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Everything posted by slartibartfast

  1. It didn't go quite according to plan, but I got there. Had to wait for the trough to pass, and give the line of rain time to move further northeast. Left Goulburn at 13:00 to arrive in the middle of the open window between air shows. Had to go through some light showers, but had a good line to YWOL. The main storm and nastiness was not far north of Wollongong, and stayed not far away all afternoon. Those tracking north for home would have had an interesting time. Got accosted immediately on arrival by forum members Deadstick and Barefootpilot. It was really good to meet you guys. JustFred brought me my wrist band not long after. Great service. It was an excellent day as usual. Lots of people and planes. I missed the Roulettes, but that was more than compensated by seeing and hearing the F/A-18. What a show! Lots of other goodies. Had a filled card in the camera until I got a chance to delete a few, so not that many shots (only 114). Here's a few. [ATTACH]10026.vB[/ATTACH] Barefootpilot's ride. Lucky bugger Adam. [ATTACH]10027.vB[/ATTACH] Always love seeing Connie. [ATTACH]10028.vB[/ATTACH] The awesome Hornet. [ATTACH]10029.vB[/ATTACH] [ATTACH]10030.vB[/ATTACH] [ATTACH]10031.vB[/ATTACH] [ATTACH]10032.vB[/ATTACH] [ATTACH]10033.vB[/ATTACH] [ATTACH]10034.vB[/ATTACH] [ATTACH]10035.vB[/ATTACH] [ATTACH]10036.vB[/ATTACH] The exodus begins. [ATTACH]10037.vB[/ATTACH] Cessna Dragonfly. [ATTACH]10038.vB[/ATTACH] [ATTACH]10039.vB[/ATTACH] Adam departs. Another good event. Glad I managed to get there.
  2. "Don't bring me into it", said slarti. "I play piano. That takes real talent". But slarti had a suggestion. "I think we need some sax".
  3. I didn't trust that butterfly arrangement. When building the Cheetah with the standard Jabiru cabin heater (for the missus you understand), I welded an extension onto the engine bay facing sleeve and attached a NACA duct to source the cold air from outside the aircraft. I highly recommend this approach. Regarding the CO monitor, when CO poisoned, it is my understanding that colour vision is the first thing to go. Relying on noticing a change in colour on the card type detectors seems like a bad bet. Get a good audio alerting detector. The life you save will be your own (and potentially others).
  4. Yes. Lee said he hasn't seen the wording of the AN and will look into it. It may need clarification.
  5. I talked to some board members and Lee Ungermann about this last night. The cost of the exercise is 11c per member for a one-off addition of the plastic pouch, and maybe a little extra ink for the bigger expiry date. That's it. Regarding covering the labels up with your canopy cover when parked - you're parked so it doesn't matter. The main thrust of this is the large number of unregistered aircraft out there. Having the expiry displayed will assist with member enforcement through peer pressure. It's the only real mechanism we have for getting the number down. Not taking action is the expensive option. Apart from the liability issues, damage to our image, and lack of insurance if you're not registered, there is a large amount of income lost to the RAAus. Unregistered people still benefit from everything the organisation does, but contribute less toward these benefits. Just thought I'd add a couple of facts.
  6. Here's the images pulled out of the PDF to save you downloading and opening it.
  7. What are you on about? We have been organising this for months. If you'd read the thread, you'd have seen that the file went to the printers on the 15th. How the hell is your "problem" on the 23rd timely? Even the official thread to start taking gauging interest was begun on January 9th. The idea started way earlier. This was not a commercial venture, just a bit of fun to spread the word. I'm sorry you joined late. If enough people want them, we can do it again some time - or I can send you a personal one and you can get it printed yourself. That's probably doable and not too expensive. No togetherness???? Sheesh.
  8. Hi Jay. I have a Mio Moov 370 ready to go. After Pud and Turbo's experience with the cheap chinese units (inadequate screen brightness) I'm reluctant to try any more of them. I highly recommend the Mios. I have 2 in my flight bag now. I use the 370 all the time, and have the 300 as backup. Screen is 4.3", but perfectly readable. Ideal size I think. Would you like it? This one would be about $320 by the time I install OziExplorer and buy maps. They retail for just car use at more than that. Let me know. Ross
  9. I really hope you have a fly of the Morgan Sierra before you buy one. I think they compare extremely favourably - especially on price and build time and performance and capacity and wings coming off easily and space and handling and Australianness, but in other areas too.
  10. I've been to the last few and plan to be there on Sunday. It's a great event. Just depends on what the trough is going to do.
  11. Ah - never noticed that one. Ian must have forgotten to put the "exclude" bit on that link. We're having a drink together tonight while he's in Canberra for the board meeting. I'll tell him how hopeless he is for you.
  12. Dexter - they shouldn't come up if you use the "New Posts" link in the blue bar. Are you using a bookmark? If so, update it with this :- http://www.recreationalflying.com/forum/search.php?do=getnew&exclude=269
  13. To Decca and all the others who have posted thanks (or will, or thought it) - you're welcome. Please don't believe my drivel about never doing it again. I enjoyed it and will do it again if required. Now we have the process sorted out, I will ask the printers what the minimum number would be for another run. They were awesome to deal with by the way. If you're in Melbourne and need printing, signs, graphics, etc., then check them out. Hale Signs and Graphics in Braeside - ph 03 95802765. Mine is proudly displayed on my Territory. Let's hope nobody throws a paver through the window this time.
  14. When someone votes on a poll it updates the thread. It then appears in the new post search even though it wasn't really a post.
  15. Unfortunately Mac, you not only missed the boat, but the pier has been dismantled. This was a one-off thing. We can't do small runs with this kind of product, and considering the hours I put into, I may not be volunteering to do it again even if we had the demand. We did print a few extras with 3 different slogans and no username. You're welcome to some of these. Either be at Natfly, or contact Ian and ask him.
  16. We didn't get an order from you Mac - that I can find. There will be a few available at Natfly, or through the shop, but we haven't set up for that yet.
  17. That's Terry alright (didn't know his last name). He has gas operated "machine guns" on that. Sounds very cool on a low strafing run. It's a beautiful plane.
  18. Yep. Expedited intersection departure too. That's why everyone seems to have got a shot of me leaving (see RAA mag this month). CASA were very nice about it. Only 20 lashes this time.
  19. Garry saw your comment Doug, and he's responded with a design change. The latest Cougar is getting more sweep and angle on the fin. [ATTACH]10004.vB[/ATTACH] Should be nice. Garry invited me to come up and test fly the Cougar. I'm still trying to get a weather window to get to Taree. When I do I'll write it up here.
  20. Turbo shipped his unit to me and I've been hacking. I found where the backlight setting is, but I can't crank it any higher. It just ignores higher values. I'll ship it back to him and his hardware mate will have a crack. Last hope I'd guess.
  21. Would that be this one then? [ATTACH]9997.vB[/ATTACH] Werribee.kml Werribee.kml Werribee.kml
  22. I don't know what that was about Doug. You should have been able to change the quantity, otherwise you won't have been given the right amount to pay. You'll need to contact Ian to sort that one out. He is still looking after the shop even though he's on holidays.
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