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Everything posted by Tracktop

  1. Thanks Alf - probably in line with my guesses OK here is another component to consider Does a high windscreen increase or decrease consumption (drag). OR no net effect I agree it effects air speed indication And now I written and thought about that, raises another one is an outback more or less efficient than a pod? - probably hard to answer
  2. I'm sure we can organise to catch up at one or the other. :thumb_up: My visits to Lusky so far have usually been early or late in the day and often mid week when it has been very very quite, so the other day was the most activity I have seen there. For my short stay I found the few people I talked to from Lusky to be friendly. My main exercise on the day was to meet Ross and FD if he was there ( sorry Lusky ) ( but the crowd seemed to be still growing when I left). - 50% achieved No doubt I will lunch with the tigers in the future.
  3. That's very kind, generous and thoughtful of you Pud Thank you What a wonderful forum
  4. If in doubt remember the saying " they don't call em sucker holes for nothing " Usually helps with making a good decision
  5. Thanks Cloudy I"ll have to learn to type quicker
  6. I don't know about Amberley but Williamtown has a phone number with a recorded message that gives both weather and current status of restricted areas. So a quick phone call before taking off get you current.
  7. Ozzie ! you have gone techo - your back paddock has gained a windsock It'll be a radio next
  8. Hi FD yes like wise, I knew you would be around some time but my time there was a bit limited. My current experience level requires I be back home before the wind / thermals get up too much. Still there is always next time :thumb_up:
  9. Hi Looking at GPS's in stores today. All the Mio units ( and only the Mio units) like Ross uses are claiming to have anti glare screens, which may explain why his seems better than the 7" no name version, and my Navman. So Pud your anti glare film may just give the improvement required. Certainly worth your money to try it for me :stirring pot:............. bad Ray:mulie: Interestingly I was also looking at small lap tops ( 10.5" but am told an 8.5" touch screen is also available) - thought maybe not much bigger than a 7" display and could run other apps as well, and has a real keyboard - need a remote gps though. In D Smith they had about 6 different models, 5 with shiny screens 1 with a matte screen and even with just the shop lights the mat screen seemed much brighter.
  10. Ozzie is in my future flying area ( when I get my XC) So I want him to have a radio so he can hear when I am a coming And thanks for good feedback Wags
  11. Does when I read it properly instead of jumping in:faint:
  12. Hi Yes a head wind will make a big difference 10kts wind = approx 20% of 56Kts so I would expect ~ 20% difference in consumption BUT Just to clear up a bit My climb out / down wind speed difference was true air speed. So wind was not a factor The difference was operator generated by pulling back on the bar ( requires effort as opposed to trim where there is no bar pressure) and increasing power ( thus using more fuel) so normal trim speed as Glen quoted 56kts, no bar pressure and about 4000 RPM for level flight. Climb out at trim - one up (- reduced power as full power is too much one up- possible exceed angle of attack if hit by a gust ( I think)) 5000RPM Climb out at trim 2 up = full power ~ 5500RPM Level Cruise not at trim - Control Bar back - 4000 -> 5000RPM = increase speed to 56 -> ~80kts Similarly Bar forward ( also requires effort) not at trim 3500RPM = decrease speed from trim = maybe 45kts
  13. Yes it is the 80hp Now has 50hrs on and consumption does seem to be improving, but then I am only flying one up with a mix of local flights and circuits, till I get Pass X, and earlier it was all 2 up and circuits. I don't ever recall it being worse than 10 or 11lt/hr both on the fuel burn meter or on the refill guesstimation.
  14. Thanks Glen Going to have to go for another fly (Oh bugger ) and see how my cruise consumption is then. Probably need some sort of accurate measure as well I suppose as a jerry can hold anywhere between 20 and 25lt and I just can't resist squeezing those last couple of lts in Today I was climbing out at trim ( wing trimmed fast 56kts?) then fast downwind (approx 65-75kts true air speed)
  15. I did visit Cessnock earlyish Sat morning, did a low level pass on 17 then departed to the SE:ecstatic: I think Criso might have been over there too a bit later.
  16. And even cheaper today only if you look at the Clear Prop special
  17. Hi XC soon ( I hope) so - What fuel consumption are you getting from your 912 What figures do you use to when planning a trip? Do you find it varies much between circuits and a trip? I did 1 hr of circuits this morning with 17 Touch and goes ( slowing to about 20kts), circuit height 800ft and used about 7.5 lts / hr I have been finding a combination of circuits ( maybe 30 min) and local flying ( maybe 60min) it always seems to be << than 10 lts / hr one up ( but usually with a full tank 70lt). Do you find a passenger changes the consumption much? My guess to start with would be to use 10 or 11 lt / hr as a good planning figure? No doubt my CFI will have and provide his requirements when the time comes :big_grin:
  18. Yes it was Matt - His Mustang is parked at Maitland. He is doing Joy Flights out of Maitland on 5, 6, 7, 10 and 13 Dec prices starting at $880 - Book RNAC office - so my newsletter says :big_grin: Nice Pics too - are the from above ones taken from the new Nancy-Bird Walton tower?
  19. I think you can buy a screen saver film for the smaller sat navs including touch screen ones - they may have one for a 7". I thinks it's the very shiny surface that contributes to the problem.
  20. Hi Ross Good to meet at Lusky yesterday. Hope you enjoyed your day and had a good flight back
  21. Thanks Ross- device stopped charging on 12V yesterday, Plugged USB in again to PC and no charge led on device with that either so it looks like a navman fault. Gotta love that navman - NOT. Not that old so I guess it will be going back. I'll keep an eye and ear out for you at Luskintyre tomorrow - should be floating around the area if it's not too windy.
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