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Auster driver 2


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Hello everyone.


I have an Auster "Ajax" which is one of a kind. It started life as a J5 Model D built in 1944 and test flown in 1945. It was originally fitted with an 0-290 Lycoming and saw service with the RAF in Germany, etc before being mothballed. In the early 50's it was sold to Kingsford Smith and fitted with a surplus Gipsy. It also had a larger and strengthened tail installed along with modified perspex. More recently it was extensively refurbished and now has a 160 hp 0-320 up front. It has less than 900 hours TT.


The bounce was left in during all these changes.


I was also built in 1944 and bounce too if treated roughly! This makes us both 65 so we fit together petty damned well...


Nice to be here.







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Nice one kaz.


Brings back memories of my first lesson which was in a J5 at Shoreham UK in about 1964.


Having always had a fascination for aeroplanes, I decided to take my first lesson while my boss assumed I was working. It smelt fumey, a bit draughty, me nervous, and no barf bag supplied. Sadly, my new pin-striped business suit was the substitute, and I was this colour;)


Next time, wearing clothes fit for the rag bag I went in a Beagle Terrier, which from memory was a civil conversion of the Auster AOP6 and my breakfast never saw daylight again.


That's Murphey's Law for you.


Kind Regards





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I love it and I guess you can tell


Planey said: "Nice one kaz" and included a photo of BYM taken at the recent Chipmunk fly-in at Tocumwal.


Thank you. I really do love her and find her a great thrill to fly. I was awfully nervous of her at first but have come to understand that all will be well as long as I abide by the rules (funny that):


1. Slow down early in the circuit rather than later and be aware everyone else will want to get out and pass you (I'm doing a 100 knots on start of downwind and need to get it back to about 45 by the turn onto final - stall is 24 knots in landing config);


2. Balance aileron and rudder (there is nothing like an Auster to show up ham/lazy fists or feet);


3. Go round if the landing is anything less than a good one (she really does BOUNCE);


4. Land as near into wind as possible (the max cross wind component is 9 knots as she was built when airfields were all-over);


5. Be prepared for a looonnnnggggg float when landing on hot days on tarmac (she thinks she's a glider);


6. Keep working the rudder to balance P-effect with power on and the strong tendency to turn into wind when landing or taking off (incipient ground-loops are scarier than incipient spins);


7. Get the into wind wing down and do it early (see above); and


8. Be gentle and ALWAYS speak to her nicely!







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Guest rocketdriver

Was number 8 referring to BYM or Kaz??


It is a wise man who treats an aeroplane like a lady . .. and vice versa .... think ahead, pay attention to what she is telling you, and make sure your footwork is up to scratch! ....



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