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Gnarly Gnu

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Everything posted by Gnarly Gnu

  1. That looks in better condition than most GA, just need to flip it and top up the oil and fuel.
  2. Well the goodness or otherwise of any religion can be judged by it's fruit. Thus far all searching has been fruitless so at this point pretty much all theories are still valid. I'm going with the one that turns up at least a MH370 seat cushion... can't be asking too much.
  3. Maybe not in VIC? Welcome to South Australia where you can get done for just 1kph - here's your fine.
  4. Hey Nick, I was looking into this also - if you check around country SA into western VIC there are several single operator GA instructors and small schools that would save you a bundle, the only limitation is you would need to travel a little & finish it in one hit over a couple of days or so. An instructor that also teaches RaAus or at least fully recognizes your prior training is preferable of course Besides the hourly rate you need to find out what their average times to license are & ideally talk to some of their students. There are a few operators that just want you to be safe to the point where you go off and practice the rest on your own & others (many) that are keen to milk all the hours they possibly can out of you. Or if you need / want to do lots of hours consider doing it in the USA for half the price or less then converting to AU PPL here. The locals need to be cost effective & somewhat competitive.
  5. OK, #226 is a joke but why couldn't CASA do something like this - instead of just bugging people they still bug people but also offer rapid ASIC processing with $50 cards printed on the spot for pilots at Natfly. Just too radical I guess.
  6. Well Natfly 2015 will have a gnu stall printing cheap ASIC's, my idea to boost the numbers.
  7. Dunno about his party but THIS is the sort of politician I like:
  8. Yeah, they're shady characters too but they are boring and lack the sheer brazenness and lying creativity of your friend Thomson who is quite amusing actually.
  9. Anyone know if the Malaysians have released MH370's cargo manifest yet? Just suitcases and mangosteens was it?
  10. Even doofus Shorten has started to figure out what Marty_d can't: "BILL Shorten has attacked the governments of [/url]Kevin Rudd and Julia Gillard , highlighting their flaws, mistakes and misjudgments, arguing that he has learned the lessons of Labor’s election defeat and declaring the party must accept them too." Yes on a more serious note - and in the spirit of both Easter and Anzac Day - all of us are sinners and all of us get to die as a result: Romans 5v12 "For this cause , even as by one man sin entered into the world, and by sin death; and thus death passed upon all men, for that all have sinned" So I'm voting only for the one without sin, the one that overcame the power of death.
  11. Well how about that, hard to tell the country now with this multiculture stuff. Ha ha I wondered if it was a Jewish suicide bomber heading for the Auburn mosque....
  12. Have to say they look happy! The rider must be too, bringing home the bacon. Just noticed the topic, was MH370 doomed by loose pigs? Because pretty much any scenario is credible at this point.
  13. A night out with Craig Thompson? He would remember for sure if it was her. But perhaps you were the one that kept stealing his phone and credit card? He needs Kaz's help to undo this grave injustice, such a nice Labor man that got framed.
  14. Yes, quite so. This is Labors balloon: Reality is way funnier than any parody could be with this mob. Presumably the many breasts represent feeding the legion of welfare suckers, illegal immigrants and enviro-spivs that accompany them.
  15. I did a blood donation and was promptly sent a bright red plastic ID card by mail. Admittedly the application form was lengthy and intrusive (questions about ah... partiality to gay anal sex etc) but hey the process was painless and the card was free. With CASA you have to pay and then wait plus they have no interest in your preferences - if they feel like it they will service you. A painful process that just leaves you feeling sore.
  16. Wot, you expect 24/7 website or something? It's a government department guys. This is a public holiday. Try on Monday after about 10am. Or Wednesday, give them a chance to look into it & do a report.
  17. If you're going to the expense of having templates cut what not just get the foam itself wire cut automatically, you'll then get a perfect job too. BTW not sure why styrene based foams are so crazy expensive in this country....?
  18. Seems like the whining sound would have overpowered any music.
  19. Welcome Kuya, that's an interesting background! I've noticed the GA Chinese student pilots that train here will only repeat scripts and will not answer or even respond to any question that falls outside outside the normal approach / departure calls. I realize it must be tough learning such a different language but it is a safety issue when they won't respond to a simple location request. Perhaps we should be learning some Chinese alert phrases?
  20. Here's one for you Doug - not insane but some nice low-level stuff (full screen recommended): https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JnsxWrPUHN8
  21. Nice read SDQDI, thank you. ....gave the cowl a gentle massage..... tweaked her jets. Then tossed the wife & kids in a car to come pick me up.... (sorry couldn't resist).
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