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Scotty 1

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Everything posted by Scotty 1

  1. No firm decision yet but the prototype may have a 582 Rotax.
  2. Still only got the small tyres on there Sam but at least you got the boss in the pic. Cheers Scotty
  3. The Wasp is the tricycle plane and the Hornets, (side by side and tandem), Cubs and Bushmans are tail wheelers. I did some training with a full castering nose wheel in another plane and I found that a lot harder to get used to than Ole's tail wheelers. Cheers Scotty
  4. Sam has more money than me so he can afford the big 26" tundra tyres on his. I can only afford the 850x6 tyres. One of the advantages of the big tyres is there is more drag and the plane won't fly so quick, which Sam likes. More time to say "look at me" or I think that's what Sam says. Cheers Scotty.
  5. Not sure of Sam's as he has the bigger tyres but mine will get along at 80knts at 5200 rpm with the 850 tyres. Cheers Scotty
  6. Hi Sam, As you know there is nothing like a standard plane that comes out of Ole's factory. It is a credit to his talents that when we come up with that extra whatever we want in on or about our own jiggers he can work out how to do it and still make the plane do what it is built to do (and well). But it all takes time. What many don' t know (because Ole doesn't blow his own trumpet like some on here) is that he has sent 2 kits to Russia and if they take a likening to them as we all expect he might be even busier. But as you know the work on Project X is well under way. He is off overseas again next week (another tour of the Rotax factory?) but I know when he gets back the Bee Free is on the go again. All metal Drifter, tow plane for hang gliders, property plane, 95-10, affordable, legendary strength, STOL. No wonder we are all interested. Cheers Scotty
  7. I know work on the Bee Free, or project X as I call it is still going ahead although at a slower pace than we would all like due to other jobs in the factory. It would be nice to see Ole spend more time on the development of this project as well as some of his others, but he also has to pay the bills so the paying jobs must take priority. I have told him of all your interest and we hope to get some pics up here soon. Good things come to those who wait. Cheers Scotty
  8. "Life isn't like a bowl of cherries or peaches, it's more like a jar of Jalapenos-- what you do today, might burn your ass tomorrow....."
  9. "Life isn't like a bowl of cherries or peaches, it's more like a jar of Jalapenos-- what you do today, might burn your ass tomorrow....."
  10. A man is alone in an airport lounge bar and a beautiful woman walks in and sits down next to him. He thinks, because of her appearance, she's probably an off-duty flight attendant. So he decides to have a go at picking her up by identifying the airline she flies for, thereby impressing her greatly! He leans across to her and says the British Airways motto : 'To Fly. To Serve'? The woman looks at him blankly. He sits back and thinks up another line. He leans forward again and delivers the Air France motto 'Winning the hearts of the world'? Again, she just stares at him with a slightly puzzled look on her face. Undeterred, he tries again, this time saying the Malaysian Airlines motto: 'Going beyond expectations'? The woman looks at him sternly and says ‘What the f*#K do you want?' 'Aha!' he says, "Jetstar".
  11. I wish, but can't take the credit. It' all true. Trust me. Cheers Scotty
  12. That's why I was thinking of Sam for the leading role. He he he Cheers Scotty
  13. Please spare a thought for the man who told his wife he was going to China on business in the ill-fated Malaysian flight No MH. 370 and now he is stuck in his girlfriend's flat.!
  14. Israel's views of missing MH370?? THE PLOT THICKENS America is withdrawing from Afghanistan, one of their command and control system (used for controlling the pilotless drones) was hijacked by Talebans when the American transport convoy was moving down from one of the hill top bases. The Talebans ambushed the convoy and killed 2 American Seal personnel, seized the equipment/weapons, including the command and control system which weighed about 20 tons and packed into 6 crates. This happened about a month ago in Feb 2014. The Talebans want money. They want to sell the system to Russia or China. The Russians are too busy in Ukraine. The Chinese are hungry for the system's technology. Just imagine if the Chinese master the technology behind the command and control system, all the American drones will become useless. So the Chinese sent 8 top defense scientists to check the system and agreed to pay millions for it. Sometime in early Mar 2014, the 8 scientists and the 6 crates made their way to Malaysia, thinking that it was the best covert way to avoid detection. The cargo was then kept in the Embassy under diplomatic protection. Meanwhile America has engaged assistance of Israeli intelligence, and together they are determined to intercept and recapture the cargo. Chinese calculated that it will be safe to transport it via civilian aircraft so as to avoid suspicion. After all the direct flight from KL to Beijing takes only 4 and half hours, and American will not hijack or harm civilians. So MH370 is the perfect carrier. There are 5 American and Israeli agents onboard who are familiar with Boeing operation. The 2 "Iranians" with stolen passports could be among them. When MH370 is about to leave Malaysian air space and reporting to Vietnamese air control, one American AWAC jammed their signal, disabled the pilot control system and switched over to remote control mode. That was when the plane suddenly lost altitude momentarily. How can AWAC can do it ? Remember 911 incident ? After the 911 incident, all Boeing aircraft (and