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Everything posted by fly_tornado

  1. another distraction from the fake news media to distract loyal subjects from the glory of brexit
  2. Rod fooled us good, don't know what that says about Jabiru
  3. for those that haven't read the announcement
  4. its 3D printed, I wonder how long that will stay airtight for
  5. the IT system was designed to automate a lot of the process of the RAA which was going to lead to a reduction in the staff. This never happened, looking at the system they paid $250k, they learnt a lot about sunken cost theory.
  6. Albanese gets paid an extra $25k a year as a shadow minister, he's just not interested in helping GA.
  7. Its not so much fear as they can't see any votes in reforming CASA. hence Albanese waiving his 6 year old high speed rail plan knowing that it will never get built just rolled out every election cycle because who doesn't like spending 6 hours on the train to avoid a 90 minute flight
  8. because the RAA is a commercial organisation, you may not be able to vote away or waive your privacy rights, someone could clarify this via the OAIC [email protected] my limited knowledge of privacy law is that the RAA has no contract with the airport owner and there for can't disclose your information. it will probably only take one disgruntled RAA member to test this through the courts. When I worked in the ISP business we used to get numerous requests to disclose identities of our customers who were alleged to be pirating movies. we just deleted them.
  9. lol the RAA a victim of "social media bullying"
  10. tough week on the market, down to $2.19 from $3.20
  11. its getting worse for boeing https://www.reuters.com/article/us-ethiopia-airplane/u-s-lawmaker-seeks-boeing-whistleblowers-some-max-737-orders-in-jeopardy-idUSKCN1R30L1
  12. @Student Pilot no what I'm saying is that it looks like Labor, under Albanese's direction, will continue down the exact same wrong path. There is no difference between Labor and the coalition, they are backing the same policies. different parties, same policies.
  13. @Student Pilot you would expect, especially considering that they are less than a few months from the election, that Albanese would be on top of his portfolio. Its not a good sign for those of us expecting the next Labor government to change things
  14. Albo burns through $250k a year on travel allowance. Tax payers should expect something for that money
  15. the qualifier here is "independently-owned" regardless $40M a year drop in sales is not a small amount of sales. its close to 10% of their annual turnover
  16. 23% is a good short, you could argue that the excess cement coming onto the market due to the downturn in the building industry is going to drive out high cost producers like Wagners.
  17. woh wagners are in big trouble, lost a $40M a year customer Wagners’ stock crashed over 23% after the company suspended cement supply to Boral The news sent the Wagners stock price to crash straight, carving out 23.853% from the stock value on 19 March 2019. This led the WGN to close at $2.490 with the price to earnings multiple of 35.540 x and a market capitalisation of $527.7 million. The market sentiments were driven by the prospective financial impact of suspension which could wipe out approximately $20 million of the company’s revenue during the maximum suspension period of six months. However, the suspension may be lifted on the dissolution of dispute subsequent to courts orders or resolution regarding the validity of the Pricing Notice. As of now, both the resolution and determination by the courts remain pending. The report further confirmed that if the Pricing Notice gets proved not to be bona fide and therefore invalid, the company’s Fiscal 2019 revenue and earnings are expected not be impacted. To win the trust of shareholders, Wagners stated that as per its belief the election it has taken under the CSA to suspend supply and to dispute the validity of the Pricing Notice is in the best long term interest of its shareholders. It is supported by the fact that if the Pricing Notice gets proved to be valid and accepted it might have long term impact on the company as well as on the entire the cement industry throughout Queensland and New South Wales.
  18. Federal Court rules against Angel Flight 19 March 2019 Comments 0 Comments The Federal Court has dismissed an application from Angel Flight to stay the Civil Aviation Safety Authority's new regulations around community service flights (CSF). In a hearing in the Victorian District of the Federal Court on Friday and Monday, Justice Anastassiou heard arguments from both sides, eventually ruling in favour of CASA and awarding costs against Angel Flight. Although the Federal Court is yet to make its reasons public, witnesses in the court room said the application was struck out because the court believed that CASA would not have made the ruling unless there was a safety issue. Angel Flight is believed to have disputed the data on which CASA has based its justification for the new regulations, but the court also declined to make a ruling based on the data. The issue is now with parliament. The Centre Alliance has already moved a Motion of Disallowance in the House of Representatives and Senator Rex Patrick has indicated he will do the same in the Senate when it sits again in April. In the last session of Senate Estimates, Senator Patrick asked CASA to table the statistics that show Angel Flight operations are four-to-five times more likely to have an incident or accident that a regular GA private flight. The question was taken on notice.
