll get my watch back.spacer.png



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Join the club planey.


I had one with a camera and infrared control. Got it hovering nicely and started a camera run.


It all went well until I got to roof height where the prevailing wind carted it out over the dam.


That's about where the infrared range expired, and I managed to fish it out at night using the boat and a spotlight, but that was the end of that UAV



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Join the club planey.I had one with a camera and infrared control. Got it hovering nicely and started a camera run.


It all went well until I got to roof height where the prevailing wind carted it out over the dam.


That's about where the infrared range expired, and I managed to fish it out at night using the boat and a spotlight, but that was the end of that UAV

Cameras cause a lot of accidents spacer.png



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My question is: were you only wearing socks? spacer.png

No Tomo, just didn't want to ruin my new slippers, plus i'm not in the habit of displaying anything else to the public, which is getting to the stage where it needs a bit of ironing.


My tracksuit looked like i'd played in the State of Origin, and bleeding like a half slaughtered pig, came to the conclusion that some of us silly old farts never grow up.spacer.png


Just hosed the pathway down this morning, as it looked like a grisly murder scene from the night before.


I sypothised with Turbo's loss though.



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Guest Howard Hughes

I'm impressed, my chopper has never gone higher than about 8 feet before rolling over and disintegrating into a pile of mangled parts. Tonight I looked eagerly at the 'recreational rotary licence' thread, then thought to myself, NAH....ain't never gonna happen! spacer.png



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Cameras cause a lot of accidents spacer.png

I think you might be on to something there.......I had a nice foamy ducted fan T-45 for quite a while, then I put an FPV system on it. Turns out you can get out of range really fast with something that does 120 kph. All my spotter (daughter) said was "you're getting a bit far away now."
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My God, aviation must definately be a disease,


I just jumped the fence again to retrieve my helli from the water, armed with a garden rake, like a no hoper.


I knew it would have been stuffed anyway, but just wanted it back, so I could pull it to bits so I could find out why it went AWOL.


"Planey, you are a "Richard Cranium", but there are others like me. (Some Turbo powered) who will understand!



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