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Everything posted by Compulsion

  1. Thank you for the kind offer. Unfortunately I will only be at the field this Friday and again next Friday. I will definately drop in one day and introduce myself. I had a great chat to Jab170 at the field last weekend. I really want my own plane but this GFC is making business bad at the moment and I am a little gun shy to commit. There is also no hangar space at Gawler at the moment I am told.
  2. Hi Corvairkr, Love the photo of the bully. I have a bully myself. Any chance of seeing a full size blowup of your avatar?
  3. Thanks Slartibartfast. Great name. One of my favourite books. Thanks for all your help. I don't know about you but I am not rich nor do I know much about most aircraft. Yes I want to buy a plane of my own but I want to be able to make an informed decision when I do. I flew in a FK9 on the weekend. Great plane and very expensive but I found I would have huge issues because 1 the seats are rated at 100 kg and I weigh 114 kg, plus I felt like a tuna trying to fit into a sardine can. I went down to Aldinga to try a Sports Star only to be told that the plane is only rated to a max pilot of 100kg. Unfortunately there are issues I have to deal with and any plane will eventually come down to a compromise between dream and reality. I really enjoy flying the Jab 170 but I like the idea of a low wing after flying Gliders. And before anyone states the obvious yes I am working on loosing weight, but my shoulders won't get any narrower. I am happy to keep shopping until the right plane comes along and I assure of one thing there won't be any shortage of planes for sale in this economy. Guernsey are you at Gawler? If so I would love to be able to have a look at your aircraft if that was possible one weekend. Hopefully I am flying Friday afternoon. I appreciate the wealth of knowledge available on this site and the help and generosity of the users. I hope one day I know enough to be able to help someone in return. Another good film. Pay It Forward
  4. Can anyone help with any remarks on the Morgan Sierra 100. Looks good on the web site but so do many others. I have read all of the reports I can find so far. Just any reviews or especially personal experiences. Also if anyone would have any ideas on the price of a second hand low hour aircraft. Any comments on the fact of no flaps would also be helpful. Thanks.
  5. Hi Ian, ordered some Nav gear yesterday. Money should be through to your account. Can't wait to start learning.
  6. I once knew a guy that brought a yacht from cairns to Adelaide using a street directory and keeping Australia on the right. Takes all kinds.
  7. Hi Crayonbox, Lovely part of the world up there. My folks live in Harvey Bay. I started flying a Jabiru 170 in April and have just gone solo. I too am trying hard to be nearly finished by November. I watched a trike flying on the weekend and I have to say you couldn't pay me enough money to fly in one. Besides it is way too cold in Adelaide. Good luck and keep posting with your progress. It helps the rest of us realize we all struggle at times.
  8. I only just bought a set of Recreation Australia headphones so I will have to wait a while before I buy any more. Oh well i can always sing to myself with no one to listen to me. LOL Just have to remember not to push the button.
  9. Chris can i be cheeky and ask how much an aircraft like that landed into Aus would set me back? I have looked on the website and it seems very impressive.
  10. I have done a lot of ocean miles and races. I actually love working with charts. I am also a qualified ships master in a previous career. I distinctly remember being in a gale going across to Port Lincoln when all of the electrics on-board failed. We still managed to finish and come second. I first started my navs in 1972 in the Airforce cadets as a pimply little brat and have loved navigating and reading the weather ever since. I have ordered all of my nav tools from Ian today so I now cant wait to get started. I do love playing with Oz Runways though.
  11. Wish I could just use the iPad. LOL
  12. I am about to start my Navs. i love navigation and have been waiting to get to this stage. Can someone tell me what navigation equipment I NEED to buy as opposed to me buying every gadget going. I have a GPS hand held plus Oz Runways on my iPad but they aren't allowed to start with. I will buy everything from Ian I am just not sure what I need,
  13. Welcome. Great wealth of knowledge and help on here.
  14. I doubt I could afford those headphones. LOL
  15. Ok I am going to ask a dumb question. If we are wearing headsets and listening out for radio traffic how can we listen to music while flying. I would love to be able to listen to music and still be safe in the air.
  16. Hi Bushpilot, If someone gets their RA certificate including Passenger and Cross Country endorsements how much more time is needed to convert to GA? I know the medical is also an issue. Thanks. Ps Thanks for your help. I passed my Air Ledge yesterday.
  17. Great video Tomo. Beautiful place. I love the red of the soil in the NT. one day I will fly up that way.
  18. A poor start to a day flighing saw me sit for my Air Ledge exam. Happy to say I passed so now only Nav to do. The rain and low clouds cleared mid day so it was off to do some circuits. The late start meant a very large shortage of aircraft. I did an hour instead of 2 but I am becoming comfortable now doing right hand circuits and a lot more comfortable doing landings in the 170. I was lucky enough to get to go flying in a FK9 later in the afternoon. Very nice comfortable aircraft. Thanks Gary. I have to start clocking up some solo hours now so I can move on to my navs.
  19. Thanks Steve. I am still trying to find out when the bar is open at the Soaring Club. I am flying this Friday afternoon and doing my Air Ledge exam. Then flying again Saturday morning.
  20. I just hope i dont meet up with who ever it was now I am solo. Make a mess on the hood of the 170. LOL
  21. I saw a trike just before and he had come from gawler. I am sure this launched from the hill to the north east of Gawler. Bloody crazy if you ask me. No room for error or fan failure.
  22. Please excuse my ignorance. It was a parachute with a go kart hanging underneath it. I have no idea how best to describe it and I am sure there is a correct term for it. Again excuse my ignorance.
  23. I was at a friends house in Hewit (Gawler) on Sunday. We where in the backyard having a red and enjoying watching the aircraft flying out of Gawler. We heard a motor approaching from the front of his house and flying over the roof. To our horror a trike with a shute flew over the roof and nearly took the tv aerial off. This guy was flying feet above the roof tops. The pilot continued on down into the built up area feet above the houses and at one stage dropped between houses obviously into a park area. I have never seen such a dangerous display of poor airmanship. The guy did a low pass of the houses and then flew off. He did not come from Gawler. He came over the fields from the north. it looked like a brand new shute.
  24. Congratulations it must be just the best feeling. Well done and safe flying.
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