  19. Albo not showing any interest in his portfolio as per usual ?
  20. Pilots, experts call out push to make CASA weigh costs of safety Patrick Hatch 4-5 minutes Small aircraft operators who claim their industry is being strangled by onerous regulation and safety compliance costs lobbied deputy prime minister and transport minister Michael McCormack heavily for the change. "Safety needs to be the primary and overriding consideration," said Simon Lutton, executive director of the Australian Federation of Air Pilots, which represents commercial airlines pilots. We need to have an independent regulator whose role it is to enforce that safety - not be compromised or confused by cost considerations. AFAP's Simon Lutton “We have an excellent safety record in Australia and we need to have an independent regulator whose role it is to enforce that safety - not be compromised or confused by cost considerations.” Aviation expert Neil Hansford, from Strategic Aviation Solutions, said the FAA's biggest concern last week appeared to have been "the Boeing share price and jobs in America". “To commercialise the implementation of safety and operations regulations is not sound and could lean to the problem we have in the United States," he said. He said that having to take into account the fact that "some people are going to go broke" as a result of necessary new safety rules "totally negates" the reasons of making the new rules in the first place. The United States was the last major country to stop all Boeing 737 MAX jets from flying after the plane was involved in its second deadly crash in five months. The changes have been designed to appease the general aviation industry - which includes including charter, pilot training, recreational and agricultural operators - which says it is being strangled by over-regulation. Royal Flying Doctor Service chief executive Martin Laverty, who leads the minister's general aviation advisory group, said the change was a "step in the right direction". “We at the Flying Doctors put safety above all else. We also have to be cost efficient in our flight operations. Legislative change to have the air regulator weigh cost whilst retaining safety as its key concern is a good step forward," he said. Related Article Ben Morgan, chief executive of the Aircraft Owners and Pilots Association, which represents about 4000 members in the general aviation including about 750 business owners, said the industry was in dire straits and that Mr McCormack's amendment did not go far enough to change that. “Anyone who says they’re not on board with making aviation safety regulation affordable... is privy to signing a suicide note to our entire industry," said Mr Morgan. “We’ve watched thousands in our industry go broke in the past 30 years for no reasons other than the minister won’t stand up and do his damn job." CASA would also take into account the differences in risks that apply to different sectors of the aviation industry under Mr McCormack's proposed changes. Geoffrey Dell, an air crash investigation expert and associate professor at Central Queensland University, said part of the reason CASA was formed in 1995 was to address conflicts between safety and commercial interests inside the transport department. “It’s a huge step backwards and sadly we keep forgetting the lessons of the past," Dr Dell said. "It’s just an additional layer of white noise that potentially prevents safety corrective actions being taken promptly. You don’t know how much safety costs until you have an accident.” A spokesman for Mr McCormack said aviation safety would always be the government's top priority and it had consulted industry before introducing the bill. “This has no bearing on immediate safety issues, where CASA will continue to be able to act in the interest of safety," he said. A spokesman for Labor's shadow transport minister Anthony Albanese declined to comment on the bill. Qantas, Virgin Australia, the Australian Airports Association and the General Aviation Advisory Group were all consulted on the changes and did not raise any concerns, according to the bill's explanatory memorandum
  21. Cameron Dick and Milton Dick are ALP royalty in QLD, at one stage there was talk of Dick challenging Palaczszuk we've just spent $1.6B building the Range bypass to allow faster road access to Brisbane for freight, throwing $10M of gov money at Wellcamp seems bit stupid.
  22. Imagine chasing that $10M by spending more money on Wellcamp's 1 flight a week freight business Wagners to submit business case for massive freight hub Weather 2-3 minutes 18th Mar 2019 5:00 AM | Updated: 12:51 PM Subscriber only WAGNERS has been invited to submit a business case for a multimillion-dollar agricultural export distribution centre at Toowoomba Wellcamp Airport. State Development Minister Cameron Dick said the State Government made an election commitment to provide up to $10 million from its $150 million Jobs and Regional Growth Fund for the project. Wagner Corporation and Air Freight Handling Services in Cairns were the two companies selected to put together detailed business cases. "The delivery of this election commitment will support the development and construction of an agricultural export distribution pilot centre in regional Queensland," Mr Dick said. "Wagner Corporation will now start work on a business case for Toowoomba, after progressing through the expression of interest process, which attracted detailed proposals from across Queensland. "An export distribution centre of this type is new for Queensland, and we are taking our time to get it right. "A final decision on the outcome of the process and the location of the regional export distribution hub will be made later this year." Mr Dick said a Regional Export Distribution Centre would help boost rapid airfreight access for Queensland agricultural producers. "This type of facility has the potential to help our primary producers access key international markets, while supporting regional jobs and enhancing agricultural productivity," he said.
  23. i was more concerned about the weight over the nose wheel, its seems like a lot
  24. I spotted this and I'm wondering how much fuel is in the plane 261lb on the front wheel
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