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Everything posted by planedriver

  1. Welcome to the forums Frans. Sounds like you're doing just fine. I had some contact with a Kiwi guy who flew a trike out of Harvey Bay some while back, but haven't heard anything from him for quite a long time. I wonder whether the strip he used has closed because of more commercial flights or maybe he's gone back home. I remember seeing him fly around Frazer Island while I was up there on holiday, and yearned to be up there with him.
  2. "Lexophile" is a term used for someone who has a way with words, such as, you can tune a piano, but you can't tuna fish, or to write with a broken pencil is a bit pointless. I had a message here today with a word I didn't understand, so had to google it. To the sender of that message, all I can say is "If you get too big for your boots, you'll probably expose yourself in the end" and like a hard-boiled egg, that's a bit hard to beat :wink:Boom Boom!.
  3. So did I. Seen it before but well worth watching again, and thinking about the uncertainty of what must have ben going through the passenger's/ now pilot in commands mind. A great effort all around.
  4. just a bit plane bonkas at times. Phillumanism! (had to google that one) Have collection of matchbox models tucked away for the grandkids, but not into collecting the pyrotechnic side of things, strike a light!
  5. So tell us FT, it's time to be honest mate, Your avatar has changed. Do you have a have a new love in your life. Nudge Nudge Wink Wink?
  6. Sorry to say this guys, shoot me down in flames if you want to, and certainly no offence intended, ban me if mod's want to, but we can do so much better on this thread. This thread needs to raise it's game a bit. If you care to look back at some of the very early post's they were real funny, but things have declined, so I personally couldn't even bother posting on it. Many of you guys have probably had enough hearing about the Oyster Bar, Possum skins, through bolts etc; and have so much more to offer than that. I know that so many of you have a great sense of humor, and we'd all be happy to see your rejuvinated offerings that are appreciated by the majority, and you yourselves will get so much pleasure from this thread which has been going for yonks. Kind Rdgs Grumpy Old Fart Planey
  7. That's scarey! What's the condition of other parts like which are hidden from view, as if this is not bad enough? The facebook photo looks like a posed job to me. The young lass is in the l/h seat, probably not old enough to fly yet anyway, and no control stick to be seen. Maybe she's just sitting in it waiting for the ramp check man?
  8. In my humble opinion, our local Aminta Hennesy is certainly worth a mention. She's a notable pilot who has achieved a lot, and has contributed much to light aviation. Aminta's Order of Australia Medal Order of Australia Medal Citation to Aminta Hennessy Medal in the General Division of the Order of Australia Australia Day 26 January 2005 Honours List For service to aviation as a pilot and as an instructor through the establishment of the Australian Association of flight Instructors. Aminta Hennessy was the first Australian woman to fly solo across the Atlantic Ocean in 1978. She was also the first woman to fly solo back-to-back crossings of the Pacific Ocean, 1994. Has crossed the Pacific Ocean 21 times. (20 of them solo), the Indian Ocean (solo) once and Asia four times (solo) all delivering aircraft. Aminta Hennessy is the co-owner of Clamback & Hennessy at Bankstown Airport. Her company is an international aircraft ferry, charter and instructor school. She established the Australia Association of Flight Instructors and was President for more than five years. She established the ‘Fear of Flying’ clinics on behalf of the Australian Women Pilots’ Association in conjunction with Qantas Airlines in 1979 and ran them for 10 years. Ms Hennessy is an Approved testing Officer for the civil Aviation Safety Authority (CASA) appointed in 1988. Was author of Future Vision Statement for the then Civil Aviation Authority 1988.
  9. Sure to be the same place, it was off Mamre Rd down the lane turn right through the often locked gate to the paddock where the r/c model club were, and the giro boys were further up the back. The old falcon would tow us over the top of the hill before the downhill run. There was a guy who built his Lightwing at home just off Pendle Way who used to fly in there occasionally. It was Water Dept land that sadly got re-developed into a housing estate, but I used to spend a lot of Sundays there.
  10. They used to have a gyro towed behind a car at what was the Erskine Park strip near St Marys, Western Sydney many years ago, it was great fun. I even taught my son to drive my van there, but regretted it after overheating on the way home because the radiator was then full of grass seeds from the largely un-mowed strip.
  11. Mate you are so lucky. Councils here in Oz mainly seem hell-bent on selling off small aviation assets to developers, or the private sector. Aviation is such an important part of our lives these days, and yet the facilities for getting training to become part of it, are fastly diminishing. Sydney's Bankstown Airport was once a real thriving asset in that regard, having once had the second most number of aircraft movements a day in Australia. Sadly, it was privatized and exhorbitant costs have driven out many of training facilities. Dick Smith recently commented that it was in parts becoming like a ghost town. Unfortunately, the almighty dollar seems to rule the day, so to put in freight terminals, factory units, huge Bunnings store with car park, etc; gives them a better profit margin while club houses get flattened ready for the next commercial development. Like many, i'm disgusted by some of the decisions that both councils and governments make, while supposedly representing the best interests of the community. It might prove interesting if those who made the decisions had their bank balances monitored for a sudden growth.
  12. Probably half your passengers have other things on their mind, the other half are probably suffering from getmethereitis. Hopefully you get a few "thanks" too.
  13. Welcome, I can understand your enthusiasm, but imagine it's short flights only at this time of year.
  14. More than an hour inverted before being freed must seem like a lifetime. Hope it all ends well for them.
  15. :welcome:Smally, look forward to hearing more from you.
  16. Wishing you all the very best for the effort you are putting into your project. Kind regards Planey
  17. Hope it wasn't welded up by the same guy that's making airframes?
  18. Thanks Frank. Same to you and yours and the rest of the forumites. Planey
  19. If I don't have to swear occasionally when driving, then i'm probably not reading the road properly.
  20. I keep going back for another look at the photo at the beginning of this thread. It's just beautiful in my eyes, and wouldn't go astray if it was in an art gallery.
  21. I've always had my doubt's about Robbo's rightly or wrongly, but the outcome is all that everyone could wish for. Probably including his insurance Co.
  22. Good wishes to her from me mate, i'm sure that the love and care you and your son show her, will help her along the way to a speedy recovery.
  23. As opposed to the much-knocked Jabby using 14-18 litres per hr, albeit at a little bit slower pace, which should please your Bank Manager if you settle for the smaller versions
  24. Going back to 1959 "Shhh!" I was involved in the build of the first robotic-welding equipment for the Ford Motor Co. at Dagenham U.K. under licence from the Robotron Corp of America, for the all NEW Ford Anglia. That was the one with the sloping inwards rear window with the 105E engine. Possibly some of the well matured forum members might remember them. If not, don't worry, it was nothing to get too excited about, but seemed important to me at the time. Apart from all the other things iv'e got involved with since, the techniques of welding have always interested me, but I still have a lot to learn.
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