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Doug Evans

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Everything posted by Doug Evans

  1. 25-0032 Midge point Qld Rotax blue top 582 oil injection First certified lightwing LW 001 Doug
  2. My first time thermaling in my lightwing was up at Mareeba North Queensland I had the engine at ide and was still climbing @ 1000 ft per min was unreal but then I had the down side as well dropping @ 1000 ft under full power now that was scary but had a ball learning my plane ,
  3. I have 101 litres of fuel but most of my flying is on the wing tanks 66 ltrs and have seat tank which hold enothe 35 litres give me a good 6 hrs flight time@ 15 lph but I only ever fly for about 2 hr leg as I need a loo break , but only fill the aux when on long flights . my cruise is only 70 kn with the little 2 banger ..". I love my lightwing because it not fast but I can land almost anywhere it a true ultralight " rag & tube " and she will teach u about true Avaition tail wheel flying is one of the most rewarding & challenging aspect of flying ,back to the roots flying can give ...... Doug
  4. Welcome mate Check out Aussie spit. May have put the wrong site. Oh well see if I can find the right one , http://www.supermarineaircraft.com
  5. So how would I put that in to ozrunway wb setup Could u do a template and paste to copy off ? I not really good at that config stuff ?
  6. I would be surprised if u where disappointed the are a great aircraft but go tail dragger much more fun then with training wheels ! ;-)
  7. I disagree now we have an option for lsa sport pilots to get more freedom and in doing so I feel that free up some of the RAA For the real ultralights sector so u guys with ya sports craft will now be closer to ga but not encure the cost So this should be a good thing for all . Doug
  8. More than welcome mate come be a part of the fun
  9. Thanks that good news I am more than happy to stay with RAA as I think a few other are ! Cheers and thank Frank Doug
  10. So if I understand this we as RAA are not having to do this rpl it only an option for those how wish to fly lsa aircraft So if I fly a lightwing with a two stroke this will no affect me or other ultralighters below that class Eg Lp aircraft ?
  11. Not shore what it's going to mean but i am shore we be enlighten as time goes bye !
  12. http://www.casa.gov.au/wcmswr/_assets/main/lib100191/rr61_rpl_fs.pdf. Going bye this u be able to do that with this new rpl licence asoming the aircraft has a transponder ..??
  13. Great result Tim Glad it working out for ya The system is going to get better but we all have to give the system a chance to work I'm shore there will be the odd bug or too as we go but if we learn to communicate with each other I'm shore thing can be worked out ! Cheers Doug Evans
  14. Don't know mate ?? That what I was told when I was thinking of mounting a Viking engine too my lightwing because it 25 rego I can't change it ......
  15. Yes we should right a wrong but I am not having a go at the engineers they deserve to be payed but in saying that may be the system should waver or pick up the tab for the pass mistake too support our members , The idea of the RAA former AUF is affordable flying . As I said the case in hand is about an aircraft that has been flying from the beginning " best part of 29 years " they have a safety record second to none and to my knowledge these aircraft only have 3 minor COA to there name. So no one is asking to redesign any part of the aircraft just update a engine that has been replace with a update unit of the same ! Cheers Doug Evans
  16. No I agree with regulation but why do we have to pay for the regulator mistake the aircraft has been flying for some time and the owner beleave he was flying a legal aircraft he has had checked when purchased and passed all the requirements checks ! In some case the past 20 years But all of sudden they are telling these people that there aircraft is flying illegally then asking people to bear the cost of the administration stuff ups ! Do u think that is right " I don't think so " Doug Evans
  17. Sorry mate but I don't have a problem with the engineer doing that but why is it that we have to do it with an aircraft that has been flying with the same engine in one case for over 20 years ! The case in hand there is no inspection or document required but a strike of a pen $495 is a bit much .
  18. Witch in my opinion would greatly improve safety the new electronic of today far out weigh the single plugs and point sys on the 532 engines ;-) Cheers Doug
  19. A stroke of a pen should not cost $$$ amount of money though !
  20. But with the lightwing the mod are not really a mod eg : rotax 532 s are to my know age no longer made so people replaced with 582 which is the same as a 532 same hp same weight same mounts apart from the numbers to my understanding !
  21. Even if u rebuild from a compete tare down u can't I looked into this myself cause I was going to fit a vicking engine but was told can't do it .
  22. Hope ya end up with a good result ,, have ya spoken to your local rep and ask for there help give them a chance to go through steps also write a letter to the tech manager and express your problem I think there will be a few of us with the same problem and feel the same as u most would have all jump through the steps thinking that they are doing the right thing when they bought there aircraft realigning on the structure of the RAA to guilde us on the correct and legal system So I feel if there has been a loop hole that the RAA should step up and support the members and help with correcting the problem caused bye past Weather it is a waver or financial support . Good luck Tim keep ya head up mate thing will work out ok just bye your time ! Doug Evans
  23. There no better feeling then beening behind a buzzing two stroke at full noise climbing to the clouds with stick in hand and a grinn from ear two ear then before ya know it your at 1000 ft an drop ya power back to crusie step up on the step zipping along with an Alsome feeling of joy and freedom in a world of achievement that I in control of this beautifull craft looking down at the world !
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