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Everything posted by slartibartfast

  1. Bidgee, that's owned by the Canberra Gliding Club. I have landed there twice, but you'd need to check with them. Polo Flat is only another 10 minutes drive down the road, so not really a better option. Mick, thanks for the info. I am signed up on the website, and have been to every meeting I knew about, but have received no information for a long time. Am I missing something, or just no news for a while? I'll be at the Natfly meeting. That will be useful. I suspected we wouldn't want to use Chris' field for the reasons you mentioned. Fair enough. I will ask Chris the status for personal use though.
  2. Hi Scott. Closest are Polo Flat to the south and Goulburn to the north. Both about an hour's drive from Canberra. There's been a group formed to push for another airport, and one of the guys has even gone ahead and built one, but there's been no news for months. Perhaps forum member Airsick can add some info about that. He's on the committee. I don't even know it the new field is serviceable at all.
  3. But it had to be real. My Dad sent it to me. I used to play a lot of BF 1942, Desert Combat and BF2. Great games.
  4. This is moderately amazing footage. It looks like the afterburner fired while still configured for vertical takeoff. Very cool recovery.
  5. I use something like this Tomo. Only half a kilo but it takes the edge off the ground - both the hardness and cold.
  6. I just came across this one and don't remember posting it before, so I thought I'd share. At Natfly last year.
  7. Telstra NextG. It's unfortunately the only one with the coverage you need in the air. Yes, a couple of GPS apps come with it. Whereis is not only useful for finding restaurants and pubs when you're out, it can serve as a backup GPS in the air. It doesn't get confused with travelling over 200kph. I think it's possible to get OziExplorer to work on it, but I have 2 other GPS units in the plane, so I don't need to.
  8. In that case Shags, I use a HTC Touch Pro 2 and love it. It displays the BoM weather and radar pages perfectly. For plotting your track, have a look at TrackMe. It sends the GPS coords from the phone via internet at configurable intervals. If there's no available connection, it caches the updates and sends them when there is one. Your track is stored on the author's server, and you can later display it on Google Earth. Works pretty well, although the speed isn't accurate on the trials I've done. Track is good though, and the software is free. I've tried a few other aviation apps, but none of them are that good. I pay $10 per month for the internet data and never run out.
  9. Your avatar photo on a bumper sticker would could traffic accidents. I would have refused on moral grounds. Technically, they would rock. Mine had a photo of my plane and it looks fantastic. The quality of the printing on these stickers was great. The clouds in the background is a photo. I snapped it at Adaminaby one day.
  10. There will also be an information insert in next months magazine - based on past years. There's always a Unicom controller and a ground frequency.
  11. Let's call it a joint effort Darky. Yes Spin, the lass sampled the delights of spotty goodness yesterday, and we were treated to some spectacular sights. Hopefully she will show more of the photos when she gets time. Some of them looked fantastic on the camera.
  12. Nope. All the files are supplied in the installation. Give me the model number and I'll look it up.
  13. Yes Dexter that's a screen I put together using Ozi's screen designer on the PC so I could have everything I need on one screen. The model only matters in as much as the screen size has to be right. If yours is 480 x 272, then this file will work for you. I also have a 320 x 240 version. Let me know.
  14. Hope you can handle them (and like them) David. I seemed to have stuffed up the count on yours. Thanks Darky - and again - no worries. Glad everyone likes them. I love having mine on the car. The cat wasn't too impressed when I stuck one on him though. I figured he'd support something from the same genus.
  15. I Found a little more info: Accident report. Wanting her husband to represent her in court. Nothing since though.
  16. No Jay. I have no idea. I always run mine off the aircraft power. The cradle you see in the latest photo is permanently attached to the panel and I just slide the unit on. The cradle is powered by a cig lighter plug. I put 2 in the dash while building. If power isn't an option from your plane, there are a number of other ways to carry power. You could get something like this which is a sealed lead acid battery with a cig lighter output. You could plug the Mio in using the car adaptor. It can be charged by 12v car or AC. I have seen a battery extender somewhere. Just load it up with D cells and they last a lot longer. You're right. The battery life isn't it's strong point. I don't think many GPS units will last more than a few hours. The Mio site says the battery capacity is 720 mAh and it lasts 2.5 hours, so that must be a drain of 288mA per hour?
  17. They did fire up the Hunter. It sure is deafening. Can't wait to see it fly again.
  18. Cheers Philthy. You reminded me, we need a new comp thread. March is underway.
  19. February has been a bit quiet too. Don't you people want a 6 month subscription to the awesome Pacific Flyer magazine? Even though I'm not particularly happy with Angela after a 3 page spread of photos from Evans Head but not a single shot of a particular Cheetah (what's the go - over-exposure?), she still deserves our support. My Luskintyre photo was published. So get snapping, or even just dig through your collection and post it here. You may get lucky. You may even win a subscription. Don't forget to have a high resolution version of your photo available for publication, and to send it to Angela at [email protected] when she announces the winners. Also remember that if you didn't take the picture, the person who did needs to give permission for publication.
  20. You can't go past Di at Punkin Head Air Sports. Call her for prices, but I think a basic canopy cover would run about $300 to $400.
  21. I snapped this today to give you an idea of what it looks like in flight. Note the hood I picked up on eBay. This makes the screen even more readable. [ATTACH]10040.vB[/ATTACH]
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