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flying dog

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Everything posted by flying dog

  1. Oh. I guess I am confused and am getting the time I walked around the 225 to when I was at Oshkosh a long time ago then. Oh the fun......... and yes they are a bl%%dy big plane!
  2. OK, I'll ask: Wasn't there an Antanov at Richmond for the "Airofrce 70'th birthday" back in...... when ever? Wasn't there an Antanov at Avalon back in '93? I think it was 93. But around then.
  3. Ok, for all you plane nuts...... I was in the Comm Bank the other day and I saw a QATAR air advert. The plane was either taking off or landing. I didn't pay too much attention, but I looked at the wheels to try and get the make/model.... WTF!!?? What are all those wheels? It was half 767 and half 777, but more! So I scanned the picture, and it is an A350..... 350!!?? Ok, airbus have brought out a new model. But if anyone is near one of said banks soon, try to get a peep at the advert. It is on the monitors and cycles around with other ads. Look at the wheels. Weird.
  4. For all ye of little faith, watch this one then: This takes my original post to a whole new level.
  5. Here is one of his newer ones: Ya gotta love a guy who can BUILD things and actauly use them!
  6. So did you wait until the end and watch some of his other clips? some make that look TAME!
  7. I am not going to say anything. Watch it and you decide: http://hackaday.com/2016/04/28/colin-furze-flies-the-dangerous-skies/ I say 100 points for effort.
  8. Hmmmmm....... Seems I have done a good job in killing this topic. Does anyone think it is reflective of how seriously it is taken? My two (three?) posts were not even CLOSE to things which are happening to me, and by that, I mean the situation is WORSE - and getting worse every ..... (insert time interval here). No, I am really dismayed (spelling?/word?) that honestly at the end of the day, this is EXACTLY what I see. Talk and no real helpful/useful actions taken. It has always puzzled me how people say (after the event) ... "OH, if only I'd known, I would have done something...." That is one of the cheapest cop outs I have heard. If you REALLY care about someone, you do NOT LET IT GET THAT FAR IN THE FIRST PLACE, if you REALLY care about the person. Last part repeated to show the importance of it. And I"m out'a here. us-subscibe button pressed.
  9. No, Neil, you are right. You can't please all the people all the time. How ever, when passing this kinda thing, submitting a theoretical concept and saying that the problems will be worked out in the wash, is a pretty pathetic way of doing things. If that kind of thinking holds, then there are serious problems with how the law works. Oh, yeah, right, sorry. That IS how the law works nowadays. People can get away with airy fairy ideas, make the masses accountable to these ideas but personally can not be held to account. It is called government.
  10. Oh this may be true, but really it is an INSULT to the people suffering. All it is, is the goverment covering their a$$es so they can say "We did our best" and not be held liable. All they offer (and I use that word with caution) is DIS EMPOWERMENT of the person. 1 - they fill you full of drugs, so you become sedate and so easier to control. 2 - if you still hold your ground they try to put you in hospital because they want to take care of you. That is about the most HUMILIATING THING TO HAVE HAPPEN TO YOU. They CLAIM the drugs help. That depends. Although I understand that you, as the sufferer, may need "time out" from what IS an unending battle and the drugs may allow you time to "recharge" your batteries, KEEPING YOU ON THEM is a LIE! All that is doing is covering the alarms and not addressing the causes. That is no way to fix a problem. You are not dealing with the SITUATION you are in. So they put you in hospital to monitor you. Well, that's a joke. Analogy: P: Autopilot in altitude-hold mode produces a 200 feet per minute descent. S: Cannot reproduce problem on ground. So, if you take the person away from things which cause the situation, how are you supposed to work out what it is that is causing the problem? It could be said they want to give you time to "recover" away from the problem, so you can fight it from a better position. Fine in theory, but as I am sure many people will say: Because you run away from the problem, it doesn't mean it will go away. It will be there when you get back, and unless you have been given "tools" to help you deal with the problem then really you are no better off. Just time wasted not fighting and so the problem gets worse in your mind. They will then try to trivialise it and say it won't get worse. That is THEIR OPINION and they are (probably not) qualified to say that. The importance of something is PERSONAL and irrispective of if it is or not, for people to tell you their opinion and say theirs is MORE RIGHT than yours is not a good thing and those people are also probably not qualified to be doing that.
