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Everything posted by Litespeed

  1. That is simple Kyle, A facist AI robot is intelligent and as such would produce a intelligent argument.
  2. That is completely irrelevant, this is about Dick Smith the person and his food company.
  3. How is Dick, by trying to save a local cannery- trying to destroy local farmers who innovate? Did his ads target these innovators? Did he name and shame them for been foreign owned and sending all the profit overseas? Did he use unconscionable conduct with his suppliers like Coles and Woolies? Did he provide the same product as the innovators but from a foreign source? Did he actively use market power to force them out of the market? Come on FT spill the beans...
  4. But FT, The same goes for electronics and you used that argument to bash Dick. And that neo classic capitalism you spout is the reason that housing in Australia is some of the most expensive on the planet.
  5. FT, You can not buy local beetroot at my local supermarkets- not in a tin or vaccum bagged. The only way I can get it- is at the green grocer and cook it myself. Nor can I buy local bacon- it is all made from Canadian pork, because the profit is bigger. They claim Australian manufactured- not grown.
  6. It may not happen often- but is a damned good advert for using lexan as a screen. I know they cost more, scratch easily etc But as a bike rider- I would never accept a perspex visor. I have hit a Gallah at high speed and it was not funny at all, a potential killer for sure. Interesting side note: when impacted the gallah feathers splatter pink and grey all over the visor. Felt like a sledgehammer
  7. The main reason it is only $4 million to charity is the big supermarkets either refuse to carry his stock or ensure he gets the worst shelf space. At least he puts the local producers first. Go to Woolies and try buy some local pineapple- not a my local. Same with beetroot.
  8. True, Dick has been out of the company for decades.
  9. LOVE IT. And the hide of channel 9 to ban it cause it was poor taste. It is not like he called them Penisbutter and Vaginamite
  10. I would be going for a normal inflating life jacket as per sailors use. I think the old airline ones are only useful to keep the body floating long enough for the sharks or recovery for burial. A self inflating one could be a real bad idea if it stops you exiting a wet aircraft.
  11. These arguments are petty from a rigged committee set up by Cori Bernadi . The the one that said says'same sex marriage leads to beastiality. And naturally each area manager is a different person. I would be much more concerned of the food regulator which is a run by the maufacturers and dictates what is allowed. They not the government or us, what they can put in food. It can be nano particles now and they want GMO next and for it not be labelled as such. That is something to actually be concerned by.
  12. Ah, Only 50? They did have a hell of a lot of farmers screaming blue murder- that is the only reason. Farmers are LNP diehards normally, many said no more votes to LNP. And Barnaby's seat is in jepardy with with the much loved independant threatening to come back.
  13. And we are still doing it. Native title has been extinguished over the Adani mine site- the first time it has happened to aid a private company. Barstards changed the law to screw the rights of the real Aussies. And the pace of native title is a scam- 80 years until they expect all current cases will be finalised. Maybe they just want them to all die out first.
  14. Nev, Women must love a challenge- or they would never bother with us at all
  15. The only thing feeding prejudice can give you is hollow heart and a stomach filled with bile.
  16. Yep, such a rip off, and now Baird is going to give them $250,000,000 to compete in a normal market as Uber comes in. And the consumer also pays a $1 per ride as a bullshite tax to ride in this new cheaper market. After years of the taxi plate cartel we have to pay the buggars for a fair go. And those LNP guys are always the best with economics........ for their mates
  17. And it begs the question, if he thinks Maccas is food he should not fly.
  18. Last night my bro,a psych nurse, threw two blokes out of the hospital for been agressive pricks. They threatened to come back and do him in. Police were called to remove them and the cops asked was he worried about the threats- He replied- "Mate what can they do- I have a ex wife"
  19. Upon seeing Rudolf's head explode, all the other reindeer worked extra hard to ensure they survived. Especially the Blitzen. He remembered last time Santa got on the piss and got cranky- it was not pretty.
  20. Those little Ford engines are very good from all accounts. Designed with Cosworth- they know a bit about engines. Bike engine wise- I would go the BMW twin, proven and popular in Europe. Not too heavy and not too expensive.
  21. Rick, I agree with getting your facts straight, that is always important and we should all strive for accuracy. But I do take umbrage at "been qualified" to speak or discuss matters. No one and I mean no one on this planet has qualifications to speak on any subject by your requirement- unless you are a proven qualified expert in that field. No one can possible be a expert in all matters. I am not a lawyer- does that mean I should never discuss law? We are a friendly website for people of similar interests ie aviation, and plenty of other excursions of a non aviation manner. Our opinions will be diverse as they should be. Some will be better informed than others.
  22. As per usual the insurance companies will happily take your money- they just will never pay a claim or make the excess 95% of the value of the policy.
  23. And do mention that a Rec aircraft costs no more to rego each year than a fishing boat and trailer.
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