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Everything posted by bull

  1. Your dead right KP , more polly speak, and self preservation tactics then listening to members.
  2. deleted...Understand the angst but play the topic not the person...mod
  3. But a MISTAKE WAS NOT MADE this was planned.
  4. But the point is this was NOT a 'mistake',,,it was planned thought through and executed ,,,so all this talk of a 'mistake is covering someones arse...…………...
  5. But this issue go,s beyond a simple ""mistake'' this was planned thought out and executed and got thrown back in the face of the exec,s by a member backlash and those responsible have now back pedalled and tried to cover their tracks with bullshit statements like,, for the betterment of all aviation ,,,what a crock , someone needs to be sacked......
  6. But the BIG question still remains,,,,,,,WHY did they do it in the first place ,and WHO did it???
  7. SO, whats your point ? just because they are more accountable according to you , this still do,s not stop them doing what they please...……...as members[shareholders] cant stop themor hold them to account.
  8. Maybe a friendly petition by members to back and support the ELAA formation to CASA and the regulaters might speed up the eventual formation of another body that would allow us to fly without empire building as RAA is going...or a public open member survey voicing our disgust at the takeover of an organisation that was formed in the first place for the enjoyment of flight at a real world cost without the added powerdreams of 2 repeat 2 individuals with a hidden agenda!!!!!
  9. So NON profit flying school ah , cool must be cheap
  10. But flying schools can,t,and will only addmore fees, even to raa members if they teach and have a little school with only one plane and more costs and more costs , so it then goes down the chain , as in , more fees for students ,students stop flying because it,s too expensive,,flying school closes because of costs etc so students then will have to travel further to train adding even more costs...………………….RAA has killed itself...………..So to use the freedom to fly in some advertising as in :Now is the time to experience the "freedom to fly 'call Joes flying school 555335533324433...……………….etc etc etc ,,,every one who earns a living from that school as it is a for profit school , and they have only said ''nonprofit''', slimy shitheads from monke down...……….
  11. Any comment from RAA?????...………………………...
  12. This was a Caribou/Buffulo after extensive restoration and was first flight after restoration, end result was control locks left on ………...https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oH5hs0B5Oks
  13. G,day Cobalt,looking after the old GT I see lol
  14. Agree, ie serious crash ,injuries/undrivable,,,,,,,stack, fender bender,broken lights etc with maybe road rage lol
  15. You forgot about the terrified residents in the nearby housing estate who thought the screaming propeller was going to come join them in the bedroom too.
  16. RIP the loss of another fellow aviator, affects us all ,,,,condolences to all the family..............
  17. Or do what Monk and co are doing and add some spring onions and parsley and call it a,,'gourmet omelete,,,, to add to your latte as you sit on the porch of your north shore condo..........................
  18. Sorry mate you really are behind the times now ah,,,don,t you remember that RAA decided that we don't need 'regional board members any more, and gave the board member jobs to their mates,ie no Nth Qld reps anymore
  19. Sorry Turby , but it was definetly RAA that has brought on the new requirements for build photos and approvals etc not CASA as RAA are trying to look like they have grown up and can manage the quasi GA aircraft that now dominate a '''SPORT'''regime originally designed and created for the affordable easy, and sporting side of aviation ,,not like now with all just using the freedoms created for such to go from Melbourne to Sydney or Canberra etc as fast and as comfortable as they can '[re, what GA is for].......................Would make my old man turn in his grave to see the AUF destroyed in the way it is now ,,,very sad.............................
  20. I can sell you a really nice island ,if you want one ,,just outside of Cannonvale in the Whitsundays mate , she,s a beauty close to Airlie beach and great views, only 200000 bloody cheap ......................
  21. Yes submissions where submitted, but ignored by the desk bound power hungry ''safety advisors'' and the new ''do as I say leaders in raa............
  22. Have you read the new tech manual on 95.10 contruction processes and required material now,,,you used to be able to design build and fly your own creation "at your own risk , it,s your <mod censored> in that plane so you make sure you do it right' ,,now they are standing over your shoulder telling you how to do things they themselves have never done nor are qualified too dictate. So you are a little behind the times turbo when it comes to red tape and requirements for building a 95.10 aircraft.........
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