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Everything posted by Compulsion

  1. Is there any maintenance required for Jab Timber props? I know to back off in the rain if caught out.
  2. I used Mr Sheen on my cruisers clears and it was brilliant. Easy to use as well. Are you serious or having a lend?
  3. I think you need to encourage people to take a minute to register. Restrictions might help.
  4. You really need to get out Alan. Maybe you need to help polish my new airplane. LMAO
  5. So now the questions start.What sort of polish should I use on my Jab170.
  6. That leads to a new thread. What polish should I use?
  7. Thanks Gareth. Really feels good. Next thing is to get my certificate and be free.
  8. I actually feel bad now. Just looked and 7314 has been removed from service. A heap of people now can't fly tomorrow. Oh well these things happen. A new 170d was ordered by the club today. Around 8 weeks away.
  9. I bought a Jabiru 170c. I was learning to fly in it now I own it. Not going to make too many people happy as everyone wants to fly that particular aircraft. LOL
  10. Excellent Ian keep up the great work. Now i own an aircraft I will support the shop when ever possible.
  11. Just bought my first aircraft. Cant wait to be allowed to fly it now without an Instructor. LMAO
  12. Well after a very bizarre week of trying to buy 24-7314 Jabiru 170 only to have the sale withdrawn at the last minute I am pleased to say it has now gone ahead. I am the very proud owner of a Jabiru 170. Thank you to everyone that consoled me only 2 days ago. It all worked out in the end.
  13. I agree with Maj. Put more adds on for gear in the shop to jog our memories.
  14. Wasn't sure that I had seen it right the first two times I watched it.
  15. I am keen on Garys Sierra 200. I will keep talking to everyone until i find a plane.
  16. I was just going to message you. I need the number for the guy with the sportstar please.
  17. I am always surprised at how many people are visitors compared to members. It is a free site after all. I think it is great. My only thought is sometimes as a newbie to flying I feel some members jump on you from a great height if you ask a silly question or give an inexperienced comment which makes people like me reluctant to join in. I love the shop and will continue to support you.
  18. Thanks Puddles. Hope to meet a lot of the great people in RA one day at a fly in some where. When I get my certificate and an aircraft I am sure the wold will become a better place. LOL
  19. Well Andy I am sure you are right. I have to say that between Instructors, Flying schools and buying aircraft I am fed up with RA experience. I have decided not to go into detail on a forum but the aircraft I thought I had bought and paid for is no longer and I now need to get my money back. My experience's with RA in SA so far has been appalling.
  20. Dont give up just yet I have hit a snag in buying her. I am waiting to hear from the ASC committee tomorrow.
  21. Just watched the news and it wasn't a Jab. Practicing and lost control they said. I didn't recognize the aircraft. At least the 2 onboard are fine. Aircraft looked bad though.
  22. Please not 7314. At least according to the report everyone is fine. Aircraft can be replaced but people can,t.
  23. Excellent video and a great looking aircraft. You should be proud of her.
  24. Hi Cooperplace, I annoyed everyone at my local airfield and on this site asking question after question. I bought my Jab170 at a great price so that helped. I am a big boy weighing in at 114kg so weight was a big issue. The 170 has a mtow of 600kg. The 160 is only around 540kg and the 230 is 600kg but the usable is a lot less. The 170 has the biggest cockpit of the Jab's. With the 2200 engine and 130 ltrs of fuel the range is good for what I wanted. Most aircraft i cant fill the tanks or I am over mtow with a passenger. There where low wing aircraft I loved but where out of my price bracket. The shell of the Jab is very strong and makes your chances of survival should all go wrong better. I know the big issue is the engine but I have done nearly 20 practice engine failures in the past 3 weeks since going solo so hopefully i can survive. Repairs are easy and parts are available in almost every where in Australia. There are better aircraft but bang for my buck i chose this one. Everyone to their own. Yes i would love a Foxbat but i don't have $100k for a second hand one. Give me six months as an owner and i will see if my list is still valid.
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