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Everything posted by Litespeed

  1. I can not see what is unregisterable about it from the specs- taken from their site. Assuming you build to suit our rules etc it should be fine or am I missing something. Wing Span : 7.25 m Length : 8.00 m Height : 2.20 m Net Weight : 205 kg Gross Weight : 300 kg Fuel Tank Capacity : 45 lt Engine Type* : 40-130 hp Propeller Diameter : max. 1,60 m Stall Speed : 65 km/h VNE : 210 km/h VNO : 180 km/h VA : 155 km/h VFE : 110 km/h Load Factor : +4 -2 G Take-off Distance : 200 m Wing-detach Time : 30 min. *The standard engine mount is for the Rotax 503, 532, 582 engines. Except the sound and lack of speed it is cool, and since it is alloy can be polished and painted for great drool appeal. It appears to have a great view forward and to the sides and down for its type. And looks to have plenty of lift appears stable in the vids. But more speed, retracts, higher g loads etc would be better. But that may be possible with a few changes by the designer/builder in greece. It would have been designed for the euro 300kg rules but given it has a hp range up to 130hp stated he may have in mind a faster better suited to our rules version. I saw something about retracts somewhere?
  2. I am glad they have acted quickly , this fast info is vital for members safety and must be timely. It was one of my and others main problems with raa and reporting and we discussed at length on another thread. A good sign of improvement
  3. Not at all, I enjoy a good laugh. But- this is a thread on Chinese knockoffs not animal welfare nor politics. All I see is a video making out Obama as a dog eater- would you have posted that if he was white and a republican or LNP? OR a believer in you sky fairy? I think not.
  4. that is absolutely offensive crap - but I expect no better from you Gnu.
  5. The other firm is Coke,Snort and Slander
  6. Rip mate as others have said. You died doing what you love after 60 years of flight. We should all be so lucky to have so long in the air. Pity it was not 60 more. You will be missed.
  7. Yes we should just buy a heap of gripens and could actually afford to fly them
  8. The Bill and Barry show ............ at least they seem to actually have a idea of the issues and care. I look forward to the next chapter in the ongoing saga
  9. The word 'gay' has been loaded for a long time here in Australia- at least since the 70's. My first wifes last name was Gay. She hated it with a passion, though not as much as her brother who was Ian Bruce Gay. His initials caused no end of stirring and bullying at highschool in the 70's I. B. Gay Not a lot of fun as a kid- parents should really be careful when naming their kids.
  10. Unless the have a sudden increase in IQ and see the big picture- Barnyard will get the gig.
  11. Please do not invoke the use of a firearm. He/she should be tied down and slowly stripped of skin with a potato peeler and basted in salt, vinegar and chilli paste. We are a sophisticated society and the punishment should suit the crime.
  12. Great to hear you have been booted out of the nest, and flew away. Never stop learning and never stop enjoying it
  13. To me it is a brilliant ad, although I do not prefer lamb. But is good humoured and takes the piss in the best Aussie tradition. The best bit is Lee Lin Chen, about time she was celebrated as a great Aussie- you don't have to be a pale face(or indigineous) to be ocker Aussie. Well done and more please.
  14. stay frosty my flying friend
  15. Tim, There are no silly or dumb questions at all- except the one you do not ask. Enjoy and spread your wings
  16. Spread your wings and join the birds. Congratulations in advance
  17. Investment? Would maybe made sense when the dollar was high but it has sunk to a pitiful level for the pacific peso. Or is it a case of how to get a $100,000- start with a $1,000,000 sort of thing? I would just get a nice Bonanza - not a V tail.
  18. One of the searchers stated "catastrophic engine failure" so that seems to rule out fuel problems. I could be a case of it throwing out its through bolt/s and losing a cylinder- possibly. Given we have already seen some instances of failed through bolts on the rotax 9 series. Time will tell. Naturally some will claim this impossible because it is a rotax. If it was a Jabiru- plenty would scream about how bad they are before knowing anything. I look forward t hearing the truth behind the failure. Glad they are all ok.
  19. Casey is the super hero of motorcycles. Cant find the footage but that guy can appear to defy physics. Real racers slide their knee, Casey can slide on his elbow!
  20. Yes bikes do countersteer to turn- however it is not just about been a gyroscope. The gyroscopic effect provides stability and is in fact anti the ability to turn. It is the reduction in circumference of the wheel/tyre as we countersteer and the effect of trail/fork angle that actually does all the work in steering around a corner. ie the tyre size gets smaller on the edges and combined with fork rake this overcomes the gyroscopic effect enough to force a turn. Motorcycles are due to the gyroscope effect inherently stable in motion and unstable when not moving- they fall over. Cars are stable when not moving and inherently unstable at speed unless controlled by input. That is why any numbskull can ride a bike at speed in a straight line- get him to ride slowly and corner and it actually needs skills and balance. A lesson I learnt last century from my physics professor- she had a bike question in our final exam to catch us out. Fortunately I got full marks- I was the only one who rode a bike but it took a lot of thinking. The whole thing about flight and bike riding is, yes it is important to have a technical knowledge and skill set- or death awaits you. But it is also very important to have a feel for what you are doing- so it is second nature. You react instinctively because you skills are honed to a point that you can basically do it without too much thought. Yes we need to overcome the pull up when stalling thing- but that also comes with training our skill set and getting to the point of almost autonomic action. The thought comes before flight or riding- getting the right mind set Then you can concentrate on the higher order needs as they occur. I can remember riding on a race track and barely thinking about the riding at all- just the enjoyment of chasing down the guys in front. Once you start analyzing too much your brain tries to overcome your inherent skill set.And you become overwhelmed- a important human factor. sportsmen call this choking- once they try and analyse their movements too much- they loose the plot. They start to doubt themselves on the basic stuff and the brain then sends the thoughts to the reptilian part of the brain- which is only good for fight/flight response and we choke. This does not mean do not think- that is still critical but do not overthink the simple skill sets. Concentrate on the whats happening in the future ie never fly faster than your brain is- it should always be well ahead of your vehicle be it plane, bike or whatever. The further ahead you are thinking, the better able to plan and execute for safe enjoyable flight/riding/driving. Stay upright for the riders and stall free for flyers Phil
  21. Psst..................anyone want to buy a bridge? Great views, low maintenance, great toll revenue, wooden planks just renewed. Our accountants have valued it at $500,000,000 pacific pesos Offers invited All communication must be via Bermuda
  22. They must have worked out it costs more to pay out on the luggage when it is lost- in the middle of the ocean. Scary
  23. Not to be confused by the Polish aviators who featured heavily in the early stages of WW2 Capt. Isbe Fuckinoffsky and Group Commander Isbe Pissinoffsky Both seen leaving poland in a hurry when the Germans arrived
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