  11. Sorry, but I beg to differ. AFAIK, Lifeline and Mens line are run by vollies mostly. As much as I admire them for doing what they do - I couldn't - their replies are becoming somewhat "stereo typed". Because of the professional detachment they must observe there are limits to what can and can't be said. And really: If at that point in time you are HANGING FROM A THREAD, the last thing you really want to hear are cliche lines. As a kid I had to deal with basically what the people at Lifeline do, but with people who are OLDER than me. And I had to do it OFTEN! It has really screwed me up, maybe not for doing it, but for the distorted perception of reality I now have, and as "easy" as it is to say/accept/claim it is wrong: To me it is reality, and anything else (though usually better) is merely conceptual.
  12. OME, Thanks. This has helped me put together a few things and now it is all making sense! I am sure that a lot of us have heard the expression: "Dog's breath" It isn't nice and it is hard to detect it yourself if you are the sufferer, and then there is that awe full (?) feeling when you first wake up in the morning, and it feels like a dog has $hat in your mouth. I now realise what is going on! I seem to have said black dog getting into my place quite often lately and doing just that. Although from the frequency and the fact that other people know of this black dog, I think there must be a few of them, coz I get visitations quite often lately and they are not fun. (end of attempted humorous entry) However, indulge me folks: When that dog bites - me at least - it is not fun. Maybe this is made worse by the fact I am probably a bite sized person and it could probably only need to take one bite to have all of me. I am still seeing HUGE holes in how society deals with said problem. It is more "You are not allowed to do ......" and have to stay alive because you are needed. But the "by whom" is never really explained. From what I see, it is a class system, where the people who have never met this dog (or its family) dictate to us that we have to give the system money to "keep the system working" only to THEIR advantage. When someone can't take it and ....... goes to the extreme (example the young woman in Sydney this week with her 2 year old daughter) do those people scream and carry on and want more money to "pay for the system" and prevent further occurrences. What a lad of crap! They get the money and PRETEND to do things, but only to the limit of keeping themselves safe and not the people who are ALREADY suffering. They don't want to associate with that kind of person/s. The whole thing is you are told "You are important"...... But it is interesting how when the question is then posed to them: To WHOM am I important that a chilling silence is heard. Sure it is up to the individual to have SELF WORTH, and no one else. But the whole bigger picture doesn't support that, although people claim it doesn't. Instead of people being accepted for who they are, they are made to FIT IN with the things/s which are liked by the majority. Sure that is a sort of tribal mentality and we are "tribal people", but to what end? Instead of accepting people's differences (example: Most people like footy team A and I really don't like footy) then I am not accepted. HELLO! IT IS ONLY A GAME! GET OVER IT! As people who have a quirky interest - like flying - we are allowed to fly, but we are constantly controlled in what we can and can't do. Surprisingly this is sometimes good. We have to go through "extreme" testing and the like before we can fly a plane, but there again: These days kids get these new cars and are let lose on the roads and kill people because they are not really skilled in driving. Maybe soon drivers should go through a sort of HUMAN FACTORS course before they can drive. To add insult to injury, the cars are becoming more and more autonimus (spelling?) so it is starnge that people are allowed to buy them and not really understand what is going on. The car has cruise control so it claims to be easier to drive. Sure, until you fall asleep with the cruise control on and kill more people than if you went to sleep, and the car slowed down because you were not pressing the noise pedal. I have a pack of these black dogs living with me just now. It isn't fun, they take their toll on me and I suffer. NO ONE GIVES A $HIT so long as I am....... "controllable" by those who are in the other class and am not making THEIR life/s any worse. I had better stop now, the dog is back at the door scratching its way through.
  13. Hey Kasper, As the saying goes: If you can walk away from the landing, you did alright. (Slight tangent) I just watched one of the new Air Crash Investigations, and a Fokker taking off had problems. One of the engine's reversers deployed just after take off. They only had about 2 minutes for flight time before they crashed and all killed. When things go wrong, you have to do what you have to do. As others have mentioned: Given the situation the call was not really anything to worry about.
  14. I really need to get back up to speed with all the things happening, but I too would be concerned about voting for a paper with has obvious errors in it. Although society seems to be trending towards the "We'll work on that and fix it later" attitude is not really a good way to set standards on how to behave. Just imagine what would happen if this sort of attitude became more and more popular and governments started to behave like that? Hang on! They have already. Oops.
  15. Woah! So the event happend at Byron Bay, and craft from Coffs Harbour and CAIRNS! were used. Ok, Coffs I can get, but CARINS??!! Wouldn't Melbourne be closer? Sure, if it was me, I would want people looking for me (kinda) but it seems problematic that the need to bring equipment from CARINS to something that happened at Byron Bay.
