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Gnarly Gnu

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Everything posted by Gnarly Gnu

  1. Wow, that's a drag. I thought Tiger had lifted their game quite a bit in terms of schedule reliability. I still like them more than Deathstar.
  2. I'll gladly join - I certainly think all media outlets and all journalists are unreliable (to say the least).
  3. There is a fuel stabilizer additive called Sta-bil, I've heard it is very good & recommended by some generator manufacturers but it seems expensive.
  4. Yeah smoking in the cockpit could do that. Given past practise maybe they were smoking something strong and just drifted about the globe for a few hours. Or distracted by entertaining a couple of smoking hot passengers in the cockpit, knocking a few switches off in the process. Or the pilots got accidentally locked out of the cockpit and the cute blond passengers couldn't figure how to open the door so had to fly it the best they could. So many potential scenarios... and even the most insane sounding is plausible right now.
  5. Now they're saying: [/url]"we don't know when the Acars was switched off." Investigators have said the radio sign-off by the co-pilot occurred roughly in the middle of the 30-minute period between scheduled Acars transmissions. The executive said the signaling system, known as Acars, could have been disabled "any time" between its last normal data transmission, at 1:07 a.m., and half an hour later, when the next message was supposed to go out, but didn't. MAS has really no idea or just playing with the media? I keep hoping somehow it wasn't the pilots fault, they just don't seem to come across as the jihadi type...
  6. We seem to go through presidents faster than those little busted socialist South American states, can't say I'm 100% sure which one Don is referring to now... never mind, Viva la Presidente!
  7. So you believe she is a prophet? But yeah, I guess you have a point Don. RAAus is pretty efficient with announcements and stuff so we should just wait for the official pronouncement. Also that's how the media works right, they wait for the press release to come.
  8. Yeah weren't you the guy that scoffed and ripped into someone else here who mentioned this resignation a few days ago? An apology to her seems appropriate about now no?
  9. OK, this is a head scratcher. So have I got this right that a paddock hopping ultralight has to carry an ELT but not necessary in an intercontinental travelling Boeing? And would it be regarded as paranoid to take your own GPS and ELT on an overseas flight?
  10. "The Tupolev Tu-95, known among NATO nations as the “Bear,” was long the core of the Soviet Air Force’s long-range strategic bomber force. Still in service in the Russian Air Force, the turboprop aircraft, which holds the record for the fastest propeller-driven aircraft ever, first took to the air in the 1950s. Now, one can be the centerpiece of your own personal bomber fleet..."
  11. Hey Phil there used to be these 'Lion Parks' in Australia with a sign out the front: ENTRANCE FEE - $10.00 per car POMS ON PUSHBIKES - Admitted FREE PS Actually our car DID break down in the Lion park. Quite entertaining actually.
  12. This is very sad. If what is reported (sudden loss of radar & comms) is correct my first thought would be jihad. Asides from voice communications I understood the engine management system has a data stream transmitting to base, anyone know if this is correct or how it works?
  13. Isn't there two of them at the moment?
  14. Oh yeah, wait till something goes wrong. My iinet connected business line (in the city) was out for five days just a week ago. No phone & ADSL drifting intermittently off and on. They were real casual about it, offered no alternative and seemed peeved when I followed them up three or four times. Seriously would they would be not too fussed if their own phone lines were out for five days? Now to try and claim some sort of compensation, not optimistic....
  15. Ah, OK Dafyyd... must admit I just skimmed the article, must read it through. So it can be feathered. And the need for it to be folding...?
  16. OK I'll bite, I get the efficient aspect.... but why am I not seeing single blade propellers in use?
  17. Not so bad. US wages are worth almost double ours as their housing / cars / food costs are so much lower, our true unemployment rate is very similar to the US (see Roy Morgan) and govt debt per head is approaching the same when you add up in local / state / federal... not to mention private debt is so much higher here largely due to the cost of our housing bubble.
  18. Actually I don't like him much either Bob but that's not based on who he is. Stooping to racist tags - and it was clearly intentional - is telling.
  19. Racist much? Next you'll point out he is a f_g also for good measure? It's a public company - you are free to buy it, sack the board and run it how you like. Or start another competing airline.
  20. Yes the media is worse than useless however I'm thankful the govt doesn't want to throw my money at bailing out a company, happened too much in the past. Anyway probably not necessary as some of Qantas clever employees seem to have stumbled upon a novel solution to its economic issues - threaten strike action.
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