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Gnarly Gnu

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Everything posted by Gnarly Gnu

  1. "About 10 miles out from Page Field, pilot Robert Weber had his 1986 Piper Saratoga on autopilot and was enjoying the calm Saturday afternoon flight. [/url]In an instant, the windshield shattered, feathers scattered, and something scraped across his forehead as his sunglasses tore from his face." The T-shirt is a nice touch:
  2. "you are so crazed by it you don't know you have it" Now who would that make me think of...?
  3. Great! I just bought this book "M3: the mile, the mach, the minute" mental math for Aviators, similar theme.
  4. Interesting short article & video someone sent me on the Besler steam powered aircraft from 1933. Other than boiling a kettle and poaching some eggs I know zip about steam but I'm struggling to believe the claim that "10 gallons of water were sufficient for a flight of 400 miles." That's only 38 litres.... I wonder how much fuel was carried to heat this water?
  5. "Ten out of every 100 [uS] Army helicopter pilots are women — but they account for only 3 out of every 100 accidents." (In the comments it is pointed out that combat hours are not separated in this study). Just to be PC I must point out they are good at some other things too off course, in fact I find them quite useful. .....
  6. Does that also work with a PPC?
  7. Looks a bit tacky actually. Dunno if it's the interior designers fault or if prince tallywacker asked him to design it like an Argentinian bordello. No wonder he sold it. Photoshop job in #1 is equally bad.
  8. That's a worry, hope you are OK mate. Don't want you to end up all unhinged and rambling like f_t.
  9. Apparently the guy with the painted tailgate did have a lot of trouble with people calling the cops initially. Its meant to promote his sign writing business or something, well gets attention anyway.
  10. An interesting development, although not hugely applicable to aircraft GPS systems one would imagine (or hope). "Swiss company u-blox just devised a chip that keeps you on course when the satellites drop out, using the most old-fashioned of navigation techniques: dead reckoning. The u-blox 3D Dead Reckoning chip uses a bevy of accelerometers, gyroscopes, and speed sensors to calculate a car's exact location, no GPS signal needed." https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ykR0TWL-_oA
  11. Very true nobody. One of my American friends couldn't understand how you could be a pilot and not IFR rated, it just didn't compute for him. Big difference in weather.
  12. Nice! Personally I go more for this sort of achievement though: (Except for the stupid wind turbines, they are not an achievement but a retrograde step).
  13. Didn't get engine-off training unfortunately, just at idle revs but on the positive side engine failure training was right down to (well just above) the paddock, none of this 500 feet stuff - 500mm is good.
  14. Welcome Shane! Sweet.... love to have a virus
  15. Could've been the Rockwell Encabulator failed... a little excitement for the passengers anyway. Try proon for some goss on this maybe?
  16. Nope, but the usual process is we all have guesses about the probable cause and then discuss the plausibility of each suggested scenario right.... so who goes first?
  17. Fantastic nomis, no need for that lame 'clear prop' stuff with those horns. Just needs a couple of rocket pods and a minigun out the side hatch. Ideal for WA shark patrols.
  18. Wasn't me anyways w68, with the reverse swastika I'm still thinking Hindus. Maybe the aircraft noise was upsetting some cows nearby?
  19. Thanks Doug, such a beautiful country - strange they felt the need in the past to invade places like North Africa...
  20. Also click on 'Earth' for filter settings like wind at various heights etc.
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