  16. I must have missed something but I don't understand the last part.
  17. well, as much as I agree with you, I id a bit of digging - That's what dogs do. It would seem "they" (the ones who make the serieis) have decided to have the same episode in two different seasons. From the 'web. http://www.imdb.com/list/ls076920146/ 48. Air Crash Investigation (2003 TV Series) Episode: Blown Apart (????) On 8 September 1989, Partnair Flight 394 drove into the sea between Norway and Denmark, killing 55 people. (60 mins.) And yet when I look at this site: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_Mayday_episodes And scroll down to Season 14, an episode "Side swiped" which is the one I watched this morning is listed. And yet it was actually episode 48. yeah, ok. Nothing you can do. But if anyone else is passionate about the show, there are some serious problems somewhere in either what they claim to be showing and what IS showing, or they are doing repeats of older episodes with new titles.
  18. Ok, maybe it should not be here, but it is to do with accidents. Is anyone else a fan of the show? I am watching the "new" season. 14. This episode is called "silent killer". It is a new episode and so I was keen to watch it. It was about a charter flight from Norawy that crashed. As it goes on, I think to myself: Ive seen this! It is about the plane flying with the APU on over the ocean because one of the engines generator wasnt working. Looking at my dattabase there is an episode called "blown appart". This was from 2003. Am I just too strict on the episodes, or are they just re doing episodes? Oh, I think that this is going on with a few, as I do seem to remember stories from earlier.
  19. Shags, I was meaning YEARS ago for my trip in QLD. I didnt reject FF, I goofed in how to end it. As I was flying from "outback" into a training area, I thought I had to change frequency. As the plane didnt have two radios, I told them I was going to tbe local frequency and thanks for the FF. As far as I knew that was that and I didnt need to contact them when on the ground. Anyway, all said and done, no one "pinged" me for what I did. There are/were no known hard feelings. I learned something. The other one with MLB, well, as I said, I think they were a bit busy, and, hey, I may have been too low for radar contact.
  20. At one time I needed to land on a road multiple times, That doesn't make sense. At ONE time you needed to land on a road MULTIPLE times.... Hmmmmmmm. Irrespective if I have or not, I was meerly (?) pointing out the self evident problem in the original statement. If the situation dictates you need to land, and you - as PIC - have chosen the road, then you have to commit to it. If it is not a good option, then pick a better one. Don't quibble on about "I have and you haven't" and go on about the difficulty. YOU chose to land on the road. NOT ME! Learn from other people's mistakes. You won't live long enough to do them all yourself.
  21. I thought the music was ok. Good choice on the song too!
  22. Ok, maybe a bit too far off, but gee, it is better than that crash over in.......... Where a commercial jet crashed after a couple of aborted landings killing all on board.
  23. Hi. About FLIGHT FOLLOWING. I have used it twice. The first time I was flying back from a cross country in QLD and thought it would be worth trying. the weather wasn't anything special and I don't think I really needed it, but wanted to try it for the sake of learning. I had a transponder and Brissie gave me a number. As I was flying East and was approaching (well sort of) my destination area, and there were clouds in the way, I had to start avoiding them. As they were getting thicker the further east I looked, I had to circle back and descend before the clouds. As I was fairly new/low hours I was concentrating on FLYING and forgot to mention what I was doing before I heard BNE come on the air and ask if I was doing air work. No, I didn't panic, but realised what was going on and why I was being asked. I explained the situation with the clouds and how I was avoiding them. I got below the clouds and resumed the easterly heading. I then was approaching the edge of the training area and so informed BNE that I was entering the area and said I was changing frequencies and to "End flight following". I'm not exactly sure what happened next, but I am sure I didn't just BLINDLY change frequencies. Any way, I landed and all was ok. How ever the CFI mentioned that the lot next door heard BNE "looking for me" and they relayed that I had landed ok. I guess it was my mistake, but as far as I remember, I did tell them to end flight following. The second time I was flying back from...... somewhere (I forget the name of the airport, sorry.) South of Bathurst, North of Wagga. (No not Temora) It was crap weather and I was east bound (again) towards YWOL. MELB was not too busy and so I kindly asked for FF, where I was, and where I was going. MELB came back, no sorry, not now. Or something like that. Alas I didn't get FF. I didn't panic. I just kept flying, but was even more careful about where I went and the choices I made. I got back ok and no hard feelings. I guess at that time FF was not that well "rolled out" and/or they were a bit busy.
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