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Posts posted by pudestcon

  1. Welcome to sunny Perth Mark. Yes, it's a bit warm, even for us locals:smile:


    I was hoping to have a couple of flights during my break (go back to work on Wednesday) but it's too hot to fire up the Thruster, so I'm not even contemplating the 3 hour drive to get to the hangar!!!


    Sorry I can't help you with your question.


    All the best





  2. I have thought sometimes that this site could do better in organising reference material.


    For example if at the forum page I search for "Rotax 2-stroke Engines", I get 96 entries which could be to do with the particular subject or not.


    If I go to the "Avionics, Engines and Props - Rec" page and search for "Rotax 2-stroke Engines", I get 4 entries. Again, which may be to do with the subject or not.


    Can we do this better Ian? Maybe we could adopt some aspects of (and I hate to give another website as an example) the Rotax-Owner.com website.


    Improvement here, I believe will help this site become a premier, go to site for reference material on most subjects to do with 'Ultralight/recreational aviation.





  3. IanI hope you and the family have a safe and well earned break in the new year. The site is fantastic with lots of good things available to those that have the time to make use of them.

    One of the things that i used to use regularly was the plain english area forcast of the weather. I find now that i am having to look at the NAIPS site to get the info but i would really like to be able to view the PEM again on your site.


    I know there were a few posts on this when the site shut down but i thought i would just ask again if it is possible to have something like this put back on here?


    Keep up the good work Ian.


    Merry Christmas & Happy New Year to you and your dedicated staff.


    Safe Flying


    Andrew (JabSP6)






  4. When you're from the country, your perception is a little different.




    A farmer drove to a neighbours' farmhouse and knocked at the door.


    A boy, about 9, opened the door


    "Is your Dad or your mum home?" said the farmer.


    "No, they went to town."


    "How about your brother, Howard? Is he here?"


    "No, he went with Mum and Dad."


    The farmer stood there for a few minutes, shifting from one foot to the other,and


    mumbling to himself.


    "I know where all the tools are, if you want to borrow one, or I can give dad a message."


    "Well," said the farmer uncomfortably, "I really wanted to talk to your Dad. It's about your


    brother Howard getting my daughter Susie pregnant".


    The boy thought for a moment...


    "You would have to talk to Dad about that. I know he charges $500 for the bull and $50 for


    the pig, but I don't know how much he charges for Howard."




  5. G'day terryc,


    A couple of years ago, after the restoration process on my T500, the L2 did a weight and balance exercise for my aircraft and recorded it on a form for sending in to RAAus with all the other requirements (I hope ALL requirements went to RAAus), when registering the T500. As cficare has already said, you need an L2 to do one for your specific aircraft.





  6. Your choice of wording "expect/demand" is interesting in that my emails to both my area board representative and the president last week seeking the president's consumation of his resignation contained the nearly same phrase ("expect/require"). Needless to say, I got hand-balled by both (but they both did respond). In the meantime, no matter who does what in RAA Canberra or how hard they do it, my aircraft still sits on the ground despite that I have done everything that I was required to by the RAA. Not happy Jan.

    I didn't realise you got tangled up in this Riley. I hope your grounding is lifted real soon.




  7. Over the last month I have personally done over 145 EFIC's or PFL's and some of my students have done over 10 in the last mth alone( each). The issue is not the training- I believe pilots fail to review these practical but essential aviating life skills in their day to day flying and therefore lose touch with the judgement, decision making and appropriate actions if and or when faced with it in reality.Currency has to be a self imposed discipline for every pilot.

    I agree, just from my personal experience. Now for a newby, just over 100 hours total time, what should I be practising on a regular basis to stay current. Not just engine failures in the circuit I don't mean. All things in the flight skills bag. Make a list for me, and people like me please.




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