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Cubcrafters nose-dragger (TriPacer deja-vu.)

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Nice! Looks like a Tripacer on steroids. I like nose wheels, I have enough tail dragger time, to own a few of those T shirts... these days I like the relaxed taxi and seeing where I’m going!

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There are those that think they are special because they fly a tailwheel aircraft, they're not. For 99.9% of short strip operations a trike flown well will handle it. The "Big wheels little dick" brigade has become popular in Australia, most of the strips they post flying into you could do it in a 140hp Piper Cherokee. You don't need a 250K flimsy slow Cub Crafters machine with massive wheels to land in a paddock or a short strip.

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There’s something retro cool about a tri pacer and especially the interior when they’re restored in red or green or white with the two tone seats and panel, those old style yokes etc. This thing is just ugly!


I’m sure it’s a fine aircraft but not one I’d want to be seen getting into on the ramp. 

I do feel sorry for those buying these other than the price 😱. Cub /tail dragger types will claim it’s not a real one, and everyone else will wonder why they bought that monstrosity.


im guessing they have a market for them though, and if someone likes it enough to buy, more power to them. I’m sure the same was said of 172 pilots from 170 owners.

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We had a TriPacer, converted it to a PA22-20. It did look better, if I had the chance again I would not do it again. The Tri is a very capable aircraft, the tailwheel version has no real advantage whatever people say. It is no faster, the short field operation is no better, the only advantage is the tailwheel does look pretty. The 20k+ it cost to convert would pay for a lot of fuel.6062B2A8-3474-457E-ABE1-74134BC0FFC7.thumb.jpeg.981a2a404bb8082a3c4c846e99186178.jpeg

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On 14/07/2021 at 8:02 PM, Garfly said:

Yeah, not too shabby!





Love the Monogram model box top pic! Oh boy, did that bring back memories! I loved that kit as a kid and the Monogram Cessna 180 also. Civil light aircraft kits were quite rare in those days.

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So many people are scared of conventional A/C, i guess the boogie man will always be there for some:-)

The nose dragger Cub is the ugly duckling out there but hey the power of the market place over rules common sense:-)

Each to their own:-)

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The market eventually decides. I don't know how many were sold. They had butyrate dope and fabric. Made a 2 seater (Colt) some real Pacers and some converted ones.. Part of your choice for trainers in the early fifties. Easy enough to fly. but the Cherokee 140 followed not long after. Nev

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