possibly all Airbus) are installed with remote control system to counter terrorist hijacking. Since then all Boeing can be remote controlled by ground control tower. The same remote control system used to control the pilotless spy aircraft and drones. The 5 American/Israeli agents took over the plane, switched off the transponder and other communication system, changed course and flew westwards. They dare not fly east to Philippines or Guam because the whole South China Sea air space was covered by Chinese surveillance radar and satellite. The Malaysian, Thai and Indian military radars actually detected the unidentified aircraft but did not react professionally. The plane flew over North Sumatra, Anambas, South India and then landed at Maldives (some villagers saw the aircraft landing), refuelled and continued its flight to Diego Gar CIA the American Air Base in the middle of Indian Ocean. The cargo and the black box were removed. The passengers were silenced via natural means, lack of oxygen. They believe only dead people will not talk. The MH370 with dead passengers was air borne again via remote control and crashed into South Indian Ocean, making to believe that the plane eventually ran out of fuel and crashed, then blame the defiant captain and copilot. American has put on a good show. First diverting all the attention and search effort in the South China Sea while the plane made their way to Indian Ocean. Then they came out with conflicting statements and evidence to confuse the world. Australian is the co-actor. The amount of effort put up by China, in terms of the number of search aircraft, ships and satellites, searching first South China Sea, then Malacca Straits and Indian Ocean is unprecedented. This showed that China is very concerned, not so much about the many Chinese civilian passengers, but mainly the high value cargo and its 8 top defense scientists. Don't believe the story ? I don't expect you to but let's wait and see how the episode unveils ? Or perhaps it will never be known until the next Snowden emerges. Cheers Scotty
  15. Also it has been said that a main reason for RAAus to relocate to an airfield is to hold training courses from the one site. If those courses were to include L1 or L2 or even flight instructors courses, would those members that were required to attend those courses be prepared to foot the travel bills or would they expect RAAus to refund the travel expenses. Can't see the folk in WA being happy to foot the bill to travel to the east to attend training courses. Can't see the members being happy to refund those expenses either. Maybe it would be a bit more financialy responsible to take the courses to the members. Is there a need to relocate the office. Some say the rules we have to work under in the ACT are prohibitive, how long before they don't like some other rule (or council) we have to work under if we move and want to move again. Should this be a topic of discussion now or are there other things that need attention before we move to our spiritual home. Maybe we should fix what is broken now and not worry about pipe dreams. Cheers Scotty
  16. No Ozzie, there still are the genuine fly for fun types left in RAAus. It's just the GA wannabes and GA rejects are the most vocal. Could be said it is a bit like buying a block of land next to an airport, knowing of it's operation, and then campaigning to have it closed after you moved in. Cheers Scotty
  17. Heard about the rego Sam, it's all go now. All the best of the season to you and yours, but don't start bragging about what Santa brings you, you got your rego and plane and I don't believe you have been that good you should get any more. Merry Xmas to all, that includes you to Lyle. Scotty
  18. Still not sure what your point is. Your post reads as if you have a problem with either SDQDI or the price of the Hornets
  19. Home is where the heart is gents, sometimes when you open you eyes your just glad to be anywhere. Makes you want another drink to calm the nerves. Enough of this, you'll get me a bad reputation and that will drive me to drink. Going to Taree tomorrow, either of you coming across? Cheers Scotty
  20. All of the above are the reasons I shut my eyes. What I can't see can't scare me. I've also never seen a bad landing. Cheers Scotty Rego back yet Sam.
  21. A couple photos of the Cat at Kempsey on the way down the coast that Jim Hazelton flew out from Portugal. Check this clip out https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cJK8gOpOOHg. Looks like VH CAT might not make it to Rathmines this year. more here http://catalinaflying.org.au/index.htm Cheers Scotty
  22. Could it be the weight that is allowed on the surface of the aerodrome due to pavement strength etc? That is YXXX maximum allowed AUW of 600kg due to surface strength........ultralight ok larger plane if it's weight at the time is only 600kg ok but if at MTOW no. Is this the context you want the definition for Vev? Cheers Scotty
  23. Vev In AIP page 171 AIP Australia 8 MAR 12 GEN 2.2 - 19 Permissible All-Up-Weight: The weight to which an aircraft is limited by virtue of the physical characteristics of an aerodrome. Cheers Scotty
  24. Got my rego renewal a month ago with the standard request for more photos, snapped the pics the next day and emailed back to RAA. I already new what was required because I made a point of knowing(not much has changed). Whether I agree or don't with the rules, them's the rules so I didn't bitch, just followed them. Got an email Monday to say RAA had taken my money for the rego. Today rego was due. Today got my rego card. All good. No problems. Does this mean they have caught up now, or is it just because I made a point of knowing what was required and complied, without bitching, that I had no problems? Cheers Scotty
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